The foreign priest carefully observed the documents in Ma Guozhen's hand for a while, and then invited the two into the church together.

The church was empty at the moment, the lights were on, and the candle in the priest's hand suddenly became dim.

"Why did the two officers come here so late, I was about to rest. "

The foreign priest extinguished the candle in his hand and placed it on a menorah in the church.

"Do you know this person?"

Lin Can directly took out his mobile phone and found a photo of Jin Haoxuan.

After seeing this photo, the foreign priest nodded and said, "This is Xiao Jin, he often comes to us to pray." "

"Kojin is a sincere believer and has a great talent for teaching. "

We have a lot of murals here that Kim helped paint, and the crosses on the outside were also made by Kim and the others. "

As he spoke, the foreign priest went to the corner of the church and lifted a curtain on the wall of which was filled with all sorts of religious graffiti paintings.

"These are all Xiao Jin's works, he is indeed very talented, and he does not receive remuneration, but I don't seem to have seen him come over much in the last two days. "

The foreign priest was a little curious and said to Lin Can and the two in front of him, "Are you looking for him?"

"You don't know where this person lives?"

Lin Can asked, "We need his detailed address." "

"His house was very close to our church, and although he didn't tell me, I happened to see it a few times when I went out. "

"It's right down this hillside, turn right at the end, and the first two-story self-built house is his house," said the foreign priest. "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen's face on the side became extremely excited.

Lin Can continued to ask, "Is there a yard in front of his house?"

"Yes. "

The foreign priest nodded and said, "The courtyard of his house is quite large, but I remember that the house used to be lived in by someone else, and Xiao Jin suddenly moved here half a year ago. "

"Very good, thank you very much for your cooperation. "

Lin Can thanked the foreign priest, and then greeted Ma Guozhen on the side, and the two immediately left the church quickly.


The entrance to a two-storey self-built house.

A black Hyundai sedan quickly parked at the gate of the courtyard, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen got out of the car together.

The two of them came to the gate of the courtyard, which was surrounded by a high wall, and the top of the wall was covered with various shards of glass, apparently to prevent anyone from reading through it.

There is an iron gate at the entrance and exit of the courtyard, and an iron lock is installed on the iron gate.


Lin Can shouted at Ma Guozhen on the side.

Ma Guozhen immediately returned to the car, from a witness bag, which contained the set of keys found in Jin Haoxuan's clothes.

Lin Can took out the key with gloves, and then immediately tried it at the door lock of the courtyard.

After excluding the previous key to the rental house, there are only seven keys left to try.

After carefully comparing the structural shapes in the keyhole, Lin Can directly took out the key that was the most suitable for visual inspection, and then directly entered the keyhole.


The keyhole opens at the sound of the sound!

Lin Can left to remove the lock, and then pushed open the gate of the courtyard.

The two walked into the yard together, and Ma Guozhen on the side turned on a flashlight and shone it everywhere in the yard.

Wang, Wang, Wang!

There were a few weak dog barks in the yard, and a scrawny pastoral dog lay on its stomach beside a stone slab in the yard, its eyes glowing with a faint green light in the night.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen both looked in the direction of the pastoral dog together, and there was a well made of cement stone bricks beside it.

A huge stone was pressed against the well, and a certain permeable smell was constantly wafting from the well.

Seeing this, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen knew very well that this well was the place where Jin Haoxuan's body was dumped!

"Deng Jinyuan may still be in the house. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Save people first!"


Ma Guozhen nodded, and then followed Lin Can to the door of the house.

Lin Can took out another key from the keychain, and then quickly opened the door of the building.

The two soldiers divided into two ways, and directly searched the house one by one.

Lin Can quickly searched several bedrooms on the first floor, and then came to the bathroom on the first floor, where the bathroom door was locked and could not be opened directly.

Seeing this, Lin Can directly controlled the eagle eye shape to turn into a sharp blade, directly destroying the door lock, and then he opened the door and walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom was filled with the smell of blood, and several large steel nails hung from the walls, and several pieces of hair-stained skin tissue were stuck to the steel nails...... The walls below were covered in blood......

These are obviously the traces left by the women who were killed before.

Behind the bathroom door, a woman with a disheveled head and a rag on her head curled up in a corner, motionless.

Lin Can immediately came to the woman's side, brushed her hair, and what caught her eye was Deng Jinyuan's face!

He probed Deng Jinyuan's snort, and after making sure that she was still breathing, Lin Can breathed a long sigh of relief.

The blood stains on Deng Jinyuan's body had dried up, and her limbs showed signs of being tied, but the rope had already been broken free from by her.

The top of her head was obviously badly injured, but when Deng Jinyuan woke up, she tore off her clothes and wrapped the injured area, simply stopping the bleeding.

At the same time, Ma Guozhen had also finished inspecting the second floor, and when he returned downstairs, he also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Deng Jinyuan still breathing in the bathroom.

"Fortunately, we solved the case quickly enough, Deng Jinyuan was seriously injured and shed a lot of blood, if it was another day or two, she would probably be saved. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Call the police officer over and arrange for an ambulance to come over......


Ma Guozhen nodded, and then immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call and ordered.

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