A few hours later.

The distant horizon is fiery red, and the setting sun gives off its last rays.

The door of the office was opened again, and Ma Guozhen walked in and said to Lin Can: "It has been found out, these women are all engaged in outdoor work under a man named Dubin." "

"Did you get in touch with this Doberman?"

Lin Can put down the information in his hand and asked.

"I've asked my informant to get Doberman out. "

Ma Guozhen said: "The meeting place is in a butterfly bar that he owns. "

"Good. "

Lin Can got up directly and said to Ma Guozhen: "Send me to the apartment first, and I'll go back to change my clothes so that we can meet later." "


Ma Guozhen nodded, and then left the office with Lin Can.


Z City.

Butterfly Bar.

The night quietly soaks the earth, the street lights are lit up, and the bustling life has just begun.

A blue modern sedan pulled up in front of the bar.

Lin Can was sitting in the co-pilot with his eyes closed, he changed into a black leather coat and put on a sharp long-staying sea wig, which looked a little cold and evil.

But these disguises still can't hide his handsome features.

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, pulled the handbrake and said to Lin Can: "Professor Lin, we have arrived." "

Lin Can slowly opened his eyes, he glanced into the bar, and then said to Ma Guozhen: "I'll go in and meet Du Bin in a while, after all, you are a veteran criminal policeman in Z City, and your appearance is too decent, and it is easy to startle the snake when you go in." "

Ma Guozhen nodded, Lin Can's decision-making is indeed no problem, they don't have any substantive evidence now, and it is impossible to rush in and arrest people.

Moreover, Ma Guozhen's criminal police team has always been only responsible for major cases, and this kind of pimp is generally in charge of other teams.

So for now, they can only find a way to ask Doberman to come out and get some information out of his mouth.

His face is relatively familiar to these lawbreakers in Z City, and Lin Can has just come to Z City not long after all, although he has cracked several cases before, most people don't know about him.

What's more, he is now dressed up, his temperament is completely different from before, and the whole person looks cold and handsome, if he is not a very familiar person, it is difficult to recognize Lin Can, so it is most appropriate for him to meet with Dubin in the past.

Ma Guozhen pointed to the direction of the door of the bar and said: "If you see a middle-aged man wearing a big gold necklace, that is my informant, Qin Haokun, who can also talk to people in the underground industry like Dubin on weekdays." "

"In a moment you will follow him in, and he will take you to Doberman. "

Ma Guozhen put a button-sized bug on Lin Can's collar, "Be careful after you go in, although this Doberman is not a ruthless character, but it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents." "

"If anything unexpected happens inside, I'll be there to support you as soon as possible. "

Ma Guozhen patted Lin Can on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, there won't be accidents. "

Lin Can chuckled at Ma Guozhen, then picked up a pair of sunglasses in his pocket and put them on, and the whole person looked more and more cold.

After getting out of the car, Lin Can came directly to the door of the bar, and Qin Haokun greeted him directly.

He was obese, with a big face and fat ears, a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and a large gold necklace around his neck shining in the light.

"You're Brother Ma's brother, right?"

Qin Haokun said without showing a look: "Boss Du is waiting in the bread room." "

Lin Can nodded, didn't say anything, and then followed Qin Haokun into the bar.

As soon as you enter the door, a deafening sound wave greets you, and colorful neon lights constantly shine in the bar.

Bartenders at the bar mix cocktails in a variety of colors, and sexy-clad babes writhe their bodies in the light.

Several beauties with hot bodies came to Lin Can one after another, constantly hooking their fingers and teasing him.

But Lin Can didn't have the time to deal with them, he followed Qin Haokun straight towards the box in the bar.

Seeing the two of them coming, the two younger brothers at the door of the box greeted Qin Haokun, and then immediately opened the door of the box.

Lin Can and Qin Haokun walked into the box together, and a sound of wild duck howling suddenly came to the ears of the two.

There was no light on inside, and a bald man in his forties was holding a microphone and howling at the karaoke screen opposite.

On the sofa next to them sat two plump women, dressed in light short skirts, and the white smoke of the women's cigarettes in their hands was constantly emitted.

"Brother Du, Boss Qin is here!"

A younger brother stepped forward and patted Doberman on the arm.

Du Bin glanced at the little brother with an unhappy expression, and after turning his head to see Qin Haokun on the side, his face suddenly turned into a smile.

"Oops, rare guest!"

Dubin put down his microphone and immediately opened his hands to hug Qin Haokun, "I didn't expect Boss Qin to have time to come to my small place, I really feel honored!"

The younger brother on the side immediately left the box, and then closed the door.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, of course I want to come over with you to catch up. "

Qin Haokun had a battle-hardened smile on his face.

Dubin glanced at Lin Can beside Qin Haokun, and asked with some curiosity, "Who is this? Why do you still wear sunglasses at night?"

"This is my cousin, who has just come to our city in the past few months, young people, like to engage in these childish things, wearing sunglasses and playing cool everywhere they go. "

Qin Haokun said with a smile: "Isn't I taking him around to see the world, and by the way, take him to see where there is work to do...... After all, he is a hairy young man, and I can't let him learn to do big business with me as soon as he comes, so let him suffer a little first. "

"It turned out to be Boss Qin's cousin, you said it earlier, let him follow me, I am definitely a good place to train young people. "

Doberman smiled: "Besides, I am short of manpower for a while, if he follows me, I guarantee that I will not be able to treat him badly!"

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