"I know, thank you, Gu Muxi"

"I didn't expect you to be so considerate, I almost fainted with joy!"

Yi Feng pretended to be weak and about to faint, holding the bathroom door with one hand, and then winked at Gu Muxi

"vomit!"Gu Muxi looked like she was vomiting and glared at him.

"Do you think I am willing? Stop being so arrogant and go take a shower.

Yi Feng smiled cheekily and said,"I know, so stop pretending. I know your thoughts.""

"I will go take a bath and change clothes first, then go and taste it. I will definitely live up to your kindness."

Gu Muxi:"( ̄ェ ̄;)……"

This stinky Feng is really taking advantage of you!

After more than ten minutes, Yi Feng finished washing up and came out of the bathroom, wiping his wet hair.

"Hey, Gu Muxi, I remember that today seems to be Monday, aren't you going to work?" Yi Feng asked curiously

"I've asked for leave, otherwise how could I buy you breakfast and hangover soup?"Gu Muxi rolled his eyes at him.

Yi Feng put the towel on the chair and said with a smile,"Really? I'm very touched."

Coming to the dining table, Yi Feng drank the hangover soup and ate breakfast. He felt much more energetic, but his head still hurt a little. He planned to rest at home for a day.

He walked to the sofa and sat next to Gu Muxi."You started taking university professional courses so soon?"

Yi Feng looked at the book in her hand with some surprise. It turned out to be"Basics of Architectural Drawing and Modeling"》

"Of course, you have to register for school in one month.���, preview it in advance. This was given to me by a senior in the company, and there are many more copies."Gu Muxi said proudly, previewing in advance and reviewing frequently are the study habits she has developed.

"He is indeed a top student, but... Mr. Gu, I have something to ask you."Yi Feng shamelessly moved closer.

Gu Muxi turned her head and glanced at him, and asked:"What's the matter? Tell me. For the sake of your heroic behavior before, you can do it without any hesitation."

"I still have some problems with my head, can you help me to press it?"Yi Feng said, rubbing his head first, with a bitter face

"You are such a hassle. Who told you to drink so much? You deserve it!"

"Lie down by yourself."

Gu Muxi said unhappily.

Yi Feng chuckled, knowing that Gu Muxi was a person with a sharp tongue but a soft heart.

He moved very quickly and lay down on the sofa in one go.

Gu Muxi put down the book and gently rubbed both ends of his temples with both hands.

Yi Feng was so comfortable that he almost made a sound, but he held it back in the end.

"Gu Muxi, my neck feels crooked all the time, it's quite uncomfortable"

"What do you want to do?"

"Can I put my head on your lap?"

"Hey Hey hey! I'm telling you, Stinky Feng, don't push yourself too far!"

"Alas, someone just said that he would not argue, so let me hold my neck straight. It's just that it's easy to stretch the neck muscles. It's okay."

"Forget it, I'm really convinced by you."

Gu Muxi lifted his head, put it on her lap, and continued to help him rub his temples.

Yi Feng suddenly felt a faint fragrance penetrate into his nose, refreshing.

This is the smell of Gu Muxi!

Ahem, Although it feels a bit obscene...but it's really fun!

"Why did you and Wang Tie get drunk last night? What made you so happy?"Gu Muxi asked curiously

"Uh… It’s not a happy thing, it’s just that my best friend was cheated on by someone, and as a brother, I accompanied him to drink to drown his sorrows."Yi Feng said helplessly

"What is cuckolding?"Gu Muxi has never heard of this word before.

"Hey, his girlfriend cheated on him, and he saw it on the spot!"Yi Feng accepted it, and then he roughly recounted what happened last night.

After listening to it, Gu Muxi was stunned,"No way, he could encounter this? This is too ridiculous!"

"I wouldn’t dare to shoot a romantic drama like this!"

"Wang Tie is really pitiful"

"So sad!"

Yi Feng sighed and said:"I hope he will come out of the shadows soon. He is 100% sincere to Xu Xiaoling. It can be said that he almost responds to every request. Whatever he wants to eat or buy, all he spends is his money. Unexpectedly, In the end, this is the result��"

"I really don't know what Xu Xiaoling was thinking. Although Wang Tie is a little naive, he is an honest person. He cheated on her after only being in love for half a month." Gu Muxi shook her head, her words full of contempt.

Yi Feng sneered and said,"The guy who tried to poach her is more handsome than Wang Tie and can talk. Xu Xiaoling must have changed her mind. She didn't have a good reputation in school. I have advised Tiezi before to think it over before making a decision, but he was so determined to pursue her that he got himself hurt. I can't do anything about it."

"Yes, sometimes love is so irresistible."The old man Gu Muxi sighed with emotion.

Yi Feng rolled his eyes at her,"Have you ever been in love? Where did the insight come from? Where did you learn the words?"

"A romantic drama, a dream."Gu Muxi said

"No way, you still want to watch a movie from several years ago?" Yi Feng asked in surprise. Gu Muxi curled her lips and said,"What do you know? I've been collecting novel materials recently and plan to write a martial arts novel myself."

"Martial arts novels? Do you really want to write novels? I advise you that writing novels is a dead end, unless you can get on Tomato. Besides, if you are writing martial arts novels, why would you watch romance dramas?"

"Although martial arts novels mainly talk about grudges in the martial arts world, they also have to have some love between young men and women, otherwise how can the characters be portrayed fully?"

"So? And you watch romantic dramas for inspiration?"

"Of course, this is the most direct way"

"Hey, Gu Muxi, you don’t have to be so troublesome. If you want to date me, I will definitely give you an unforgettable relationship and help you become a god, hehe!"

"Gewuen, get out"


Yi Feng suddenly asked:"Have you decided what story you want to write?"

"Not yet. I'm still revisiting Mr. Jin's classic works recently, so I don't have any ideas yet."

"Then I'll give you an idea. Let's write that the hero is rejected in the beginning and humiliated in public. Then he says"Don't bully the young". Later, he practices martial arts hard, gets various opportunities, and finally succeeds in slapping those people in the face and stands at the top of the world! What do you think of this story?"

"Hmm? It sounds pretty good."

"I've already thought of the title for you, it's called... Breaking the Sky! At a high level, one can directly transform his fighting spirit into a horse, and no one can catch up with him."

"What a weird setting! Mine is a traditional martial arts story, okay? I want to write a story about a chivalrous woman traveling around the world!"

"Female ones? I can't help you. I've only read domineering boss novels, but I haven't read female martial arts novels."

"What is a boss novel?"

Yi Feng sat up, then pushed Gu Muxi on the sofa, and said with a cold face:"Woman, you successfully attracted my attention."

At this time, the two people were very close to each other, and their faces were less than a punch apart.

Gu Muxi was frightened by the sudden bang on the wall, her cheeks turned red immediately, and her heart was beating fast.

"Stinky Feng, you, what do you want to do?!"

"I want to tell you...this is Ba Zong's novel!"

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