Back in the interrogation monitoring room, Ma Guozhen immediately notified the police to sample Jin Haoxuan's identity information.

After the police officer answered, he entered the interrogation room with the corresponding toolbox.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can looked at Jin Haoxuan in the surveillance screen together.

The police were collecting blood samples, fingerprints, and mouth swabs from him, while Jin Haoxuan looked indifferent, his eyes glancing around.

"This man is very guarded. "

Lin Can suddenly spoke: "And he is very good at hiding his emotions, he should have learned Xi deliberately." "

Ma Guozhen sighed and said, "It seems that this will be a very difficult case again." "

"Not necessarily. "

Lin Can looked at Jin Haoxuan in the surveillance, and then left the interrogation monitoring room directly.


Police station, captain's office.

Ma Guozhen sat at his desk and looked at the pile of materials at hand.

"What does this Jin Haoxuan want to do?"

Ma Guozhen said with a heavy face: "He took the initiative to confess that he killed someone, but he refused to explain the location of the crime, does he want to trick us?"

"He really wanted to provoke us. "

Lin Can said: "Based on his unilateral confession, we can't find the whereabouts of the missing person, we can't be sure whether he really killed someone, and we can't convict him." "

"If he really killed someone and we can't find evidence to let him go, he will be even more brazen in the future. "

Lin Can said: "And in the future, the procuratorate will not easily agree to Jin Haoxuan's arrest application, which is also his purpose in provoking us." "


Ma Guozhen's face became more and more heavy, "This guy is very insidious...... But fortunately, we can still detain him on the grounds of compulsory abstinence, but we don't have much time, and we must find the corresponding evidence as soon as possible. "

Lin Can nodded, and then continued to look at Jin Haoxuan's information.

"This Jin Haoxuan...... Not a local?"

Lin Can looked at Jin Haoxuan's details, "He doesn't have any real estate in City Z...... Then he must have rented a house somewhere. "

"If he really kills someone, then there must be work such as throwing the body, and then there must be some traces. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Find a way to investigate his address of residence!"

"Understood. "

Ma Guozhen nodded.

Lin Can continued to look at Jin Haoxuan's information, which showed that Jin Haoxuan had a criminal record, and he was imprisoned for several years for intentionally hurting people six years ago, and he was not released until more than half a year ago.

"This Jin Haoxuan is really dead!"

Ma Guozhen also saw Jin Haoxuan's case record, "It seems that he didn't do a good job of reforming in prison, and after he came out, he was sucking du and committing a crime, if we find conclusive evidence of his murder this time, he won't want to get out of prison!"

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ma Guozhen said directly.

The office door opened, and a police officer walked into the office, saluted the two, and then said cautiously, "Horse team...... There are two messages...... Good news, bad news......"

"Let's start with the bad news. "

Ma Guozhen said.

The police officer quietly glanced at Ma Guozhen's face, and said in a slight voice: "There are already media reports on Jin Haoxuan on the Internet just now......

"What did you say?"

Ma Guozhen's face suddenly sank, he slammed the desk, and the water cup on the table trembled slightly, "Who stepped on the code to leak the news!"

The police officer turned on his mobile phone and showed a report to the two people in front of him: "I don't know...... It must have been too much of a movement when we arrested Kim Haoxuan on the highway, and some media added fuel to the speculation and then reported it......"

"Deal with it immediately, so that these media do not take unsubstantiated speculation as news release, otherwise they will need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility!"

Ma Guozhen said sharply: "If the case is revealed, I will ask you!"


The officer immediately answered.

"It's so unsettling!"

Ma Guozhen covered his head, looking like he had a headache.

"What about the other news?"

Lin Can on the side asked.

The police officer immediately pulled out a small evidence bag from his body, which contained a bunch of keys.

"This was found from the mezzanine of Jin Haoxuan's clothes, the mezzanine of his clothes was sewn by himself, which was particularly hidden, and we really didn't notice ...... at first. "

The officer said: "His full fingerprints were extracted from the key, and he should use this set of keys regularly." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can were both eye-catching.

Lin Can picked up the evidence bag containing the keys, and there was a large number of keys inside, and he counted them briefly, there were a total of eight keys.

"Alright, you can deal with the news first. "

Ma Guozhen waved his hand at the officer.

The officer nodded in response, and then walked briskly out of the office.

Lin Can put on his gloves and took out the key inside to observe it carefully.

Ma Guozhen frowned and said, "Why did Jin Haoxuan bring so many keys with him?"

"These keys are not the same style and type, and they are obviously not the keys in the same house. "

Lin Can squinted his eyes and analyzed: "If these keys are all his, it means that there may be more than one place for him to live." "

Ma Guozhen nodded thoughtfully, "Jin Haoxuan is not a local in the first place, if there are many residences, this will be the case...... It's much more difficult for us to troubleshoot. "

Lin Can took off his gloves, and then asked Ma Guozhen, "Where are the details of the two missing people?"

Ma Guozhen immediately flipped through the information on the table, then found a few pieces of information and handed them to Lin Can on the side, "The information of the two people is all here." "

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