"He's doing it to your son again?"

Ma Guozhen hurriedly asked.

"It's not just hands-on!"

Ding Xiangjun sighed, with a bit of resentment on his face.

At the same time, a little boy of six or seven years old came out of the bedroom, he was hobbling with snot on his face, and the saliva on his lips was hanging down to his clothes.

After seeing Ding Xiangjun and Jin Wenjuan, the little boy smiled a little stupidly, and then pointed to his crotch, which was already wet.

Jin Wenjuan exclaimed, and then hurriedly came to the little boy's side, "I didn't look at you for a while, you peed your pants again......"

Ding Xiangjun couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the scene where Jin Wenjuan changed his pants for the little boy.

He turned his head to look at Lin Can and Ma Guozhen in front of him, "See, my son has been beaten into a fool, when I saw my son, he was covered in blood!"

"That bastard hit him on the head several times with a hammer! If I hadn't taken my son to the hospital in time, I'm afraid he would have been gone!"

Ding Xiangjun's eyes were full of anger, "I don't know how there can be a person like him in the world, this is his own nephew, he can use a hammer to smash his nephew like this!"

"At that time, my son was so young and had such a severe brain injury that there was no possibility of recovery. "

Ding Xiangjun said: "Not only does he have a low IQ now, but he also has no ability to take care of himself, and he can't even control his urine and urine...... This is all caused by that Jin Haoxuan!"

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can both comforted Ding Xiangjun a few words.

"So, don't you know Jin Haoxuan's whereabouts at all?"

Ma Guozhen asked.

"I didn't want to see him again, so I never contacted him again, and I didn't care if he was dead or alive. "

Ding Xiangjun gritted his teeth and said: "Because I'm afraid that if I see him again, I can't help but kill him!"

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen glanced at each other, and then Ma Guozhen spoke: "Mr. Ding, calm down your emotions, that's all we need to know for the time being, and we still have work, so we won't continue to bother." "

Ding Xiangjun nodded, then got up and said, "Those two police officers walk slowly." "

Ma Guozhen responded, and then left Ding Xiangjun's house with Lin Can.

Back in the car, Ma Guozhen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This Jin Haoxuan is too much of a thing, and his relatives can go down......"

"So such people are the most dangerous. "

Lin Can said: "He has completely lost the legal constraints that ordinary people should have, and even lost all the goodness that human nature should have. "

"From the previous interrogation process with Jin Haoxuan, you should also be able to feel that this person's psychological quality is absolutely extraordinary. "

Lin Can rubbed his temples, "Once he is fearless and has no scruples, then he will be draped in thick armor, and it will be difficult for us to find a breakthrough from him." "

"Yes, this kid is treacherous and arrogant, and extremely difficult to deal with. "

Ma Guozhen said: "It is not realistic to ask for clues from him by means of interrogation, and it is absolutely impossible for him to reveal anything except admit that he killed someone." "

'So, we need to find his weaknesses. "

Lin Can's tone was deep, "No matter how powerful the criminals are, they will commit crimes for a more or less certain reason. "

"Some criminals have a clearer motive for committing the crime, and some may have a vague motive because of previous or childhood experiences that have affected their personality, but they can certainly be found. "

Lin Can said: "And these motives ...... It is precisely the best breakthrough that allows us to deduce their weaknesses. "

"Makes sense......"

Ma Guozhen nodded and said, "Let's go back and sort out all the cases in a while, and see if we can deduce the specific motive of Jin Haoxuan's crime." "

Lin Can glanced at the time on his watch and said, "It's almost time for lunch, let's go to the apartment, there is still a child waiting to be fed and we need to take care of it." "


Ma Guozhen responded, and then drove the car away from Ding Xiangjun's house.


Z City.

A Western-style restaurant.

Shen Yueting sat obediently at the dining table, still holding the doll bear she brought from the weight with both hands.

She changed into a beautiful dress today, with a white lace trim at the bottom of the skirt, her hair was neatly combed, dripping on her shoulders like a small waterfall, and she was wearing a delicate and small butterfly hairpin on her head, which looked quiet and cute.

"This is all what Sister Xiao Chen dressed you up, right?"

Lin Can asked Shen Yueting, "This dress is not the one we bought for you yesterday...... Did she buy it for you again?"

"The eldest sister said that she bought it for her relative's daughter, and she thought it was very suitable, so I took it to me. "

Shen Yueting looked at Lin Can with a slightly red face and said, "Big brother, what do you think...... Is it pretty?"

"It's beautiful, this dress really suits you, it's much better than the one I bought with your Uncle Ma. "

Lin Can nodded.

Hearing Lin Can's praise, the smile on Shen Yueting's face suddenly brightened.

"It's good, it's so much better-looking, it looks like a little princess. "

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, also looked at Shen Yueting and said with emotion: "It's really such a thing as bringing a child...... Still have to let the girls do it. "

At the same time, the waiter of the restaurant also put the food of the three people on the table one after another.

The waiter put away the plate, bowed to the three of them, and said, "Three, all the meals you ordered have been served, you can call me at any time if you need anything." "

Ma Guozhen waved his hand at him, and then the waiter left the table directly.

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