"Okay, if there's any whereabouts of your son, we'll pass it on to him. "

Ma Guozhen nodded.

Although he knew in his heart that He Wangfang had most likely been killed, he still couldn't help but say nothing when he saw Miao Lanfang's expectant gaze.

After all, He Wangfang's life and death have not really been determined, and everything may happen.



City Bureau, Captain's Office.

The morning sun rises, and the bright sun shines on the earth.

Ma Guozhen sat at the desk and stretched, yesterday he and Lin Can discussed the case in the office until late at night, and then lay on the desk and simply took a nap for two hours.

Since following Lin Can to handle the case together, both the rhythm of the investigation and the efficiency of the investigation have been greatly accelerated.

Although this rhythm of handling cases made Ma Guozhen feel a little tired and tired, the corresponding speed of solving cases has improved by leaps and bounds.

As long as the case can be solved as soon as possible, the fatigue is completely worth it!

He got up and went to the window, opened the curtains, and the whole office was filled with bright sunlight, and it instantly became bright.

Lin Can sat at his desk and looked at the pile of materials at hand.

This is what Lin Can asked people to sort out yesterday, the disappearance cases in recent months and some unsolved homicide cases.

He carefully read the record information of each case, and then took out a few case materials from it and compared them with the disappearance of He Fanfang and Deng Jinyuan.

There were two women and one man, both between 20 and 30 years old and the other man in his 40s.

"Give me the map. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen to the side.

Ma Guozhen returned to the table, took out a map from the drawer and handed it to Lin Can.

Lin Can immediately circled the disappearance locations of several missing people, and then his expression suddenly became a little solemn.

"It seems...... The disappearance case related to Jin Haoxuan is not only Deng Jinyuan and He Wangfang. "

Lin Can pointed to a few black circles on the map and said, "There are also three disappearances that happened very close to the place where He Wangfang disappeared, and the time of each other's disappearance is also very close, this will not be a simple coincidence." "

Ma Guozhen also looked carefully at the few marking circles on the ground, and then nodded with the same solemn face.

As the head of the criminal investigation team, he knows very well what it means to live in a series of disappearances in a short period of time.

"In addition to these three disappearances, there were two homicides. "

Lin Can took the other two case documents and said: "The deceased is a man and a woman, and the time and place of the murder are similar. "

And ...... If you arrange the time of these failures and homicides one by one, you will find a very obvious pattern. "

Lin Can directly centered on He Fanfang's family and drew a large circle with a diameter of five thousand meters around, "The places where these people disappeared or were killed are all in this circle, and the time happened to be after Jin Haoxuan was released from prison, and there were disappearances or victims every once in a while. "

"So...... There are a total of five missing people, and two of the victims are related to Jin Haoxuan!"

Ma Guozhen's face was extremely gloomy, "This person is simply too dangerous, we must find out the truth as soon as possible and convict him!"

Lin Can once again focused on the case information of the two victims.

In the photos taken at the scene, the two corpses died in a horrific manner, among which the male victim had his throat cut open with a dagger, his lower body was hammered, and the head of the female victim was directly pierced by a murder weapon similar to an iron chisel.

Seeing these two photos of the scene, Lin Can's eyes narrowed slightly and pondered, as if he had discovered something.

"Take Jin Haoxuan to the interrogation room. "

Lin Can said, "I'm going to interrogate him again." "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then immediately called and ordered.


Police station, interrogation room.

Jin Haoxuan sat boredly on the iron chair, his eyes wandering, and he turned his head to look around from time to time.

"What are you doing...... I'm here alone, but I'm a person. "

Jin Haoxuan said with an unhappy face: "What are you doing here by me...... Isn't it fun?"

As soon as the words fell, the iron door of the interrogation room opened, and Lin Can slowly walked in and sat opposite Jin Haoxuan.

"Yo, Professor Lin, it's you again. "

Jin Haoxuan looked at Lin Can with a smile on his face and said, "What do you want to talk to me about today?"

"Talk about what you've done. "

Lin Can slid a few missing documents in his hand in front of Jin Haoxuan, "Aren't these people familiar?"

"I'll look at ......"

Jin Haoxuan's eyes quickly swept over a few documents on the table, and then pretended to be surprised and said, "Don't say it, it's really familiar!"

"Their disappearance has something to do with you, right?"

Lin Can looked at Jin Haoxuan in front of him and said, "The disappearance of these three people is very close to each other, and the disappearance location is not far from He Wangxing's house. "

"And we found out where Deng Meiyuan went on the day of her disappearance, she booked an online ride-hailing car at the intersection of Magang Road, the intersection of the avenue where He Wangxing's home is located. "

Lin Can said: "Coincidental time, coincidental place, all kinds of coincidences come together...... It shows that it is not a coincidence. "

"There were also these two homicides. "

Lin Can also slid the information of the murder victims of another man and a woman to Jin Haoxuan, "Their situation is the same as above, these cases are ...... It's all about you. "

"It's so smart, sure enough, Professor Lin can't hide anything from us. "

Jin Haoxuan grinned, his narrow eyes looking a little sinister.

He didn't mean to quibble at all, and said very calmly: "I killed them all." "

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