"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen answered, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly sped up, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.


Z City.

Zhanqian Road, in front of a nail salon.

A black Hyundai sedan slowly stopped at the door of the store, the door opened, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen got out of the car together.

The two carefully looked at the shop in front of them for a while, through the glass window, the decoration inside looked dignified and elegant, there were two rows of high-end and comfortable reclining chairs in the store, and many well-dressed ladies were lying on the sofa chairs enjoying the nail service.

The delicate cabinets on both sides are placed with a variety of top brand cosmetics and a variety of high-end promotional goods, and the blazing white lights on them make it look more and more exquisite and high-end.

"A nail salon can do this...... Sure enough, women's money is really good. "

Ma Guozhen sighed as he walked into the nail salon with Lin Can, and the reception staff immediately greeted him.

"Two ...... Are you looking for someone?"

The receptionist smiled and said to the two people in front of him, "Or ...... You two are here to get your nails done, too?"

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen suddenly shrunk his rough big hand, "We are here to find someone, may I ask if Han Meilin works in your store?"

"She just went out to answer the phone. "

As soon as the receptionist's voice fell, she pointed to the door and said, "It's just right, she just came back." "

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can immediately looked towards the glass door, and a delicately dressed woman wearing a uniform in the store was pushing open the glass door and walking in.

Lin Can immediately came to the woman and asked her, "You are Han Meilin?"

"It's me. "

Han Meilin looked at Lin Can and Ma Guozhen in front of her with a puzzled expression, "You have something to do with me?"

"It's not convenient to talk here. "

Lin Can said to Han Meilin: "Go out and talk." "

"Okay. "

Han Meilin answered, and then followed Lin Can and Ma Guozhen to the outside of the nail salon.

The three of them found a secluded place, and then Han Meilin took out a box of ladies cigarettes from her pocket, and at the same time kept looking at Lin Can, "You two are looking for me to pick up customers, right?"

"I've decided not to do this, you don't have to talk to me anymore. "

Han Meilin lit the cigarette in her hand, and at the same time threw a few winks at Lin Can with a charming face, "Of course, if you have a handsome guy, I will have it tomorrow night. "

"You know this person, right?"

Lin Can ignored Han Meilin's teasing, and opened the photo album on his phone, which was a photo of Jin Haoxuan.

"It looks familiar......

Han Meilin looked at Lin Can suspiciously: "You have something to do with him?"

"We have important things to understand. "

Lin Can said: "If you think about it carefully, more than half a year ago, I was on the side of Hetong Road......"

Speaking of this, Han Meilin suddenly remembered, she nodded and said, "I remember this person, this is a pervert!"


Lin Can immediately asked, "What did he do?"

"This person especially likes to treat others with nue, he has to whip me, and he keeps scolding me for being jian, saying a lot of ugly things, I was almost on fire at that time, if he wasn't willing to add money, I would definitely find someone to beat him!"

Han Meilin looked goosebumps all over her body and said, "The most important thing is ...... This person can't do that, I thought he had something wrong with his brain, he didn't have that ability, and he had to be called Little Sister!"

Hearing this, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen on the side were in good spirits.

This is a very important message!

"And then he just let you go?"

Lin Can continued to ask.

"No, he wanted me to try it and see if he could do it, but he couldn't do it after a long time. "

Han Meilin said: "Later, I saw that his face was a little wrong, so I thought about leaving, and it happened that my friend had something to pick me up, so I went back directly." "

"And do you remember where he lived at the time?"

Lin Can hurriedly asked.

Han Meilin shook her head and said, "I'm not very familiar with that area, and it's been so long, so I can't remember it very well." "

"You reminisce again. "

Lin Can said: "Did he let you take a taxi to Hetong Road by yourself, and then what?"


Han Meilin nodded and said, "After I arrived at Hetong Road, he waited for me directly near there, and then he took me through two or three streets to his residence." "

Hearing this, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen's faces became more and more excited.

The situation is now becoming clearer, and if Han Meilin says, they can already narrow down the screening to a few streets.

When the time comes, let the police use Jin Haoxuan's set of keys to compare, and they should be able to find Jin Haoxuan's residence soon!

Lin Can said to Han Meilin in front of him: "Can you carefully describe his residence, what does it look like?"

"It's a very shabby rental house, surrounded by the kind of low-slung bungalows that are connected together, and the inside of the house is dirty and smelly. "

Speaking of this, Han Meilin subconsciously covered her mouth and nose, "At that time, I almost wanted to turn around and leave, mainly because the price given by this person was high, so I reluctantly left ......"

Hearing this, Lin Can had basically gotten the information he wanted.

He said to Han Meilin: "Very good, thank you very much for your cooperation." "

"This man must owe you a lot of money, right?"

Han Meilin threw a wink at Lin Can again and said, "When the time comes, I will get the money back, don't forget me, I have helped you a lot, I will work in this nail salon, and I will wait for you to come to me at any time!"

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