On Ziwei Avenue, a sedan with flashing warning lights and a siren and a truck were moving side by side at high speed, and vehicles on both sides of the road quickly avoided to both sides.

Many drivers stopped on the side of the road with the engine turned off, and their faces were full of surprise as they looked at the two cars chasing side by side along the way.

"What...... Is this a movie? I don't see a photographer's car following me?"

"Could it be that J Cha is chasing the criminals, it feels so dangerous...... It turns out that these criminal police really have to face such a dangerous situation when they arrest criminals!"

"I just saw the truck in the rearview mirror and it drove crookedly, I guess I was too tired to fall asleep...... If he continues like this, it is estimated that something will happen!"

"It was a little scary...... Fortunately, I reacted quickly and avoided it, otherwise the truck would have blown my car away!"


On the other side, Lin Can rolled down the co-pilot's window, and then directly activated the Eagle Eye.

With the action of throwing the knife, Hawkeye turned into a flying knife and directly smashed the cockpit window of the truck.

With a clang, the glass shards of the truck window splashed everywhere, and the huge sound of breaking windows finally woke up the driver inside.

He glanced ahead in some confusion, and when he saw the situation around him, his whole body shook for a moment, and then he finally realized the danger of his current situation.

Seeing that the driver was finally woken up, Ma Guozhen breathed a sigh of relief.

If the driver keeps driving like this until the next intersection, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Slow down and pull over!"

Lin Can used the Eagle Eye megaphone function to shout directly at the driver in the cockpit.

Hearing this, the driver stepped on the brakes in a panic, and the car slowed down sharply, and then slowly stopped on the side of the road.


Ma Guozhen also stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped steadily on the side of the road.

The two opened the door and walked straight towards the van.

At the same time, the nearby police forces also drove police cars and police motorcycles one after another, exchanged a few words with Ma Guozhen, and after confirming that there was no accident, they continued to go to the vicinity on duty.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen came to the blue minivan together, and the driver was sitting in the driver's seat with a sweaty face, as if he was a little frightened.

The driver looked like a young man in his twenties, with a messy non-mainstream long haircut, and narrow eyeliner at the corners of his eyes, which looked full of yin.

"We're J Cha from the City Bureau, and we're scared by the situation just now?"

Ma Guozhen showed his ID and said in a cold tone: "Do you know what you did? On such a high-traffic expressway, you dare to fall asleep! Are you drinking?"

"I didn't ...... No. "

The young driver shook his head and said, "I...... It's just a little sleepy...... I squinted for a moment. "

"You just squinted for a while?

Ma Guozhen said coldly: "I just honked the horn in the back for a long time, and you didn't see the light flashing at you so many times, what kind of sleep did you have!"

"Sorry...... I'm so sleepy. "

The young driver said: "I didn't sleep well all night last night......

"Then you don't have a good rest and stay at home, and dare to drive on the road?"

Ma Guozhen knocked on the door of the carriage: "Take out your ID card and driver's license, and we will do an alcohol test for you later." "

The young driver nodded, he tidied up his clothes, opened the storage compartment in the cockpit with a little trembling arms, took out his ID card from it, and handed it to Ma Guozhen outside.

Ma Guozhen took the document handed by the young driver, which showed that the young driver's name was Jin Haoxuan, who was 25 years old this year.

After checking Jin Haoxuan's documents for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ma Guozhen ordered the traffic police who came to do a breathalyzer test for him.

"Blow on the instrument. "

Ma Guozhen said to Jin Haoxuan.

Jin Haoxuan nodded, then poked his head out of the broken car window and blew on the instrument.

"Open the door and come down and blow down. "

Ma Guozhen frowned and said, "Don't you look at what this glass has broken into, there are sharp shards everywhere, and it will cut your face in a while." "

"It's okay...... I didn't bother to move. "

Jin Haoxuan said with an embarrassed smile: "Just blow it in the car." "

Lin Can on the side noticed Jin Haoxuan's abnormality, he directly glanced into the cockpit for a while, and then walked to the co-pilot window on the other side and looked at Jin Haoxuan carefully for a while.

Jin Haoxuan was obviously covered with a coat, and through that coat, Lin Can suddenly saw that there were a few drops of blood on his gray shirt!

Although Jin Haoxuan has been trying to cover it with clothes, he can't stand Lin Can's observation from various angles.

"Get out of the car!"

Lin Can's tone also became cold.


Jin Haoxuan said with an ugly face.

"Do you think we're joking with you?"

Ma Guozhen on the side also came to Lin Can's side, and also saw the blood stains on Jin Haoxuan's body, he took out a pistol directly from his waist, pointed at Jin Haoxuan with a vigilant face, and said, "I order you now, get out of the car immediately and be checked!"

"Row ......"

Jin Haoxuan directly raised his hands, "You have something to say, okay, how scary it is to take out a gun at every turn......

He opened the driver's door and got straight out of the car.

Lin Can directly ripped off the coat he tied to his body, and there was a splash of blood on his gray shirt.

Ma Guozhen pushed Jin Haoxuan to the side of the road, "Hold your head in your hands and squat!"

Jin Haoxuan also looked very cooperative, and squatted directly on the side of the road with his head in his hands.

Compared to before, the nervous look on his face disappeared, he raised his head and looked at Ma Guozhen and Lin Can in front of him, and his tone was a little playful, "I said two police officers...... As for all the fuss...... I didn't have a knife or a gun on me......"

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