After a while, ambulances and police cars quickly arrived and put Deng Jinyuan on a stretcher as soon as possible.

Seeing Deng Jinyuan being sent to the police car by medical staff, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen were relieved.

From yesterday when Jin Haoxuan was caught during the day, to finding Jin Haoxuan's residence and the place where the body was dumped in the middle of the night today, a total of one and a half days.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen barely rested for a day and a half, and maintained a very high work efficiency, and finally saved the surviving Deng Jinyuan in the battle against time.

The two looked at each other, and then came to the well in the courtyard.

When the stones on the well were removed, a strong foul smell suddenly hit the nostrils.

The pastoral dogs on the side barked and barked, and the barking seemed a little sad in the dark night.

Ma Guozhen shone the flashlight towards the well, only to see several pitch-black corpses floating on the water, the entire well surface was occupied, and the corpses had been soaked in water and swollen and white.

Due to Lin Can's previous interrogation, the police officers had already known in advance that the body was thrown in the well, so they all had a certain psychological preparation, and they did not show too much surprise.

Under the command of Ma Guozhen, the bodies were salvaged one by one.

Due to the depth of the well, the salvage was difficult, and the whole salvage process lasted more than an hour, and the police recovered a total of six bodies from the well.

Ma Guozhen compared the corresponding missing person information.

In addition to the bodies of He Rongfang and the other three missing, there was also a pile of corpses of an elderly couple.

After investigation, the two bodies were found to be the owners of the self-built house.

After Jin Haoxuan killed the couple, the dove occupied the magpie's nest and used it as a base to kill six people one after another, and only Deng Jinyuan survived.

After confirming this information, the police officers carefully investigated the entire house and collected evidence on Jin Haoxuan's crime traces.

As the house was full of traces of crime, the police were also going very smoothly in their evidence collection work.

A few hours later.

The pre-dawn darkness shrouded the whole world.

Under the dark sky, only this house was brightly lit on the entire hillside.

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can stood on the roof of the second floor, looking into the distance together.

"It's really hanging, thanks to our fast movements, we found this place in a day and a half, otherwise with Deng Jinyuan's complexion, it is estimated that it won't last long. "

Ma Guozhen took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and took out one and lit it, "Now that the person has found it and the evidence of the corpse has been found, Shen Yueting will soon be able to see her mother." "

Lin Can nodded lightly, his eyes wide.

Shen Yueting's figure appeared in his mind, and she was very peaceful at the moment.

Everything has fallen to the dust, and Shen Yueting will be able to see her mother again at dawn, and those corpses that have been buried for several months will see the light of day again and give an explanation to their relatives.

"This Jin Haoxuan is really good, if we can't find the place where Jin Haoxuan committed the crime and dumped his body in time, Jin Haoxuan will be able to leave the police station soon. "

Ma Guozhen said with emotion: "If he secretly leaves the country at that time, even if we find here, there will be nothing we can do about him." "

"If he had been really smart, he would not have arrogantly provoked us and told us about the murder. "

Lin Can's tone was indifferent, "From the moment he confessed to us, he was destined to lose completely. "

"Yes, his biggest mistake was not to mess with Professor Lin. "

Ma Guozhen silently looked at the handsome man on the side, under the dark night, his face was young and handsome, but there was a bit of maturity in his expression that should not be at this age.

After such a time together, he sometimes even forgets that Lin Can is just a young man in his early twenties.

Ma Guozhen has been Xi silently learning Lin Can's case-handling skills, as well as Lin Can's temperament and spirit as a top criminal investigator.

He even felt that this man who had been leading him in handling the case was like his teacher, no matter what problems he encountered, Lin Can always had a way to solve them.

Many times Ma Guozhen would forget Lin Can's age, until he stopped and looked at Lin Can's back, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded, this teacher who helped him solve so many cases was really just a young man in his early twenties.

"There are still so many unknown dark shadows in this world......"

Ma Guozhen said: "If this Jin Haoxuan hadn't taken the initiative to confess to us about his murderous deeds, I'm afraid that the corpse here won't know how long it will take to see the light of day." "

"No matter how difficult it may be to move forward when darkness is covered, we will eventually usher in light. "

Lin Can said: "As a criminal investigator, what we have to do is to let the light come earlier and cover as many places as possible. "

"Like what we're doing right now. "

Lin Can glanced at the horizon in the distance, "Guide the light of dawn and illuminate the darkness of this world." "

Ma Guozhen followed Lin Can's gaze and looked into the distance.

On the distant horizon, a ray of dawn light slowly seeped out, reflecting Ma Guozhen's entire pupil.


Z City

Police station, interrogation room.


"Jin Haoxuan. "


"Twenty-six. "




Since Jin Haoxuan had already confessed all the details of his crime, the police also found the corresponding dumping point and obtained a large amount of evidence through investigation.

Jin Haoxuan did not have any chance to resist, and after some interrogation, he also confessed all the details of the murder of the two house owners and his wife, and the case was basically solved.

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