Lin Can waved his hand at her, and then returned to the car with Ma Guozhen.

"Give me the map. "

Lin Can sat in the co-pilot, and then fastened his seat belt.

Ma Guozhen immediately handed a map to Lin Can, and then drove the car slowly off the road in front of the station.

Lin Can spread out the map in his hand, looked at it carefully, took out a black carbon pen from his coat pocket, and then immediately circled several precise street points on the map.

"I've sent the new screening map to your phone. "

Lin Can took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the map in front of him, and then said to Ma Guozhen on the side, "You immediately send this latest screening scope map to the police officers in charge of screening." "

Ma Guozhen immediately pulled over, then immediately took out his mobile phone, forwarded the map sent by Lin Can, and then immediately called his police officers to order.

Half a minute later, Ma Guozhen hung up the phone, he started the car again, and at the same time said to Lin Can on the side: "Professor Lin, where are we going now?"

"Go back to the police. "

Lin Can said: "Third trial Jin Haoxuan!"


Ma Guozhen responded, and then immediately drove the car in the direction of the police station.


Police station.

Interrogation room.

Jin Haoxuan sat on the interrogation iron chair, looking bored and glancing around.

With a creak, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Lin Can slowly walked in.

"It's you again, Professor Lin. "

Jin Haoxuan said with a smile on his face: "What, I figured it out and decided to make a deal with me?

"Of course not. "

Lin Can slowly sat opposite Jin Haoxuan, and he said to Jin Haoxuan: "Seeing that you are bored alone in the police station, come and chat with you." "

"That's a good feeling. "

Jin Haoxuan pretended to be flattered and said, "I didn't expect that I, a heinous suspect, would be able to make Professor Lin interested in chatting with me, so I must accompany him." "

"I wonder what Professor Lin wants to talk to me about?"

Jin Haoxuan said: "If I talk about where I killed people and where I threw corpses and buried them, then I may not be able to talk to Professor Lin with this memory, after all, my elm head is not as good as Professor Lin's brain comparable to a computer machine." "

"Let's not talk about that today, let's talk about yourself.

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and looked at Jin Haoxuan in front of him and said, "Actually, purely speaking, you don't look ugly, have you ever talked about a girlfriend?"

"Yo...... Professor Lin is complimenting me?"

Jin Haoxuan laughed and said: It's twenty-six, and a girlfriend hasn't talked about it, is it still like a talk?"

"That's it. "

Lin Can's expression on his face was still unwavering, "How many times have you been in love?"

"Just once. "

Jin Haoxuan asked Lin Can in front of him with a curious expression, "Why did Professor Lin suddenly remember to ask this, it seems that you are interested in these secrets of mine?"

"Since it's a chat, you naturally need to add some material, otherwise wouldn't the whole conversation be boring?"

Lin Can chuckled and said, "How long have you been in love with your only girlfriend?"

"Less than a year. "

Jin Haoxuan is still the same indifferent appearance.

"What caused the breakup?"

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and looked at Jin Haoxuan in front of him.

"A lot of places are not suitable. "

Jin Haoxuan looked at Lin Can and said, "A handsome man like Professor Lin should have been in love many times, and you should have met the kind of woman who doesn't fit with you at all, right?"

Lin Can did not respond to Jin Haoxuan's question, but continued to ask: "What do you mean by not being suitable?"

Hearing Lin Can's question, the smile on Jin Haoxuan's face gradually subsided.

"Alright, that's it. "

Jin Haoxuan said: "Professor Lin, I will answer whatever you ask, doesn't it seem that I am very shameless?"

"Why don't you let me answer for you?"

Lin Can's tone was flat, but every word he said stabbed Jin Haoxuan's mouth like a sharp blade, "The main reason why you broke up with your girlfriend is because you have a physical handicapp!"

Hearing this, Jin Haoxuan first buried his head and laughed a few times, he slowly raised his head to look at Lin Can in front of him, and the smile on his face suddenly turned into sharp hostility!

"Shut up!"

Anger appeared in Jin Haoxuan's tone.

In the interrogation monitoring room, Ma Guozhen and the others couldn't help but clench their fists and shout hello!

"This Jin Haoxuan's psychological defense line has finally begun to loosen! His performance in the past two days has been almost impeccable, we can't find any flaws at all, and now Professor Lin has done it!"

"Yes, since Jin Haoxuan was arrested and put into the police station, he has always looked cunning and treacherous, and I have never seen him emotional!"

"This is not just emotional, he is already angry! Jin Haoxuan's emotions were completely involved by Professor Lin!"


Ma Guozhen also looked at Lin Can in the interrogation room with admiration, this is what Lin Can said before, find the reason why the murderer committed the crime, and then find the weakness of the criminal from it, and defeat him!

Obviously, Lin Can has already done it!

In the interrogation room, Lin Can's face was still unwavering, and he continued to say to Jin Haoxuan in front of him: "It seems that I am right. "

"You're very concerned about your physical flaws, but you don't have a way to fix it, so your psyche gets twisted step by step. "

Lin Can's face was calm, "This is why you killed those men and women, you hate those men who are physically healthy, so you have to hammer them to pieces." "

"And you hated your physical handicap so much that you pierced the women's heads with hammers and chisels. "

Lin Can's tone gradually became heavier, "Because you feel that the chisel is like your yang tool, you nail the chisel into a woman's head to replace your missing physical ability and get your psychological perverted pleasure!"

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