Lin Can immediately picked up the information and looked at it, the information showed that Deng Jinyuan, 25 years old this year, from M City next door, dropped out of school eight years ago and came to Z City to work, and is currently working as an assembly line worker in an electronics factory in the suburbs, unmarried, and his home address is No. 28 Susong Road.

Another man, He Fanfang, is 32 years old Chinese New Year's Eve, a native of Z City, who works as a supply driver in many supermarkets, is married, and his home address is No. 66 Magang Road.

Lin Can looked at these two documents, and then said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Take a map of Z City." "

Ma Guozhen nodded, then immediately opened the drawer, took out a map from it and handed it to Lin Can.

Lin Can took the map and circled the home addresses of the two missing people.

"The home addresses of the two missing people are a little too far apart. "

Ma Guozhen looked at the two circles on the map and said: "One lives in the west of the city, and the other is about to live in the east of the city...... Is the disappearance of the two of them really related to Jin Haoxuan?"

"Let's go to the missing person's home first. "

Lin Can put away the map and said, "Let's go to Deng Jinyuan's house on Susong Road first, her home address is closer to us." "

"You remember to call a few police officers for trace inspection, and go to Deng Jinyuan's house to collect hair and the like later, so that they can do DNA testing. "

Lin Can said: "Bring a police officer who can pick the lock with me, Deng Jinyuan came from other places to work, and the house is also rented, so there may not be anyone at home." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen answered, and then immediately left the police station with Lin Can.


Z City.

Susong Road, a shantytown dwelling.

A Hyundai sedan drove slowly to the entrance of the shantytown, and because the road inside was narrow and in poor condition, Ma Guozhen parked the car directly in the open field.

A police car was parked behind it, and the trace inspection team and the police officers in charge of unlocking got out of the car one after another.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen got out of the car together, greeted the police officer behind them, and then everyone walked towards Deng Jinyuan's address together.

Lined with old shanty houses, the road under your feet is potholed and wet, and every now and then a hollow brick is stepped on, splashing a cloud of sewage.

When I came to Deng Jinyuan's address, I was greeted by a rusty iron door, the walls next to the door were full of dirt, and some damp places were even covered with thick moss.

Ma Guozhen carefully looked at the house number for a while, and after making sure that there was no mistake, the two knocked on the door directly.

No one opened the door in the room, but there seemed to be the sound of soft footsteps inside.

"Is there anyone in there? Open the door for us. "

Ma Guozhen shouted into the room, then knocked on the door again.

"You ...... Who is it?"

A timid girl's voice came from the room, and her voice was a little weak.

"Deng Jinyuan has a child?"

Ma Guozhen's face was stunned, "Isn't she unmarried?"

"Maybe it's a neighbor's child, or a child born out of wedlock. "

Lin Can said: "Otherwise, Deng Jinyuan would not have lived in this city alone for so many years......

"We are Uncle J Cha. "

Ma Guozhen immediately approached the iron door and said inside: "Children, open the door for us." "

"I ...... Can't open. "

A faint child's voice came from the room again, "Mommy went out to work, and she locked the door." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen couldn't help but glance at Lin Can on the side with some admiration.

Fortunately, Lin Can had thought about everything in advance, otherwise they would have to call the police officer who opened the lock temporarily.

Ma Guozhen beckoned to Song Bing, the police officer in charge of unlocking, and Song Bing immediately came to the door with a small toolbox.

He pulled out some tools and tinkered with the keyhole a few times, and then the lock clicked open.

Pushing open the door, a little girl about seven or eight years old was huddled in the corner with her bear doll, her eyes looking at the people in front of her with wary eyes, holding something similar to a mobile phone in her hand.

"Are you really Uncle J Cha?"

The little girl looked timidly at Ma Guozhen and the others, and couldn't help but tighten the mobile phone in her hand, "I...... I just called my mom, don't lie to me, my mom will be back in a moment. "

"You called your mom?"

Ma Guozhen's eyes lit up suddenly, they immediately came to the little girl, and then took out their documents, "Don't be afraid, we are really Uncle J Cha, this is Uncle's documents." "

Seeing the document in Ma Guozhen's hand, the little girl still had a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"She's so young, how can she understand if you show her the papers. "

Lin Can came to the little girl, gently touched the little girl's head, and then asked the little girl, "The little bear in your arms is so cute, does it have a name?"

"Yes. "

The little girl nodded seriously, her face was a little pale, and the arm holding the bear doll was very thin and seemed to be a little malnourished, "It's called Big Ash, it was bought by my mother to protect me, and it sleeps with me every day." "

Lin Can continued to chat with the little girl about the topic of dolls, and the little girl obviously gradually let down her guard, and her face began to show a ruddy smile.

"Big brother, are you also J Cha?"

The little girl looked at Lin Candao with some curiosity.

Lin Can said: "I am a criminal investigation consultant at the police station. "

"That's it...... Very good J checked?"

The little girl's eyes lit up, "I believe in big brother." "

Lin Can smiled and touched the little girl's hair, and didn't go out of his way to explain it to her, after all, she was too young, and she couldn't understand if she said too much.

Ma Guozhen on the side looked at Lin Can and the little girl opposite with a frustrated expression.

"Why did I just say that I was Uncle J Cha, and you didn't believe it. "

Ma Guozhen said to the little girl: "Uncle, do I look like a bad person?"

The little girl stared at Ma Guozhen several times, and then nodded solemnly.

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