There was no light in the house, so it was pitch black.

Lin Can turned on the light switch in the room, and a dirty yellowing bulb lit up overhead, and then the whole room finally had some light.

The house is a simple one-bedroom structure, but there is a small storage room next to the toilet, and the whole house is dilapidated and dirty, and there are all kinds of garbage on the floor that have not had time to be cleaned up.

Lin Can came to the trash can in the room, and the garbage in the bin was not even as much as the garbage on the floor.

After a brief glance, the bucket was littered with fruit crumbs, snack bags, and used toilet paper.

"It's been inhabited recently. "

Lin Can squinted his eyes and said, "Since Jin Haoxuan carries the key to this place, it means that this should also be the place where he lived." "

Ma Guozhen ordered to the police officers on the side: "You immediately conduct a detailed search of the entire room to see if there is any basement entrance or something!"


The two officers answered, and immediately checked the house.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen were walking around the house, and the room area was not large, so they quickly inspected the entire house.

There are some toiletries in the bathroom, a set of toothbrushes and mouthwash cups on the sink, and a simple aluminum floor-to-ceiling drying rack by the window of the room, on which are hung a few old men's clothes.

"Judging from the situation in the house, there is indeed a man living alone in this house recently. "

Lin Can analyzed: "But it shouldn't be Jin Haoxuan, the style of the clothes here is completely different from the clothes on Jin Haoxuan, and the size of these clothes is obviously suitable for Jin Haoxuan." "

"Not Jin Haoxuan's residence?"

Ma Guozhen said with a puzzled face: "Then how can Jin Haoxuan have the key here." "

While the two of them were thinking, there was a sudden click outside the house, and a dark shadow appeared at the window.


Lin Can reacted instantly.

At the same time, the dark shadow outside, apparently realizing that his whereabouts had been exposed, fled frantically, his footsteps rattling.


Lin Can shouted at Ma Guozhen, and then the two immediately ran towards the outside of the house.

The moment he left the house, Lin Can saw a black shadow running frantically towards the alley on the side of the road.

Lin Can immediately activated Hawkeye, and then turned Hawkeye into a stone-like shape, controlling Hawkeye to directly hit the back knee of the black shadow.

Since it was night, no one was aware of Hawkeye's presence at all, so he didn't need to cover it up.


The black shadow in front of him stumbled, he screamed miserably, and fell directly into the alley The moment he turned into the alley, he fell directly into a dog's mouth.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen quickly came to the black shadow, and the man lying on the ground was a middle-aged man in his forties.

At this moment, he was clutching his knees, and his face was bruised, and the fall just now obviously made him suffer a little.

After seeing Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, the middle-aged man endured the severe pain on his body, and he knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to the two of them: "Please forgive me a few more days, I will really not be able to come up with the money!"

"Who asked you for money?"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, directly showed his police officer card, "We are J Cha, and we came to investigate the case." "

"J Cha?"

The middle-aged man's face gradually softened, "Didn't you come here to collect debts?"

"You borrowed from a loan shark?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and asked, "Show your ID card." "

The middle-aged man immediately fumbled around his body for a while, then took out a worn-out wallet and opened the mezzanine, which contained only a few pieces of change of five yuan a piece.

He pulled out an ID card from the crack in the mezzanine and handed it to Ma Guozhen.

Gao Yongming, male, local, 43 years old this year, ID number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX......

"Get up first, go back to the house and talk. "

Ma Guozhen said to Gao Yongming in front of him.

Gao Yongming nodded, then stood up against the wall, and limped back to the house with Ma Guozhen and Lin Can.

He sat on the edge of the bed in the room, then opened the bedside table drawer, took out a bottle of safflower oil and wiped it in.

"Why borrow from loan sharks?"

Ma Guozhen asked Gao Yongming in front of him.

"When I came out of prison two years ago, I was penniless, and my relatives couldn't be contacted, so I went to the place where I lent money and borrowed some money to use ......."

Gao Yongming sighed and said: "But this loan shark is really borrowing more and more, and I don't have any financial resources, so I usually earn some money by doing odd jobs, and I can't afford to pay it back." "

"In recent months, they have come in several groups to collect my debts. "

Gao Yongming said with an unlucky face: "Just now I thought you were here to collect debts...... So I ran away without thinking about it, but I didn't expect to fall in vain. "

"You've been in jail?"

Lin Can on the side suddenly realized something, he took out his mobile phone, flipped out Jin Haoxuan's photo and showed it to Gao Yongming: "Do you know this person?"

Gao Yongming glanced at the photo, and hurriedly nodded: "Jin Haoxuan, of course I know...... I know him very well...... What, he's guilty again?"

"That's not what you should know. "

Lin Can said, "How did you know him?"

"When I was in prison before, I was in the same cell as Jin Haoxuan, so I had a bit of a friendship. "

Gao Yongming said: "But I was released from prison half a year before him. "

"He's a cellmate with you?"

Lin Can squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then continued to ask, "Why does he have the key to your rental house, you gave it to him?"

"When he was just released from prison more than half a year ago, he contacted me as soon as possible, saying that he had just come out and was not familiar with society, and asked me to help arrange a place for him to live. "

Gao Yongming said: "I just vacated the storage room and let him lay it on the floor, so he has the key to me." "

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