Hearing the news, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen's faces became more and more solemn.

This means what Jin Haoxuan just said...... It could be true!

"Did your police officer tell you about the woman's disappearance?"

Jin Haoxuan squinted his eyes and said, "I know you can find out whose blood stains on my shirt are, so I just confessed myself, am I very happy?"

Lin Can stared straight at Jin Haoxuan in front of him, the other party's psychological quality was indeed extraordinary.

From being in the van to being interrogated in the interrogation room, his facial emotions and physical reactions changed in a variety of ways.

From the nervousness and trembling at the beginning, to the indifference later, to the treacherous, arrogant, cold, and playful in the back......

He is deliberately using these different and exaggerated expressions and body movements to disguise his true state.

He couldn't make an accurate judgment on Jin Haoxuan simply by his every move.

And Jin Haoxuan's insight is also quite amazing, Ma Guozhen, who was beside him just now, only changed his face slightly, he had already expected that Ma Guozhen heard the news of Deng Jinyuan's disappearance.

This person...... Truly extraordinary!

However, this also made Lin Can slightly more interested in Jin Haoxuan in front of him, the stronger the other party became, the stronger Lin Can's desire to fight would be.

But in any case, there will only be one kind of final outcome, that is, the truth is revealed, and the criminals are punished.

No matter what kind of criminals you face, you ...... Never lose!

"The van you drove earlier...... It's not yours, is it?"

Lin Can suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Jin Haoxuan's eyelids on the other side jumped, but he quickly covered up with a smile, "Yes, that car is indeed not mine, your police are very fast, so quickly found out?"

"No, our police are still investigating the information of your truck, but when I got out of the car, I found that you were not familiar with the truck at all, and you even looked for the location of the door buckle several times. "

Lin Can said: "And when you looked for your documents from the car, I found that you put your documents in the mezzanine next to the storage box, which is not a good place to put things, and it is easy to fall down, which means that you don't have the key to the glove box at all." "

"Yike...... It's amazing, through such small details, I can tell that the car is not mine. "

Jin Haoxuan gave Lin Can a thumbs up and said, "It's worthy of Professor Lin, I always saw you on the Internet news before, saying that you have solved several important cases, and you have caught some heinous serial murderers, which is amazing!"

"But...... Since you're so good, guess what...... Whose car does it belong to?"

Jin Haoxuan said with a smile: "There is a reward for guessing correctly!"

"Xiyang Road, a lot of supermarket suppliers. "

Lin Can said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, the smile on Jin Haoxuan's face slowly converged, and he looked at Lin Can in front of him coldly, "How do you know?"

Lin Can said: "There are a lot of supermarket supply lists in the cracks on the side of the cockpit door, and there are pulleys, iron plates, and thick ropes behind the truck, which are only used for loading and unloading. "

"Amazing, it seems that the rumors on the Internet are not fake, and your name is really not blown. "

Jin Haoxuan's eyes when he looked at Lin Can began to become a little vigilant, "I'm a man who speaks, since you really guessed it, then I'll tell you a very important thing as a reward." "

"What's the matter?"

Ma Guozhen on the side had a solemn face.

"The owner of that truck is called He Prosperity. "

Jin Haoxuan said: "He...... I also killed him, just half a month ago, I split his head with an axe, tsk...... Have you ever chopped firewood? Actually, it's like that, and you ...... down with an axe."


Ma Guozhen's tone was cold, "You don't need to describe the feelings of the crime, you just tell the time, place, details, and motive for the crime!"

"Time is the word...... I just said it, it was half a month ago, and the location was ...... I'm sorry, I'm always confused. "

Jin Haoxuan touched his head and said, "I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I'm afraid I can't remember it today, and there are details of the case or something...... It should take some time to remember. "

"And what about their corpses?"

Ma Guozhen asked, "Where did you hide the body?"

"I don't even remember where I killed someone...... How can I remember where to hide. "

Jin Haoxuan said with a helpless look: "Comrade police officer...... You remember that it is better for me to be fed during this period of detention, after all...... Memory is such a thing, only when you are full can you have the strength to recall. "

"By the way, I like to drink Longjing tea from P City next door, if you get it for me, maybe I'll remember something?"

Jin Haoxuan winked at Ma Guozhen and said, "Captain Ma, you are so powerful, you must be able to get it, right?"

"Alright. "

Lin Can got up directly and said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "You don't need to ask him for the time being, he won't tell the exact location of the crime." "

Jin Haoxuan immediately put his sharp gaze on Lin Can, but he instantly retracted it, and he said with a harmless face: "Professor Lin, there is no need to be like this, I really just forgot about it for a while......"

"Then you can remember here first. "

Lin Can said: "Of course, we will also find a way to find out more information and slowly help you remember." "

"I couldn't be more grateful. "

The corners of Jin Haoxuan's mouth twitched slightly, "Killing people pays for life, it's a matter of course, how can I not remember anything if I have done this kind of thing! Then trouble Professor Lin, I must find out some clues, maybe I will recall faster!"

Lin Can glanced at Jin Haoxuan, and then left the interrogation room with Lin Can.

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