"That's a good dare!"

Qin Haokun smiled and beckoned Lin Can to sit down with Dubin, and the girls on both sides immediately came up to beat their backs and pinched their legs.

"But lately we've been busy and have a shortage of people. "

Doberman said: "If your brother comes, I'm afraid there will be more things, and you will need to suffer a little." "

"That's perfectly fine, I took him around just to find a place to exercise him. "

Qin Haokun skillfully picked up the cigarette handed over by Dubin, and the girl on the side immediately lit a fire for him.

"Boss Du, how can you be short of manpower here? I always thought that your side was the most idle. "

Lin Can on the side pretended to be a hanger and hung Erlang's legs, "My brother said that if you follow you, just eat, drink and drink bubble girls every day." "

"Don't mention it. "

Doberman sighed and said, "I don't know what's going on lately, all the girls under me have run out, and I can't contact them one by one." "

"In particular, one of my top brands here is suddenly uncontactable, and now some old customers ask me for people, I can't take the order, not to mention the loss of money, and the reputation in the industry has dropped a lot recently. "

Doberman said: "So there is no way, I can only continue to look for new people to come over, otherwise there will be no one to work, so the recent manpower is so tight." "

Hearing this, Lin Can asked Du Bin, "Boss Du, do you have a list of women who suddenly can't be contacted?"

"What do you want this for?"

Doberman's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly became a little alert.

"I can find a way to help you find these women. "

The corners of Lin Can's mouth twitched, and he said in a confident tone: "You give me their list and pick-up information before they disappeared, and within three days, I will definitely find their whereabouts." "

"Is that true?"

Dubin said with a smile: "I've been asking someone to contact them recently, who knows that these women seem to have evaporated from the world, and there is no news at all, can you really find out?"

"My brother likes to fool around on weekdays, but it also makes him a lot of friends. "

Qin Haokun on the side said: "Among them, there are a few friends who are particularly well-informed, and they should be able to help." "

Hearing Qin Haokun help like this, Du Bing couldn't help laughing and said, "That's okay, since Boss Qin has spoken like this, then I will believe you!"

Doberman shouted out the door, and the box door immediately opened, and a little brother with dyed red hair ran to Doberman's side.

"You go and get the information from my car."

Doberman leaned into the red-haired brother's ear and commanded a few words, and the red-haired brother immediately left the box after the red-haired brother responded.

"So, brother, if you really have the ability to get these people back for me, this can be regarded as a great favor for me. "

Dubin said to Lin Can in front of him: "Wait for me to let you take care of this hotel directly, how about it?" You just look at the field every day, just like Boss Qin said, come to me to eat, drink and drink Bubble Girl and it's over!"


Lin Can snapped his fingers in a dashing manner.

A few minutes later, the red-haired brother returned to the box and placed a stack of documents on the glass table in front of Doberman.

Dubin picked up the stack of materials and looked at them carefully for a while, although these materials were more important, they did not record his direct relationship with these peripheral women, nor did he record what these peripheral women did when they went out.

Even if the information is lost, the police can't use it as evidence to arrest him, not to mention that he is staring here, these materials obviously can't be lost, so he is also relieved and boldly handed it to Lin Can on the side.

"All the girls' information is here, and there are also their work records, you can look through them yourself, and the few who went and didn't come back are the people I'm looking for. "

Dubin smoked a cigarette and said: "To tell you the truth, I don't really believe that you can really find someone, after all, I have been mixed in the Tao for so many years, and I know a lot of well-informed people, and they don't have the specific whereabouts of these women, so you don't want to find them." "

"It's hard to say. "

The corners of Lin Can's mouth slightly picked up and took the information handed over by Du Bin, "You can just wait and see in a few days." "

"Okay, then I'll see. "

Doberman smiled and took a sip of the beer bottle on the glass table.

Lin Can immediately flipped up the information in his hand, which recorded a lot of work records of the outsider.

He flipped through the pages quickly, his gaze darting from page to page.

The name of a missing woman appeared in front of Lin Can, and as Dubin said, she only had a record of her last work, and there was no more news.

Lin Can looked at the woman's information carefully, and it was completely correct with the information of the missing person.

Then Lin Can glanced at the information of the woman's last work, and the phone number of the orderer was clearly recorded next to it - 189XXXXXXXX

Seeing this number, Lin Can's eyes lit up.

This is obviously Kim Ho Xuan's number!

This also further confirms that the disappearance and murder of these women are indeed the work of Jin Haoxuan!

In addition to the phone number, the address left by Jin Haoxuan is also recorded next to it - the intersection of Hetong Road.

"Boss Du, this customer is so strange, why did he leave such an address information?"

Lin Can deliberately showed the missing woman's work information to Du Bin, "So when the girls arrive at the intersection, don't they have to wait for him to come and pick them up?"

"Yes, but this kind of person is often there, it is estimated that he is more cautious, afraid that things like immortals and people will jump, so he will report an approximate location, and after the girl passes, he will take the girl to the specific address. "

Dubin took a puff of his cigarette and said: "At that time, after this girl passed, I also told her that when I got to the customer's place, I would send me a location to come, and we would take care of anything if something happened, who knew that she would not believe it as soon as she passed." "

"I don't know if I was dug up by my peers and went to work somewhere else. "

Doberman sighed: "It's not easy to do business these days...... It's hard to mix up any line. "

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