"How long has he been with you?"

Lin Can continued to ask.

"It didn't take long, about a month. "

Gao Yongming said: "After that, he suddenly moved out and didn't say hello to me, and he didn't even return the keys to me. "

"Did he ever come back to your rental house after he went out to live?"

Lin Can asked.

"He has the key to my house, so when I'm not at home, I don't know if he's been here or not. "

Gao Yongming said: "As for when I was at home...... He seems to have only come back once in a long time, that is, less than half a month after he moved out. "

"What did he do when he came back?"

Lin Can asked with squinted eyes.

"Came back to get the bag. "

Gao Yongming said: "At that time, there was a big black bag in his room, which was full of all kinds of tools, such as hammers, chisels, axes, etc. "

"I wondered why he had prepared so many of these tools. "

Gao Yongming said with a really such look: "Now that I think about it, he probably wants to commit a crime like this?"

"Did he say where he was going?"

"That's not true, he's a bit weird-tempered, and although we have a good relationship, he still doesn't like to communicate with me. "

Gao Yongming said: "I'm a rough man, and I won't take the initiative to ask him about these things." "

Hearing this, Lin Can got up and looked at the storage room in the house, which was already full of all kinds of sundries and garbage at the moment.

He went to the storage room, removed some of the clutter that was leaning against the wall, and then carefully surveyed the room in front of him.

The space in the room is very small, only enough for one person to rest on the floor, and it is difficult to fit even a decent bed in.

The walls around him were plastered with newspapers, and Lin Can's eyes scanned these newspapers for a while, and then he turned to Gao Yongming and said, "These newspapers are all brand new, you posted them recently?"

"Yes, I posted it. "

Gao Yongming nodded and said, "Because there are some messy paintings on the wall, I looked at it in a panic, so I glued the newspaper." "

"What painting?"

Lin Can's eyes suddenly lit up, "It was painted by Jin Haoxuan?"


Gao Yongming nodded and said, "He used to love to draw such messy things in prison, and he still didn't change this Xi when he came to my rental house, and he didn't listen to me when I said him several times." "

Hearing this, Lin Can immediately glanced at Ma Guozhen on the side, and the two tore off all the newspapers in front of them together, and what caught their eyes was all kinds of abstract graffiti paintings.

"What is this?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and looked at the various messy graffiti on the wall, his face full of confusion.

Lin Can closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"It's ......"

Lin Can came to the graffiti on one of the walls, and then gently stroked some of the graffiti paintings with his hand, "The scene of Jesus' resurrection......"


Ma Guozhen's face on the side became more and more dazed, he didn't know anything about religion at all, and the paintings in front of him were a bunch of messes for him.

"The removed cross, the holy fire lit in the church...... All sorts of easter eggs......"

Lin Can's expression was unfathomable, "Jin Haoxuan is an out-and-out religious believer!"

"If that's the case......"

The word "ten" on the calendar in He Prosperity's home suddenly appeared in Lin Can's mind, "I understand, the number ten on the calendar in He Prosperity's home is not the number ten, but the cross representing the church!"

"He is also a religious believer, and he makes a pilgrimage to the church on that day every month!"

"Except for He Prosperity, several other missing victims were killed because of Jin Haoxuan's physical defects, only He Prosperity is different!"

Lin Can said: "And the church is the point of contact between He Prosperity and the murderer, they must have had a conflict in the church, so Jin Haoxuan chose to kill He Prosperity......"

"Are there any churches around here?"

Lin Can asked Gao Yongming on the side.

"There is ......"

Gao Yongming nodded with a confused expression, "It's at the top of the slope of Zifeng Road, two streets away from me." "

Hearing this, Lin Can immediately said to Ma Guozhen: "Let's go over immediately!"


Ma Guozhen's spirit was also extremely invigorated.

He knew very well that finding out the identity of Jin Haoxuan's religious believers meant that they were one step closer to the truth!

Because only the church is the only place that Jin Haoxuan often goes to, and he often appears in the same place, it means that there is a high probability that he will leave clues to reveal his flaws!

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can immediately left Gao Yongming's rental house quickly.

Back in the car, Ma Guozhen quickly started the vehicle and drove quickly in the direction of Zifeng Road.


Z City, Zifeng Road.

An old church that is very old.

Ma Guozhen drove the car to the door of the church, and the church lights were still on.

The two quickly got out of the car and immediately arrived at the church door.

The doors of the church were closed, but through the colorful glass windows, the lights were very bright, and it was clear that there were still people living in the church.

After glancing at Lin Can, Ma Guozhen knocked on the door directly, "Is anyone there?"

Half a minute later, there was a sound of footsteps, and the door of the church slowly opened, and an old foreign man dressed in a priest's uniform came into view.

He held a candle in his hand, and the expression on his face was a little confused.

The foreign priest asked in authentic Chinese, "Who are the two?"

"J Cha. "

Ma Guozhen directly showed his ID, "I'm sorry to bother you so late, we came here because of something important to learn from you." "

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