"What about him?"

Ma Guozhen pointed to Lin Can on the side and said, "Why do you trust him so much?"

"Big brother is handsome...... He must be a good man!"

The little girl said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen suddenly crossed several black lines on his head.

It's a world of faces......

"Gotcha...... I'm really not fit to communicate with children. "

Ma Guozhen shrugged, "After all, I'm old, and the generation gap between me and my children is too deep......"

Lin Can said to the little girl in front of him, "What's your name." "

"My name is Shen Yueting. "

The little girl replied obediently, her voice still faint.

"Then I'll call you Tingting, can you show us the phone in your hand?"

Lin Can said.

Hearing this, Shen Yueting spread out her hand and handed the phone to Lin Can.

Lin Can took the mobile phone handed by Shen Yueting, and then pressed the on/off button, the screen did not react, he shook the phone gently, and there was a sound of loose iron inside.

"It's a model ......"

Lin Can immediately made a judgment.

Ma Guozhen on the side looked at Shen Yueting in front of him with a little crying and laughing, "This kid has a strong sense of prevention, and he knows how to scare us with a model." "

Mom said...... If a stranger breaks in, do it. "

Shen Yueting said: "In this way, you can scare the bad guys away." "

"When did your mother leave?"

Lin Can asked.

Shen Yueting immediately counted on her fingers, "Mom has been out to work for seven days." "

"Isn't there anyone else in the house?"

Lin Can continued to ask, "Where's your father?"

"Nope. "

Shen Yueting shook her head and said, "There have always been only me and my mother in the family, I have never met my father, and my mother said that my father went to work in country M and will not come back until many years." "

Hearing this, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen on the side couldn't help but be silent.

They knew very well that the iron door of the house was locked from the outside, and Shen Yueting couldn't open the door to go out at all.

In other words, this little girl, who is only seven or eight years old, has lived alone at home for a week!

"And you're home for the rest of the week?"

Lin Can asked, "How do you eat?"

"There were dumplings and dumplings in the fridge and my mother taught me how to cook them. "

Shen Yueting pointed to the Xiaoice box in the house, with an innocent smile on her face: "Am I very smart?"

Lin Can came to the Xiaoice box that Shen Yueting was referring to, which was a small Xiaoice box about the height of his thigh, and the capacity inside was very small, only two bags of unsealed dumplings and rice balls were placed.

Obviously, Shen Yueting has relied on these two small bags of quick-frozen food to survive this week.

Since all the food in the house is these things, she can only eat a small portion of them every day, but these things obviously can't last her long.

If she and Ma Guozhen hadn't come over today, this little girl would probably have starved to death at home!

He turned his head to look at Shen Yueting, who was sitting on the ground, her face was pale and thin from hunger, but she still had the simple smile of a child.

Lin Can suddenly felt that a soft place in his heart was touched, he came to Shen Yueting and gently touched her forehead, "How old are you this year?"

"I just turned eight. "

Shen Yueting replied.

"Shall I take you out to eat later?"


Shen Yueting had a little joy on her face, and she said with a well-behaved face: "I knew that the eldest brother was a good person...... When the time comes, when my mom comes back, I'll ask her to give you the money. "

Looking at Shen Yueting's innocent and joyful smile, Lin Can did not choose to tell her the news of her mother's disappearance.

This little girl, who is only eight years old, has taken on too many things that she should not have undertaken at her age.

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, also sighed slightly, he turned around and instructed the police officers beside him to start surveying Deng Jinyuan's house.

Lin Can chatted with Shen Yueting for a few words, and then Shen Yueting yawned a little sleepily.

She barely ate much during the week and was severely lacking in energy, so she was particularly prone to sleepiness.

"Are you sleepy?"

Lin Can asked Shen Yueting softly, but she didn't expect Shen Yueting to sit directly against the wall and fall asleep.

He carefully held her and placed her on the chuang, and then gently covered her with the blanket on the chuang.

Looking at Shen Yueting's peaceful sleeping posture, Lin Can got up and glanced slightly around the house.

The whole room is not large, an ordinary one-bedroom rental house layout, the furniture inside is very simple and old, and the walls are plastered with newspapers everywhere, but the whole house is very clean.

Although Deng Jinyuan has been missing for a week, Shen Yueting did not make a mess at home, but even made her bed tightly and neatly, and the quilt was folded cleanly.

"Such a well-behaved little girl...... Hey, it's a pity that life is not good. "

Ma Guozhen sighed quietly.

Lin Can didn't speak, he came to the room of the house, and there were photos of Shen Yueting from childhood to adulthood on the wall, as well as some photos of Deng Jinyuan and Shen Yueting.

In the photo, the mother and daughter are smiling brightly, and their eyes are full of yearning for life.

After a meticulous investigation, the officers of the trace inspection team collected Deng Jinyuan's hair, and then Ma Guozhen ordered them to leave.

Lin Can glanced at the time on his watch, and then came to the window of the house, it was already twilight outside.

The distant sunset sinks, then disappears into the horizon entirely.

"Let's take her for a bite to eat first. "

Lin Can turned his head to look at Shen Yueting on the side, she was sleeping on her side in the direction of Lin Can, with a sweet smile on her face, as if she had a sweet dream.

"Hmm. "

Ma Guozhen also nodded, and then Lin Can gently picked up Shen Yueting from the chuang again, and at the same time picked up the bear doll by the chuang, Shen Yueting actually took the initiative to wrap her hand around Lin Can's neck in her sleep.

"This kid ......"

Lin Can chuckled, and then followed Ma Guozhen to the car, he hugged Shen Yueting and sat in the back compartment, and then Ma Guozhen drove them out of Susong Road directly in the car.

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