China Resources City, in a burger joint.

The night is dark, but the mall is brightly lit and the flow of people is noisy.

At Shen Yueting's idea, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen took her to a burger restaurant and ordered some set meals that children like to eat.

Shen Yueting put her doll bear aside from her seat, and then asked Lin Can very politely, "Big brother...... Can I eat now?"

"Of course......"

Lin Can looked at Shen Yueting in front of him with some surprise, the little girl in front of him was so hungry that her face was pale, and she even took the initiative to ask him for instructions before eating.

"That's too good......"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, muttered in his heart, "If only I had a daughter in the future, I would be so well-behaved......"

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen simply ordered something to deal with, and then sat down and chatted.

"Let's go to He Rongxing's house in a moment. "

Lin Can said: "It's not too late now, there should be someone in his house." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then glanced at Shen Yueting, who was wearing gloves and eating French fries and roasted wings, "Then ...... she?"

"Deliver it to my apartment first, and let her have a good rest. "

Lin Can said: "It just so happens that we have a case to investigate now, so I will spend the night with you at the police station in the past two days as usual." "

"Big brother...... Won't you come with me?"

Shen Yueting put down the roasted wings in her hand, and the expression on her face was a little disappointed, "If it's me...... Then big brother, you better send me home. "

"You can't stay home alone right now. "

Lin Can gently touched Shen Yueting's head, "Uncle J Cha may go to your house to investigate at any time, so it's not very convenient, understand?"

"But I don't want to go to a strange place alone......"

Shen Yueting took off her gloves, her little hand gently grabbed Lin Can's arm, and her voice was slight, "I'll be scared......"

"So be it...... As long as I have a little free here, I'll go back and see you. "

Lin Can coaxed Shen Yueting and said, "When the time comes, I'll buy you a few more of your favorite doll bears to accompany you, okay?"

Shen Yueting pouted slightly and looked at Lin Can, and finally nodded sensibly.

"If my mom comes back...... You remember to ask her to pick me up. "

Shen Yueting said: "Otherwise, my mother will worry about me when she comes home and sees me gone." "

"We will. "

Lin Can nodded, and then turned to Shen Yue: "You continue to eat." "


Shen Yueting responded obediently, then put on her gloves again and began to eat.

Lin Can said to the side: "If you can, it's best to arrange a policewoman to sleep with her at night, otherwise I'm worried that she will be alone."

"Or ...... Let Xiao Chen pass. "

Ma Guozhen said: "She has been living in the police dormitory recently, which is very close to your apartment. "

"Makes sense......"

Lin Can nodded and said, "I'll contact her myself later." "

After finishing the dinner at the hamburger restaurant, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen took Shen Yueting to the store to buy something, and then sent her directly to Lin Can's apartment to rest.

After Chen Lingyue received Lin Can's call, she also rushed to Lin Can's apartment as soon as possible to help him take care of Shen Yueting.


Z City.

Magang Road.

A black modern sedan slowly turned onto the road from the intersection, which was lined with a number of self-built houses of several floors.

Lin Can sat in the co-pilot, closing his eyes slightly.

"Does Shen Yueting have any other relatives?"

Lin Can suddenly spoke.

"I've asked the police to contact relatives in Deng Jinyuan's hometown. "

Ma Guozhen said: "When the contact over there is made, Shen Yueting's relatives will come to pick up people." "

Lin Can nodded, and did not continue to speak.

Ma Guozhen, who was in the driver's seat, sighed and said: "This child is really miserable, she has no father since she was a child, and if she says that her father works in country M, it is most likely her mother's excuse to lie to her." "

"Now the only mother is missing again, and most likely killed. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Such a well-behaved and sensible girl is going to encounter such a thing. "

"So we've got to try to find out. "

Lin Can said: "Although Jin Haoxuan claims to have killed her, as long as Shen Yueting's mother has a glimmer of life, I will definitely rescue her." "

"yes, that's what I thought, I can't give up no matter what. "

Ma Guozhen said as he drove his car to He Wangfang's door.

He parked the car, and then said to Lin Can on the side: "This is it, No. 66 Magang Road, this two-story building is He Wangfang's house." "

The car door opened, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen got out of the car together.

The two-story building in front of me does not seem to have been carefully renovated, the exterior walls are still simple red bricks, and the balcony on the second floor has not even been sealed with windows, but there is a large red painted iron door at the main entrance on the first floor.

Lin Can glanced into the room, there was still a light on the first floor, and it was obviously inhabited.

The two came to the door of the building, and Ma Guozhen knocked on the door directly.


An old woman's voice came from inside the house.

"We are from the Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau. "

Ma Guozhen shouted into the house: "Come here to understand the situation." "

After more than ten seconds, a slow footstep sounded, and then the iron door in front of him was slowly opened.

An old woman in her sixties opened the door, she put on her reading glasses, and carefully looked at Lin Can and the others in front of her, "Are you J Cha?

"Didn't your people come over to find out about the situation a few days ago, why did they come again?"

The old woman looked at the two people in front of her suspiciously, and after seeing the young and handsome Lin Can on the side, she frowned and said, "You can't be liars, right?"

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