Lin Can went downstairs, opened the car door directly, and sat in the co-pilot.

As soon as Ma Guozhen stepped on the accelerator, the car quickly left the police station.


Z City Van Gogh Apartments.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can returned to 1602, and Lin Can directly entered the room by fingerprinting.

Hearing the movement outside, the bedroom door was gently pushed open, and Chen Lingyue walked out of the bedroom lightly.

After seeing Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, she slowly opened the bedroom door, and then whispered to the two: "Tingting is asleep, you move lightly." "

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen both nodded, and then walked lightly to the bedroom.

Shen Yueting was lying on her side on the bed in the bedroom and sleeping soundly, her hands still tightly holding the doll bear she brought from home.

"This kid is still so well-behaved as always. "

Ma Guozhen sighed: "It's not noisy or noisy, and it's good sleep."

Suddenly, Shen Yueting seemed to have a nightmare, her whole body trembled, and her face showed a sad and painful expression.

Seeing this, Lin Can came to the bed, squatted down and gently touched Shen Yueting's forehead.

"Big Brother ......"

Shen Yueting opened her eyes in a drowsy mood, and after seeing Lin Can's face, the sad look on her face suddenly subsided, and she turned to show a little joy, "It's really you." "

"Woke you up?"

Lin Can chuckled.

"Not really. "

Shen Yueting stretched out her slender little hand from the quilt and gently held Lin Can's hand, her tone was still a little sad, "I just had a nightmare, and I dreamed that my mother didn't want me anymore......"

"No, your mother loves you very much. "

Lin Can continued to touch Shen Yueting's little head and soothed.

Then why didn't she come home for so long...... Don't come to me anymore. "

Shen Yueting's eyes suddenly flashed with tears, "Although I have always told myself that my mother will not want Tingting...... But I'm still scared ......"

"Don't think so much, go to bed first. "

Lin Can gently wiped the tears from the corners of Shen Yueting's eyes with his hand, "When you wake up tomorrow, your mother will be back." "


The light in Shen Yueting's eyes lit up, and she wiped her tears, "Big brother, you can't lie to me." "

"I promise you. "

Lin Can smiled, "She will definitely return"

"Retractor. "

Shen Yueting stretched out a small amount at Lin Can

Lin Can cooperated with Shen Yueting, and then pulled the quilt on Shen Yueting's body and covered it, "Go to sleep, don't have nightmares this time, you should be beautiful"

"Well, big brother Ann. "

Shen Yueting's face gradually flushed with a smile, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again, sleeping very peacefully.

After seeing Shen Yueting fall asleep again, Lin Can beckoned to Ma Guozhen and the others, and then several people left the bedroom lightly again.

"You have come to take care of Tingting in the past two days, it is really hard for you. "

Lin Can said to Chen Lingyue: "You should be sleepy too, let's go rest in a while." "

Chen Lingyue looked at Lin Can with some distress and said, "How can there be...... It's hard for you to be so busy working on the case. "

"As long as you can find out the truth and solve the case, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it. "

Lin Can said indifferently: "We all shoulder important responsibilities, and this responsibility makes us unable to slack off. "

Ma Guozhen on the side also nodded: "Well said! Everything is a matter of responsibility!"

Chen Lingyue nodded, she glanced sideways at Shen Yueting, who was sleepy in the bedroom, and then said to Lin Can: "Come on!"

Jingle bells.

A cell phone rings.

Ma Guozhen immediately picked up his mobile phone, walked away from the bedroom, and walked to the balcony to take the phone.

The policeman's voice immediately came from the phone, "Ma team, we found a place suspected of Jin Haoxuan's residence on this side of Luoyang Road!"

"What do you mean by suspicion?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and said, "Make it clear." "

"We used Jin Haoxuan's set of keys to open the door of a rental house, but there was no yard in front of the rental house, let alone a well. "

The officer said, "So we can't be sure if this is Jin Haoxuan's residence." "

"Okay, I got it. "

Ma Guozhen hurriedly said: "You send me a detailed address, and Professor Lin and I will go over immediately." "


The officer replied.

Ma Guozhen hung up the phone, and then immediately came to the living room.

"Professor Lin, there is an important discovery on Luoyang Road. "

Ma Guozhen whispered to Lin Can: "My police officers opened the door of a rental house with a key, but there is no yard or well at the door of that house, I think let's go over and have a look first!"

Lin Can also heard Ma Guozhen's previous conversation with the policeman, he nodded, followed Chen Lingyue on the side to say a few words, and then left the apartment with Ma Guozhen.


Luoyang Road.

A black Hyundai sedan slowly pulled up to a parking space on the side of the road.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can got out of the car together and walked in the direction of a rental house.

Lin Can looked around as he walked, there were all low old bungalows, and the walls of each room were covered with dirt and moss, obviously some years old.

When I came to the location issued by the police, I was greeted by a very dilapidated tiled wall and brick house, and there were piles of tattered cardboard boxes and some bottles and cans outside the house, which looked dirty and messy.

The two police officers waiting at the door immediately saluted the two, and one of them, holding a bunch of keys in his hand, said to them, "Horse team, this is it." "

He picked up the set of keys, took out one of the small keys from it, and said, "This is the door we opened with this key." "

Lin Can looked at the key in the officer's hand, and then said, "Let's go and have a look first." "

The people next to him nodded together, and then they walked into the rental house together.

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