Hearing that Lin Can agreed to the invitation so readily, Ma Guozhen also showed a little smile on his face.

At the same time, Cui Yupeng trotted all the way to the two of them, he took a few breaths, then bowed deeply at Lin Can and said, "Professor Lin, I came to invite you to dinner." "

"I've already told Professor Lin just now. "

Ma Guozhen smiled: "Professor Lin has already agreed. "


Hearing this, Cui Yupeng suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Professor Lin, for appreciating your face, I still have some urgent procedures that have not been dealt with just now, so let Captain Ma say hello to you first...... I was worried that it would delay Professor Lin's time, but I was afraid that you wouldn't agree......"

"It must be uncomfortable to be framed by someone, and even stay in the detention room for a while, right?"

Lin Can said: "Now that I have finally cleared my grievances, I can understand this joy and happiness, and I will go to dinner in the evening." "

"Thank you, Professor Lin, then I'll go back and deal with the rest of the formalities first. "

Cui Yupeng looked at Lin Can in front of him with a grateful face, then bowed deeply to Lin Can again, and then left.


Z City.

Pengjin Hotel, box 666.

There were various dishes on the table, and Cui Yupeng, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can were seated one after another.

"Professor Lin, horse team, today's meal is specifically to thank you. "

Cui Yupeng directly poured himself a glass of wine, "This glass of wine is for you, thank you for finding out the real culprit and returning me to innocence." "

After speaking, Cui Yupeng directly drank a full glass of wine.

Then Cui Yupeng toasted Lin Can and Ma Guozhen separately, and they all drank it in one gulp.

"Okay, okay, we don't have to do this, I know how much you drink, and you will probably lie down after a few more drinks. "

Ma Guozhen waved his hand to Cui Yupeng, so that he didn't have to toast anymore.

Cui Yupeng nodded, and then beckoned Ma Guozhen and Lin Can to eat.

"Horse team, Professor Lin, I was able to clear my name this time, thank you very much. "

Cui Yupeng's voice suddenly choked up, "Actually, I just came out of the detention room, and I was really sad when I heard that one of the murderers was actually Brother Lu. "

"I really played with him since I was a child, and it's not too much to say that he was a brother, since he was lonely before, I have always hoped that he can survive this difficult period with his sister-in-law, and I think the future must be bright. "

"It's just that I couldn't have imagined that my promise to my sister-in-law to secretly buy him a house in my name would cause such a misunderstanding. "

Cui Yupeng raised his head, his eyes were full of moist light, "I hurt them......"

"Xiao Cui, don't think like that. "

Ma Guozhen gently patted Cui Yupeng on the shoulder, "No one can predict the future, you were originally kind to help him, it was not your fault." "

"But I ......"

Cui Yupeng wanted to say something, but Lin Can on the side suddenly said: "As a criminal investigator, you have to remember one thing. "

"Everything happens for a reason. "

Lin Can said: "Lu Kongming will kill his wife and frame his brother because of such a misunderstanding, which shows that the problem is not with you." "

"What's the problem?"

Cui Yupeng's eyes were still moist, and there seemed to be a trace of confusion in his deep pupils.

"The problem is ...... We criminal investigators do not have enough deterrence against criminals, and many people who don't understand the law think that the cost of committing a crime is very low, so they will easily choose to commit a crime!"

Lin Can said: "And this is also the meaning of our continuous work, where there is light, there will be darkness, we have no way to completely expel the darkness, so what we have to do is to illuminate as many places as possible." "

"Well said!"

Ma Guozhen on the side applauded directly, "Professor Lin's words are always so profound, teaching and educating. "

Cui Yupeng whispered Lin Can's words softly with a teachable face, and then he stood up and solemnly bowed deeply to Lin Can again.

His tone was solemn and sincere, "Thank you, Professor Lin, I will continue to work the road of criminal investigation as you said, and shine as much darkness as possible!"


Z City.

Van Gogh Apartments.

A ray of morning sun shone from the horizon in the distance.

Lin Can got up from the bed, and then directly opened the curtains, and the bright sunlight suddenly sprinkled the entire room.

Today is the day when the police station will assess his gun qualification certificate, Lin Can also deliberately took a shower, simply blew a handsome hairstyle, and then opened the wardrobe, took out a clean white shirt from it and put it on.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror.

Well...... The appearance has risen again.

Compared with when he first came to this world, his facial features have become more durable, his figure has become stronger and more beautiful, and his eight-pack abs are perfect.

These are supposed to be the effects of stat increases, but they're very useful.

Simply put on a coat, Lin Can left the apartment directly.

When he came downstairs to the waiting area, the old driver's blue taxi was already waiting for him on the side of the road.

"Mr. Lin, today's appearance is very formal and handsome, are you going on a date?"

The old driver asked curiously as he started the vehicle.

"Go for the test. "

Lin Can said: "Drive directly to the door of the city bureau." "


The old driver answered, and then stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

Since the police station was not far from Lin Can's Van Gogh apartment, the old driver also sent him to him with a few feet of accelerator.

Seeing Lin Can get out of the car so quickly, he still had a bit of an unfinished look on his face, "Why is the police station so close and so quick to get to the destination......"

"It's not easy to find a passenger who is willing to take the fast train these days......"

The old driver poked his head out of the car window and waved his hand at Lin Can, "Mr. Lin, if you want to take the car, contact me more, I'm free at any time!"

PS: Ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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