"I'll tell you to shut up for me!"

Jin Haoxuan's emotions completely exploded, he twisted his body desperately, eager to rush up and pounce on Lin Can.

But his hands were tightly cuffed to his chair, and he couldn't do anything at all.

Lin Can suddenly got up and walked directly to Jin Haoxuan's side.

Jin Haoxuan stared at Lin Can with tears in his eyes, and the bruises on his face flared up.

"It's not a good feeling to uncover a scar, isn't it?"

Lin Can propped his hand on Jin Haoxuan's chair, and then leaned close to Jin Haoxuan's ear and said: "The more you want to use this kind of cruelty to find your majesty as a man, the more it shows your ignorance, you are not, and you are not worthy of being a man!"

"Grass mud horse!"

Jin Haoxuan's emotions on the opposite side completely exploded, he scolded Lin Can like a mad dog, and at the same time kept grinning at Lin Can, eager to bite him a few times!

"Look at what you look like now...... It's like a mad beast. "

Lin Can looked at Jin Haoxuan, who had a hideous face, and sneered: "You killed those people, buried their bodies in the courtyard in front of the door, and then lay on the sofa chair in the courtyard and looked up at the sky, do you think you are amazing?"

"After we took it to the police station, you took the initiative to confess all the crimes, thinking that you were in control of everything?"

Lin Can sneered: "Do you think we can't do anything about you if we don't tell us the exact location of the corpse? Burying the corpse in the land of the yard, this method of throwing the corpse is really old-fashioned." "

"You don't talk nonsense there, you don't know anything at all, you haven't found the place where I buried my body at all!"

Jin Haoxuan seemed to have completely lost his mind, and his tone was full of hysterical roar, "I threw those corpses into the well and sealed them with stones! Every night I would lie on the stones and sleep, as if I was forever pressed on them, this sense of conquest you will not understand!"

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation. "

The expression on Lin Can's face suddenly converged, he returned to his seat, and looked at Jin Haoxuan in front of him, his face was still light.

"You're stepping on the code of yin?"

Jin Haoxuan's face still had a hideous look, but his eyes had begun to waver and fear.

In just a few minutes, he was stimulated by the young man opposite...... Thus revealing the flaw!

This is something that no experienced veteran detective can do!

Interrogation Surveillance Room.

Ma Guozhen and the other police officers immediately applauded again.

"Professor Lin is awesome, the criminal's psychological defense line has been broken, and he has been completely led away by Professor Lin!"

"Yes, I didn't expect such a cunning criminal to have his intelligence drop to 0 at the moment, it's not easy to provoke him to the point of losing his mind, Professor Lin's psychological warfare is beautiful!"

"It's really a classic interrogation process, and I can use it as an interrogation textbook at the police academy. "


Ma Guozhen looked at the situation in the interrogation room, and his face showed a look of great joy.

Previously, Lin Can had narrowed the screening scope of Jin Haoxuan's burial site to a few streets, and if Jin Haoxuan finally interrogated him, a very important message was obtained - the burial point was in a place with a well!

As a result, the speed of screening will be greatly improved!

If Deng Jinyuan is still alive, then she will soon be able to get a chance to be rescued!

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the police officer in charge of screening to convey this important information to them.

A few minutes later, Lin Can walked out of the interrogation room, leaving only Jin Haoxuan, who looked frustrated, sitting in the interrogation chair in a daze.

Smack, smack, smack!

The police officers in the interrogation monitoring room all applauded Lin Can again, and their eyes were full of admiration when they looked at him.

Lin Can waved his hand at them, and then greeted Ma Guozhen, and the two left the monitoring room.

Coming to the corridor outside, Lin Can leaned against the wall of the corridor and looked at the dark night sky outside.

He turned his head to Ma Guozhen and said, "Has the news that there is a well at the burial site been conveyed?"

"It has been communicated. "

Ma Guozhen's face was excited, "If it goes well, I estimate that I will be able to find the corresponding location in the middle of the night today." "

Lin Can nodded slightly, he glanced at the time on his watch, it was now half past eleven in the evening.

"I want to go back to the apartment and see Shen Yueting. "

Lin Can suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen replied: "We thought of going together, and I just wanted to go to see the child." "

"Xiao Chen shouldn't have slept yet, you should contact her first. "

Ma Guozhen said to Lin Can: "I'll go down and get the car." "

Seeing the back of Ma Guozhen leaving, Lin Can took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Lingyue's number.

After a few seconds, the phone was connected, and an extremely slight voice came from the phone, "Hey...... Professor Lin?"

"Captain Ma and I are going to go back and see Tingting in a few minutes. "

Lin Can said, "She's okay now?"


Chen Lingyue lowered her voice, and then there was a sound of soft footsteps on the phone, and Chen Lingyue obviously left the bedroom.

"Tingting just fell asleep, I'm out of the room now. "

Chen Lingyue said, "Are you and the horse team coming back now? Do you need me to wake her up?"

"No, let her sleep. "

Lin Can said softly: "I'll go over with Captain Ma to see her, and leave in a few minutes." "

"Okay, I got it. "

Chen Lingyue's voice was still sweet, "Then I'll wait for you at home." "

"Hmm. "

Lin Can answered, and then hung up the phone.

At the same time, the black Hyundai sedan has driven downstairs, and the bright headlights reflect the road ahead extremely bright and spacious.

PS: Subscribe, ask for self-subscription, ask for everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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