Lin Can and Ma Guozhen directly began to eliminate the lunch in front of them, both of them had been busy all morning, and they were already hungry, so the speed of eating was also quite fast, and the food on the table was quickly wiped out.

Shen Yueting on the side looked at the food in front of her in a daze, and didn't start eating for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Can glanced at Shen Yueting with some surprise, "Why don't you eat?"

Shen Yueting shook her head, and she said softly, "Big brother...... It costs a lot of money to take me out to dinner, right?"

She said with a gloomy expression, "I used to want to go to a burger restaurant to eat...... But my mother thought it was too expensive...... You brought you to the burger restaurant yesterday, and today you come to eat at such a big restaurant with me, it will definitely cost you a lot of money......"

"It's okay, your Uncle Ma is a member here, we have a discount for eating here, it doesn't cost much. "

Lin Can gently touched Shen Yueting's head, and deliberately coaxed her: "And you are so young, you eat children's portions, which are cheaper than our things, so you just eat it, and if you eat it, it will be your Uncle Ma's." "

Ma Guozhen smiled on the side: "Yes, don't worry, just eat it, uncle can't eat it." "

Hearing this, Shen Yueting nodded lightly and said, "When my mother left before, she said that she had found a new job and would soon make a lot of money to take me to these places for dinner, and when she came back, I would definitely ask her to return the money to you." "

"This kid ...... It's really sensible and well-behaved, so distressing. "

Ma Guozhen couldn't help laughing: "After knowing her, I suddenly want to have a daughter......

Lin Can on the side realized something, and he asked Shen Yueting, "Has your mother mentioned to you what kind of new job she has found?"

"Mom said she was going to help others massage, she used to massage me when she was at home, Mom is super powerful!"

Shen Yueting said with an innocent look: "She said that this new job will definitely make a lot of money, and a massage can be better than what she used to do in the factory for half a month!"

Hearing this, a bright light flashed in Lin Can's eyes.

He immediately squinted his eyes and remembered for a while, the identities of the five missing people and the two victims constantly flashing through his mind.

The four women in these cases are all in their twenties and thirties, which is a good age!

For Lin Can, this is a very important message!

He naturally knew what the so-called massage was, but Lin Can didn't choose to tell Shen Yueting.

The little girl in front of her was too simple and beautiful, and Lin Can didn't want her world to be stained with other colors.

"Let's eat first, it's going to get cold in a while. "

Lin Can whispered to Shen Yueting.

Shen Yueting responded obediently and began to eat lunch.

"Captain Ma, you immediately have someone check the financial situation of those victims on weekdays, as well as their daily comings and goings. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen on the side.

Ma Guozhen immediately understood Lin Can's intentions, he nodded, then took out his mobile phone and left the restaurant, walked outside the restaurant to make a phone call.

After lunch, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen sent Shen Yueting back to Lin Can's apartment, and then the two returned to the police station again.


Z City.

Police station, captain's office.

Lin Can lay on the sofa seat in the office, constantly rubbing his temples and closing his eyes.

With a creak, the office door opened, and Ma Guozhen walked in with a stack of materials in his hand.

"Professor Lin, as you think, the missing and murdered women don't have overt jobs, but they have an unknown amount of money to transfer money every day, and they often go in and out of various guesthouses and hotels on weekdays. "

Ma Guozhen handed the information in his hand to Lin Can in front of him: "In other words, they are all engaged in external work. "

And the two men in the case, except for He Fanfang, all had transfer records with the other three women, that is, there had been illegal transactions between them. "

Ma Guozhen: "Only Deng Jinyuan's economic income is relatively normal and clear, she just stepped into this circle at that time, and she has not really stepped into the outside world...... I ran into Jin Haoxuan. "

Lin Can looked at the information handed over by Ma Guozhen and said: "These people usually don't do this kind of peripheral work alone, there must be someone above them who is responsible for soliciting customers." "

"If you send someone to investigate the girlfriends and friends of these missing and murdered women, you should soon be able to find the person in charge of them. "

Lin Can said: "If the person in charge can be found, he should know where Deng Jinyuan went on the night of his disappearance!"


Ma Guozhen replied in high spirits.

There is no problem with Lin Can's analysis, these men and women who disappeared and were killed were all waiwai women and their customers.

As long as you can find the leaders of these women, the other party will definitely be able to provide some valuable clues, and the case will make great progress!

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen couldn't help but glance at Lin Can with great admiration.

Before, Shen Yueting simply mentioned her mother's new job when she was eating, Ma Guozhen didn't think much about it at all, but Lin Can on the side was able to keenly perceive something unusual from it!

Maybe that's the insight of genius!

Ma Guozhen took out his mobile phone and left the office, and called the police officer in the corridor outside.

Lin Can continued to sit in the office, looking at the large stack of materials in his hand, which contained all kinds of detailed information about all the missing and killed people, including information on economic accounts and expenditures.

He picked up the black pen on the table, circled some important information on the data, and integrated it into a notebook next to him.

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