Interrogation monitoring room.

Lin Can came out of the interrogation room, and Ma Guozhen and the others immediately applauded him.

"Professor Lin is doing well!"

"This criminal's arrogance is too arrogant, and only Professor Lin's aura can suppress him!"

"Judging from the details of the crime that Jin Haoxuan just described, he is indeed the murderer of the two victims, and most of those missing people were killed as he described, we must find evidence as soon as possible, so that he cannot turn over!"


Lin Can waved his hand, and then said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "What about the set of keys that I found from Jin Haoxuan before?"

"Kept in the Evidence Department. "

Ma Guozhen said.

"Take the area I just circled on the map, and send the police to conduct a detailed investigation. "

Lin Can instructed: "Let the police take the set of keys and conduct a comparative investigation in that area, focusing on those uninhabited houses surrounded by large yards." "


Ma Guozhen responded, and then said to Lin Can: "Professor Lin, just now my police officers found out that Jin Haoxuan has a sister who also lives in Z City. "

Hearing this, Lin Can's eyes lit up, this is indeed good news, even if he can't find important clues, he can have a more comprehensive understanding of Jin Haoxuan.

He immediately said, "Then let's go to his sister's house now." "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then left the police station with Lin Can.


Z City.

Fenggu Avenue, Yuyuan Community.

Ma Guozhen drove a modern sedan to the community, the door opened, and Ma Guozhen and Lin Can got out of the car together.

Jin Haoxuan's sister lives in room 702 of this building. "

Ma Guozhen looked at the information on his mobile phone and said: "Her sister's name is Jin Wenjuan, she married to Z City ten years ago, her husband's name is Ding Xiangjun, and the two of them usually sell fried noodles and fried rice at the night market stalls in the city, and they usually sleep at home during the day, so they should almost wake up at this point." "

Lin Can followed Ma Guozhen to the door of Room 702 on the seventh floor, and then Ma Guozhen directly stepped forward and knocked on the door.


A woman's voice came from inside the room.

"We are from the criminal police team of the city bureau, and we have come to you to understand the situation. "

Ma Guozhen shouted at the room.

With a creak, a woman in her thirties opened the door, she was wearing her pajamas and her face was still a little sleepy.

"You're Jinwenjuan, aren't you?"

Ma Guozhen immediately took out himself, "We have some questions that we need to ask you about. "

After seeing the ID presented by Ma Guozhen, she immediately opened the door and said, "Two police officers, please come in." "

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can walked into the house and sat directly on the sofa.

The area of the house is not large, and it is an ordinary two-bedroom and one-living room structure.

The furniture inside is also a little old, and there are some pots and pots and jars used for stalls in the corner of the living room, and the smell of various ingredients and side dishes lingers in the room.

"Excuse me...... On weekdays, we are too busy to go out to work, and the house is more chaotic. "

Jin Wenjuan shouted into one of the bedrooms in the house: "Xiangjun, Comrade J Cha is here, you hurry up and come out to receive it!"

"J Cha?"

A man's voice came from the room, and then the bedroom door opened, and a man of about forty years of age walked out of the room wearing a coat.

After seeing Ma Guozhen and Lin Can, his face was shocked, "Captain Ma...... Professor Lin?"

"You are Jin Wenjuan's husband Ding Xiangjun, right?"

Ma Guozhen said with some surprise. "You know us?"

"Of course I do!"

Ding Xiangjun gave a thumbs up to the two: "I often watch the news, and I have paid special attention to several cases that you and Professor Lin have solved before, which is really amazing!"

"Why did you come to my house today?"

Ding Xiangjun zipped up his coat, then sat opposite the two of them, pouring tea for Lin Can and Ma Guozhen.

"We are here to ask you about Jin Haoxuan's situation. "

Ma Guozhen said straight to the point: "Have you contacted him recently?"

Hearing Ma Guozhen mention Jin Haoxuan's name, Ding Xiangjun's hand pouring tea paused, and at the same time, a look of disgust suddenly appeared on his face.

"He's guilty again?"

Ding Xiangjun said in an unkind tone: "Our family has already disowned him, and basically we will not contact him." "

Jin Wenjuan on the side also sighed again and again, obviously this younger brother gave her a headache.


Ma Guozhen hurriedly asked, "What is the reason?"

"He's a madman!"

Ding Xiangjun said: "When he first came to Z City a few years ago, he lived in our house for a while, and I felt that he behaved a little strangely, and from time to time he would lose his temper and break things in the house. "

"But I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, thinking that he was at best a bit of a strange temper. "

Ding Xiangjun said: "Later, I found that my son was often bruised and purple...... When I asked my son, he didn't dare to say who hit him. "

"Until one day I came home early and found that Jin Haoxuan actually tied my son to a stool like a sandbag and punched and kicked him!"

"At that time, I was angry and immediately got into a fight with him, and at that time, Wenjuan came to fight, saying that her brother was just in a bad mood and asked me to forgive him. "

Speaking of this, Ding Xiangjun had a little remorse on his face, "I shouldn't have listened to her at that time!"

"After the fight, although I listened to Wen Juan's words and didn't hold Jin Haoxuan accountable, I still kicked Jin Haoxuan out on the spot. "

Ding Xiangjun's voice trembled a little, "Who knows this beast...... He actually sneaked back to my house and did that kind of thing...... He has no humanity at all, even his own nephew can do it!"

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