Lin Can waved his hand at him, and then went directly into the police station.

Ma Guozhen stood in the hall early and waited for Lin Can and took him to the examination room.

Lin Can has already understood the content of this assessment in advance, and it is divided into several parts, such as written examination, ideological and psychological interview, and shooting level assessment.

In fact, this is still a simplified assessment process, although the world is not as strict as it used to be in terms of gun bans, but to obtain a formal gun ownership certificate still needs to go through a complex review process.

The first two rounds of written exams and ideological and psychological interviews were too simple for Lin Can, so he passed them easily and directly.

The third round of shooting proficiency tests was held at the police station's indoor shooting range, and everyone except the assessment team and the supervising staff had to wait outside the field temporarily.

Ma Guozhen stood outside the examination room and waited, he didn't know Lin Can's shooting level, but the difficulty of the shooting assessment this time was not too high, so Ma Guozhen was not too worried.

As long as Lin Can understands basic shooting knowledge and has some basic shooting skills, there will generally be no problems.


The door of the examination room was pushed open, and Lin Can walked out of the examination room directly, with a breezy look on his face.

"That's it?"

Ma Guozhen looked at Lin Can with some surprise and said, "It's only been a few minutes...... So fast?"

Lin Can nodded and said, "I have understood these processes in advance, so the operation is relatively fast." "

"Then even if this assessment is over, as long as the results are qualified, and after the approval of the provincial department, Professor Lin, your gun certificate can be issued smoothly. "

Ma Guozhen glanced at the time on his watch and said, "It just so happens that it's time for dinner, let's go out for a meal, I have a relative who opened a restaurant on Heyang Road, saying that let's go over and try the craft." "

Lin Can nodded, and then left the police station with Ma Guozhen.


Z City.

A black modern sedan drove smoothly on the road.

"Since Professor Lin came to our city bureau, the crime rate in the city has been much lower these days. "

Ma Guozhen said with a smile while driving the car: "In previous years, I basically worked on important cases for three hundred and sixty-five days, almost every day, and there were no holidays. "

"I'm really a little uncomfortable when I'm suddenly idle for a while. "

Ma Guozhen said with a smile: "Maybe I'm born to work hard." "

Lin Can sat in the co-pilot, looking at the rapidly changing scenery outside the window, "Isn't this exactly the result we want to see?"

"yes. "

Ma Guozhen nodded and said, "It just so happens that I am free for this time, I will take Professor Lin to you to walk around our city more often, we still have a lot of fun here." "

Lin Can answered, he looked at the scenery outside the window, and then glanced at the rearview mirror on the right.

A blue mini-to-medium van was rapidly approaching them from behind.

Lin Can frowned, he carefully stared at the trajectory of the truck, and then immediately shouted at Ma Guozhen: "Hit the reverse plate to the left, immediately!"

Ma Guozhen also saw the truck behind him, and he quickly hit the steering wheel to the left side, and at the same time slammed the accelerator under his feet to speed up.


The truck behind him brushed past the sedan driven by Ma Guozhen at a very high speed!


Ma Guozhen breathed a long sigh of relief.

What a shot just now!

If he had played a second late, he would have been rear-ended by the truck.

Compared with the truck, the car he drove is too fragile, and once it is rear-ended, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"The truck driver must have been driving fatigue or drunk driving, and he couldn't even control the direction. "

Lin Can said: "Intercept him immediately, otherwise he will be a huge danger on this road!"


Ma Guozhen immediately answered, he immediately took out the warning light from the car and started it, and installed it on the roof of the car, and the loud siren immediately sounded on the street.

Seeing this, vehicles on both sides of the road avoided it.

Ma Guozhen then dialed the command center through the car phone.

"Report to the command center, my current location is in the middle of Ziwei Road, a blue medium and small truck has signs of dangerous driving, the license plate number is XXXXXX, please immediately dispatch nearby police forces to intercept at the intersection. "

Ma Guozhen repeated: "I repeat, the location is in the middle of Ziwei Road, a blue small and medium-sized truck with a license plate number of XXXXXX, please immediately dispatch nearby police support!"

"The command center received it, and the support arrived immediately. "

After hanging up the phone, Ma Guozhen immediately looked at the high-speed truck in front of him with a serious expression, he stepped on the accelerator, and the sedan also accelerated, following behind the truck.

Ma Guozhen honked his horn and flashed his lights at the back of the truck.

"Nothing ...... this happens"

Ma Guozhen said with an ugly face: "This driver shouldn't really fall asleep in broad daylight, right?"

"You continue to accelerate to the left side by side of the van and move closer to it, and I'll find a way to wake up the driver. "

Lin Can, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said.

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen glanced at Lin Can and nodded, and then he stepped on the accelerator again, and the Hyundai sedan increased its speed again and slowly approached the truck.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can both looked towards the cockpit of the truck together, only to see the driver's hand on the steering wheel, but his head was tilted to the side, his mouth was slightly open, and he was obviously about to fall asleep.

"He can sleep on the road in the middle of the day, he really has a big heart...... Don't you want to die?"

Ma Guozhen honked his horn frantically with a solemn face, but the truck driver still did not react.

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