"Last time, there was a girl who said that she was killed, and J Cha has already taken over the handling, and we can't take care of it. "

Doberman said: "This girl said that the family was short of money, but I paid her tens of thousands of yuan in advance, but the person was gone, and my money was gone!"

"As for the others, they didn't see anyone alive or dead, I guess they must have been poached by their peers. "

Doberman said with a melancholy face: "These dog things know how to snatch food from other people's mouths." "

"Peers are enemies, and this kind of thing is inevitable. "

Qin Haokun on the side patted Du Bin's shoulder, then raised his wine glass and said, "Come, Boss Du, let's have a drink." "

"Boss Qin thinks so highly of me, I naturally can't help but appreciate my face. "

Doberman directly picked up a whole bottle of wine, "I just blew the whole bottle!"

The girls on the side immediately cheered and applauded, and after watching Doberman drink the whole bottle of wine in one go, they even laughed and pounced on Doberman, praising Doberman with all kinds of nice words.

Lin Can didn't pay attention to the noisy Dubin and the others on the side, but continued to look at the information at hand.

He has found the information of the four missing women on the list, including Deng Jinyuan, who has just entered the industry, she also works under Dubin and obeys Dubin's arrangement.

The last customer of these four missing and murdered women is all Jin Haoxuan, and the address is exactly the same, all of them are at the intersection of Hetong Road!

Thinking of this, Lin Can immediately took out his mobile phone, opened a simple map software, and roughly understood the location of Hetonglu.

This road is one street away from He Wangxing's house, about two miles away.

Seeing this, Lin Can's face softened slightly, this is a very important clue news!

This investigation was not in vain, and from the information obtained so far, they have been able to further narrow down the scope of screening!

Lin Can continued to look at the information in front of him, he returned to the first glance of the information, and then his gaze quickly swept over the information again.

Half a minute later, Lin Can's gaze stopped on the information of one of the wai women.

Han Meilin, 28 years old, 168cm tall, 3 measurements......

Ignoring those unimportant information, Lin Can looked directly at Han Meilin's work information, and the phone next to him was also Jin Haoxuan's number!

This woman actually received Jin Haoxuan more than half a year ago, and she had follow-up records, and that time was not long after Jin Haoxuan was released from prison!

This also means that this Han Meilin has not only received Jin Haoxuan, but has not been harmed in any way, so she is likely to know a lot of information about Jin Haoxuan!

Thinking of this, Lin Can immediately took Han Meilin and smiled at Du Bin: "Boss Du, is this beauty still working now?"

"What? Got a crush on her, and wanted to have a date?"

Dubin said to Lin Can with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect you to be very heavy-mouthed, seeing that you are so young and like to play with women older than yourself?"

"Lao Du, look at what you said. "

Qin Haokun on the side continued: "My brother is very clever, isn't he still young, he has no experience, so he has no experience, so he wants to find an experienced woman." "

"Makes sense!"

Doberman laughed and said, "But this girl has stopped doing it a while ago, saying that her family arranged a blind date for her, and now she is going to work at a nearby nail salon." "

"It's because there have been too many things like this recently, so my business here is not easy to do, otherwise you can find another one in those materials, there are all kinds of things in it, and you will definitely be able to find what you like." "

Dubin said with a proud face: "Tell my brother who you like, and I'll arrange it for you." "


Lin Can pretended to be extremely surprised and said: "What kind of nail salon is so powerful, it can make a few dollars, and it actually dragged Miss Wai to work, doesn't this cut off our Boss Du's financial route!"

"Don't even say it, that nail salon has a pretty good background. "

Doberman said: "It's just on the front road of the city, there is a nail salon over there, this shop is opened by the mistress of a big man, I really don't dare to go to his side to ask for someone, so I can only swallow my anger." "

Lin Can followed Du Bin's words and said, "So powerful? Even our Boss Du can only suffer a loss?"

"Don't mention it, how much status do we have in what we do. "

Dubin quipped: "Even if Boss Qin digs people here, I don't dare to trouble Boss Qin." "

"Boss Du, what are you talking about. "

Qin Haokun said with a smile: "I don't have that ability, not to mention that we don't do business all the way, we will always be well water and not river water, so our friendship can last for a long time." "

"There's nothing wrong with me, friends like Boss Qin and I will only help each other, and there is no conflict of interest. "

Dubin opened a bottle of beer again and said to Qin Haokun: "Brother, I'll blow another bottle, you can do it!"

"Then I must accompany me to the end!"

Qin Haokun also opened a bottle of beer, touched the bottle with Dubin, and then the two drank it together.

Lin Can got up holding his stomach and said to the two: "My stomach is not very comfortable, go out to the toilet." "

He quietly glanced at Qin Haokun, and Qin Haokun suddenly nodded slightly, comprehending.

Then Qin Haokun and Du Bin waved their hands at him together, and Lin Can left the box directly and quickly.

After avoiding the eyes of other people in the bar, Lin Can returned to Ma Guozhen's car, he took off his sunglasses, and the expression on his face was calm and calm, "Doberman has a list of outsiders in his hand, which records the information of all the outsiders and their pick-up records. "

"At the moment, the information is in the box, and he usually keeps it in his car. "

Lin Can said: "You passed on this news to the police force in charge of keeping an eye on Dubin, which should be of great help to them in handling the case." "


Ma Guozhen nodded immediately.

"Now let's go to Zhanqian Road right away, there is a nail salon there, and look for a woman named Han Meilin. "

Lin Can said: "You drive first, and I'll tell you the details on the road." "

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