"This is my ID. "

Ma Guozhen showed his ID directly to the old woman in front of him with some tears and laughter, "Don't worry, we are definitely not liars, you can directly call 110 to check our identity." "

The old woman straightened her glasses and carefully looked at Ma Guozhen's documents for a while, then opened the door completely, "Come in." "

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can nodded and walked into the house together.

The space in the house is very spacious, but there is almost no decoration inside, just a simple installation of water and electricity, and some ordinary furniture.

There are no floor tiles on the floor, and there is still a pristine concrete floor, and there is a wooden table in the living room, and several long wooden benches are stacked next to it.

"The house is a little shabby, so let's sit down with the two police officers. "

The old woman pulled out two benches and sat them down, while she sat down at the table, picked up the needle and thread on the table and began to knit a sweater.

"Old lady, you are the mother of He Prosperous, right?"

Ma Guozhen opened his mouth and asked, "What do you call it?"

"My name is Miao Fengfang. "

While knitting a sweater, the old woman said, "Why hasn't my son been heard for a week, and I want to knit a sweater for him to spend the winter before it is winter, and now it's okay...... The person disappeared directly. "

"Ms. Miao, you don't seem to be in a hurry?"

Lin Can on the side asked Miao Fengfang with some curiosity.

"A man in his thirties didn't believe it for a few days, and he wasn't a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, worried about being looked at by bad guys, what did I have to worry about. "

Miao Fengfang said: "It's you J Cha, who have come to my house again and again to ask this and that, and the neighbors around me are spreading the word about what happened to my son." "

"It's all a non-existent thing!"

Miao Fengfang said: "When my son was in his early twenties, he didn't hear from him for more than half a year as soon as he left home, and finally he didn't come home intact. "

He is also quite competitive, and when he came back, he brought a daughter-in-law home with him, he has worked hard all these years, and now the house is also done by himself, just waiting for decoration. "

Miao Fengfang said: "I guess he went to business with which boss, and he is going to get some money back to decorate in a year and a half!"

Seeing that the old lady in front of her was so optimistic about her son's disappearance, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen couldn't break her mind.

"Ms. Miao, why are you alone in the house?"

Lin Can asked, "What about He Prosperous's wife?"

"My wife left early, and my daughter-in-law had a conflict with my son a while ago and took my grandson back to her parents' house. "

Miao Fengfang said: "Now the girl, the spleen is big, she is willing to go back to her mother's house to live, go back to live, after living for a long time, her mother's family annoys her, and she will come back by herself." "

"Ms. Miao, I read the information that she suddenly disappeared a week ago. "

Lin Can asked, "Did he go anywhere that night?"

"I don't know. "

Miao Fengfang said: "He was out to deliver goods during the day on weekdays, and he just came back in the evening, so he left in a hurry, and the next day someone told me that Prosperity didn't go to work, and he couldn't be contacted, so I knew that he suddenly disappeared again." "

"Have you ever met this person? "

Ma Guozhen on the side took out a photo, on which was Jin Haoxuan's appearance.

"I haven't seen it. "

Miao Fengfang shook her head and said, "This little young thief is not a good person at first glance. "

Ma Guozhen took back the photo, the expression on his face was a little dignified, so far, they still haven't found anything.

"Ms. Miao, where is He Wangfang's room?"

Lin Can opened his mouth and said, "Can you let us go over and have a look." "

"It's in the room on the left. "

Miao Fengfang put down the needle and thread in her hand, got up and said, "I'll take you to have a look." "

Under the leadership of Miao Fengfang, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen came to He Wangfang's room.

The inside is also basically undecorated, the original cement floor, and the surrounding walls are simply scraped with a little white putty.

The contents of the room were even more obvious, with a low old wooden bed by the wall by the window, and an old wooden table beside the bed.

After getting Miao Fengfang's permission, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen walked into the room together.

After looking around for a while, there were too few things inside, and there really wasn't anything worth noting.

Lin Can came to the wooden table, on which were some simple household tools, and in the drawer there was a stack of lists for supplies to the supermarket.

After browsing for a while, I still didn't get anything.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can glanced at each other, and the two were about to leave the room, when Lin Can suddenly noticed a pair of calendars hanging on the wall next to the bed.

He immediately walked quickly to the calendar, and then found the day He Prosperity disappeared on the calendar.

On that day, he was surrounded by He Prosperity, and the word "ten" was written on the upper right.

What does that mean?

Lin Can frowned and thought for a moment, then asked Miao Fengfang on the side, "Ms. Miao, do you know the meaning of the words on this calendar?"

Miao Fengfang shook her head and said, "How can I know this, I don't know a few big words, and he won't talk to me about these things." "

Hearing this, Lin Can continued to look at the calendar in front of him for a while, and then he flipped the calendar forward and found that the same day of each month was circled, and there was a 'ten' character in the upper right corner. "

Lin Can took out his mobile phone and took pictures of each page of the calendar, and then he left the room with Ma Guozhen.

After chatting with Miao Fengfeng for a few words, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can said directly: "Ms. Miao, let's talk about it here for the time being, let's leave first." "

"Okay, if there is news of my son, remember to tell him and let him go home early. "

Miao Fengfang said: "The house at home has been built, don't be so anxious about the decoration, after coming back, bring back the wife and children, how happy the family is to live happily!"

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