"Okay, I see. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then followed Lin Can to continue to look at the situation in the interrogation room.

Jin Haoxuan in the interrogation room still looked extremely uncooperative, and the interrogator continued patiently: "Jin Haoxuan, you'd better not continue to delay time. "

"Our colleagues in the laboratory department are already expediting the test, and if you can take the initiative to explain, you may be able to take it lightly. "

The interrogator asked, "Tell me, whose blood is on your body?"

"Do you really want me to say it?"

Jin Haoxuan's expression suddenly became very strange.

He stared at the interrogator in front of him, his eyes so strange that they made people's hearts go straight to the hair.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you. "

Jin Haoxuan suddenly laughed, "This is the blood of a woman named Deng Jinyuan. "

The interrogator on the opposite side didn't expect that Jin Haoxuan, who had been constantly going around in circles with him, suddenly confessed such important information.

He was stunned for a moment, and was just about to speak, when Lin Can's voice came from the earphones, "Give him the paper and ask him to write down the name he just said." "

The interrogator immediately tore a piece of paper from his notebook, then picked up a black carbon pen and handed it to Jin Haoxuan.

Because Jin Haoxuan's wrist was cuffed and he couldn't move flexibly, the interrogator put down the paper and let him write it directly on his hand.

Then the interrogator immediately accurately informed Ma Guozhen, Lin Can and others of the name in his hand through the wireless walkie-talkie.

In the interrogation monitoring room, Ma Guozhen immediately said to the police officer next to him: "Immediately investigate the information and whereabouts of this Deng Jinyuan!"


The police officer next to him immediately responded.

In the interrogation room, after the interrogator calmed down, he continued to ask Jin Haoxuan, "Why do you have the blood of this woman named Deng Jinyuan on your body?

"I killed her. "

Jin Haoxuan grinned, his smile was incomparably penetrating, "I smashed her head with a hammer, and her blood splashed on my shirt." "

Seeing that Jin Haoxuan on the other side was so excited to say his extremely bad criminal behavior, the interrogator was stunned again.

Although he came into contact with all kinds of criminals throughout the year during the interrogation, it is indeed very rare to see such an upright and bold criminal.

Not only was he not afraid that his murderous deeds would be exposed, but he even took the initiative to confess all this to the police, as if he was very proud!

Could there be something wrong with the young man on the other side?

In the interrogation monitoring room, the police officers, including Ma Guozhen, were extremely solemn.

This Jin Haoxuan actually took the initiative to admit that he had killed someone!

The Jin Haoxuan in front of him didn't seem to have any fear, as if he was telling about an extremely ordinary and normal thing.

Such people are more than ordinary criminals...... Even more terrifying!

Because his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary criminals!

Lin Can looked at the situation in the interrogation room, and then said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Let the interrogator inside come out, let's go in and interrogate him together." "

"Good. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then immediately ordered the police officers on the side.


The door of the interrogation room opened again, the previous interrogator packed up his things and left, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen walked into the interrogation room together.

"Yo, aren't these the two comrades who arrested me before? "

Jin Haoxuan said with a smile on his face: "Did you listen to me say such a great thing, so you want to come and find out more? If the case is solved...... I'm afraid you're going to make a big deal again, aren't you?"

"You just said that you killed the woman named Deng Jinyuan with a hammer. "

Lin Can looked at some of the information in the notebook, then looked up at Jin Haoxuan and said, "What time, what place?"

"Time...... It must have been this morning, it wasn't dawn yet, and I don't remember what time it was. "

Jin Haoxuan shrugged and said, "If you want to be in the location...... Anyway, I don't know that place, anyway, there are a lot of houses like this......"

"Don't confuse the public here with these analogue words!"

Ma Guozhen said coldly: "This is the police station, every word you say will be recorded, and it may become evidence in court, so you better be responsible for what you say!"

"Responsible, I speak very responsibly, and nothing I said before was casual nonsense. "

Jin Haoxuan said: "It's just that I really don't know the exact time and place, believe it or not." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen's face suddenly sank.

Jin Haoxuan on the opposite side looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and his words were unpredictable.

However, at present, there is only one side of Jin Haoxuan's words, and they do not have any evidence to accuse Jin Haoxuan of indeed killing someone.

Ma Guozhen even needs to rely on Jin Haoxuan to take the initiative to confess other clues and evidence, so there is really no good way to deal with him for a while.

"What was your motive for killing Deng Jinyuan?"

Lin Can looked into Jin Haoxuan's eyes and said slowly.


Jin Haoxuan suddenly sneered, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Can in front of him, and said, "I don't need a reason to kill, if I don't like you that day, then maybe you need to be careful...... Maybe...... You're going to die, too!"

"This kind of thing...... You can't. "

Lin Can's face was still calm.

"Really? I'd love to try it. "

Jin Haoxuan looked at Lin Can in front of him with sharp eyes, and after staring at it for several times, the sharp feeling suddenly dissipated, and his face turned into a smile and said: "I lied to you, I am now being tortured here by you, just to brag." "

At the same time, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen's headphones both heard the voice of the police officer's report.

"Captain Ma, Professor Lin, we have just found out the identity of this Deng Jinyuan, she is an assembly worker in a suburban electronics factory, she just turned twenty-five years old this year, and she disappeared a week ago. "

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