"Didn't let you speak!"

Ma Guozhen scolded coldly, and then immediately searched Jin Haoxuan's body carefully.

After making sure that Jin Haoxuan didn't have any controlled knives or firearms on him, Ma Guozhen let him stand up, and at the same time asked extremely seriously and coldly: "Explain, how did the blood stains on your body come from?"

"What do you say......"

Jin Haoxuan shrugged his nose and smiled, and said with an indifferent look: "I don't know either...... I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I've been in a daze all day today, maybe some animal blood has spilled on me......"

"You don't have to giggle around here!"

Ma Guozhen's face became more and more cold, "You still don't know the seriousness of the situation, do you?"

"How serious?"

Jin Haoxuan still looked indifferent, he didn't have the smell of alcohol on his body, but his expression and movements seemed to be drunk when he spoke, "Or police officer, guess what kind of blood this is?"

"Why does this guy talk weirdly?"

Ma Guozhen's brows furrowed deeper, and he turned his head to the traffic police on the side and said, "Give him a breathalyzer test." "

The police officer won, and then immediately took the instrument to Jin Haoxuan to do a test.

Jin Haoxuan was also very cooperative, and he didn't have any intention of resisting or deliberately playing tricks to dodge.

After several blow-off tests, the alcohol content on the instrument is displayed as 0.

"Didn't drink?"

Ma Guozhen raised his head and glanced at Jin Haoxuan, "Then why do you say incoherent?"

"He sucked. "

Lin Can on the side came to Jin Haoxuan, and then directly rolled up his sleeves.

I saw that Jin Haoxuan's slender arm was densely packed with needle eyes along the veins.

"Good fellow...... It's all up to the point of intravenous injection?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and looked at Jin Haoxuan and said, "You are committing suicide slowly, do you know?"


Jin Haoxuan still looked like he was going to die, looking at Ma Guozhen and Lin Can with an indifferent expression, "That's also my business." "

"Go and search his car to see if there is any hidden dubby. "

Ma Guozhen commanded at the police officer on the side.


The officer immediately answered.

Several police officers immediately took a closer look at Jin Haoxuan's car, and then a police officer came to Ma Guozhen and Lin Can with a small bag of Du products.

"Report to the horse team and find this small bag of hyain in his car, about 5 grams. "

The officer reported.

Ma Guozhen nodded, then turned his head and glanced at Jin Haoxuan beside him, "Let's take him back to the police station first." "


The police officer answered, and then immediately escorted Jin Haoxuan into the police car.

Ma Guozhen returned to the car with Lin Can.

"I'm sorry, Professor Lin, it looks like we won't be able to eat this lunch for the time being. "

Ma Guozhen said apologetically: "I have to deal with this Jin Haoxuan first." "

"Of course, the facts of the case are important, go back to interrogate him first, and see what the specific situation is. "

Lin Can said.

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then started the vehicle directly, "Fortunately, Professor Lin, you have a keen eye, and you can see at a glance that he has sucked du." "

"When he was in the car before, he probably had his hands in his sleeves, and he looked weird and in a trance, and I smelled something unusual in the car. "

Lin Can said: "Since he didn't drink, there is a high probability that he is sucking." "

Ma Guozhen nodded, he just looked at the blood stains on Jin Haoxuan's body, and whether he was carrying a murder weapon, as for whether he had signs of sucking, he really didn't have time to pay attention to this.

Without further words, Ma Guozhen drove the vehicle directly back to the police station with Lin Can.


Police station.

Interrogation room.

Jin Haoxuan sat on the iron chair, his hands completely cuffed.

The bloody shirt on his body had been replaced, and he was wearing a regular long-sleeved shirt that he had bought improvised.

Jin Haoxuan glanced around a little boredly, and his narrow eyes with black eyeliner looked more and more gloomy.

There was a thud, and the door to the interrogation room opened.

The interrogator walked in and sat directly opposite Jin Haoxuan with a pen and paper.


"Jin Haoxuan. "


"Twenty-six. "


"Male. "

After answering this question, Jin Haoxuan said with some impatience: "What kind of questions did I say you asked...... It's boring, isn't it?"

"You just have to answer!"

The interrogator said coldly: "We have already taken that bloody shirt of yours for testing, you had better tell the truth about the source of the blood stains on it!"

"Yo roar, it's so powerful, then you can't test the results directly, and it's over. "

Jin Haoxuan shrugged and said, "What are you talking to me about here?"

"Pay attention to your attitude. "

The interrogator accentuated, "You are now facing a major suspicion of committing a crime, and continuing to maintain this uncooperative attitude will only put yourself in a worse position." "

"What a big official...... I'm so scared......"

Jin Haoxuan pretended to be trembling, and then smiled treacherously, "How about this attitude?

In the interrogation monitoring room, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen stood in front of the monitoring screen together, looking at the situation in the interrogation room.

The door to the surveillance room opened, and a police officer walked in with a stack of documents.

He saluted Ma Guozhen and Lin Can, and then handed them the documents and said, "Jin Haoxuan's urine test results are out, he did inhale hyanine in the form of injections a few hours ago. "

"Okay, I see. "

Ma Guozhen looked at the test report in hand, and then continued to ask the police officer: "Where is the blood stain test report on Jin Haoxuan's clothes?

"Not yet. "

The police officer shook his head and said, "But it should come out soon, and the colleagues in the laboratory department are expediting the test." "

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