Z City.

Captain's office.

Lin Can had just finished handling the various follow-up work of the case with Ma Guozhen, and the rest of the work only needed to be completed by Ma Guozhen to the police, so Lin Can went back to the office to rest for a while.

"Ding...... Congratulations on solving the [Well Hiding Corpse Case] and obtaining 1500 XP rewards, 1500 Fame Points rewards, and 25000 Huaxia Coins. "

"Ding...... Due to the host's luck, a special reward for the end of the case will be triggered, and a prop package will be obtained. "

Two familiar system prompts sounded, Lin Can glanced at the message prompt, and then directly chose to open the gift package.

"Ding...... Open the gift pack to get a skill card [Z City Map Mastery] and a prop [Attribute Enhancement Pill]. "

[Z City Map Mastery]: After use, you can get the Z City Map Mastery Skill, which can simulate any actual road conditions in the city in your mind, and update the function in real time.

[Attribute Enhancement Pill]: After use, you will get a comfortable attribute improvement process, Strength +2, Speed +2, and Constitution +2.

This time the case was solved and a special reward was triggered, Lin Can was indeed a little surprised, but this was undoubtedly a good thing for himself, and he naturally accepted it gladly.

[Attribute Enhancement Pill] He had already obtained it before, and the good things used to improve his attributes, Lin Can chose to use it without hesitation.

As the streamer flashed in his body, the familiar feeling of comfort and ascension surged in Lin Can's body.

After a while, as the ascension ended, Lin Can suddenly felt that his body had changed slightly.

Both the strength and the speed response have been slightly improved.

Of course, this is already a huge improvement for ordinary people.

At present, Lin Can's physique has far exceeded that of ordinary people by more than two times, and coupled with the [Fighting Mastery] skills obtained before, Lin Can's current fighting ability can be called strong!

Lin Can glanced at another item in the warehouse, [Z City Map Mastery], and then chose to use it as well.

Streamers poured into Lin Can's body, and a large amount of map information of Z City instantly poured into his mind like an initiation.

Unlike ordinary maps, this map can be zoomed in to see the road surface in any part of the city.

And it can be viewed in real life, but only in real time, but this is almost no different from field surveys!

Lin Can immediately began to search for the roads near him in his mind, and the situation of several surrounding streets was immediately clear.

Where there are trails, where roads are congested, where intersections are repaired and forbidden to pass are all clear!

Such skills could not be more practical for Lin Can, and they can often be used when catching murderers and handling cases in the future.

And Lin Can already has a certain amount of prestige savings, and if he leaves Z City to go to other places in the future, Lin Can can also buy the corresponding map mastery skills.

This skill can undoubtedly greatly improve Lin Can's efficiency in handling cases, and it is indeed a very good reward.

Lin Can opened the system bar and looked at his property bar panel.

Host: Lin Can

Gender: Male

Prestige Level: LV3, Minor Fame (XP: 7100/10000)

Strength: 23 (10 for the average adult male)

Speed: 23 (10 for normal adult males)

Constitution: 28 (10 for normal adult males)

Wealth: 700,000 Huaxia coins.

Fame: 20500.

Skills: [Combat Mastery], [Advanced Computer Technology Mastery], [Advanced Protection], [Gun God Possession], [Z City Map Mastery].

Items: [Eagle Eye], [Gilded Desert Eagle].

With a creak, the office door opened.

Ma Guozhen stretched his waist and walked into the office.

"The case is finally over......"

Ma Guozhen lay back on the chair in the office, with a relieved expression.

Lin Can got up and came to the window, he opened the curtains, and the bright sunlight suddenly filled the entire office.

Open the window a little and the fresh morning air will blow in the pavement, which is refreshing.

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen behind him: "Has the hospital contacted me, how is Deng Jinyuan's situation?"

"I contacted, and the doctor said that the rescue was timely, and after a night of treatment, she is currently not in danger of life. "

Ma Guozhen said: "However, Deng Jinyuan suffered a severe head injury, had a certain degree of concussion, and still needs to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time, and she is currently resting in the nursing ward." "

Lin Can nodded, then closed the window, "Go back to the apartment, Tingting should have woken up at this point, and it's time to fulfill last night's promise." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then left the office with Lin Can.


Z City.

Van Gogh Apartments.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen returned to the apartment, the lights in the bathroom were on, and the two figures were dressing up in front of the mirror.

Shen Yueting had obviously woken up for a while, and Chen Lingyue changed her into a clean and beautiful dress and carefully combed her hair.

After a few days of cultivation, Shen Yueting's face did not have the previous feeling of thinness, and her complexion was much better.

After dressing up, there is a little bit of the unique cuteness and delicacy of the little girl.

"Big brother!"

Seeing Lin Can's figure, Shen Yueting didn't care about her uncombed hair, and came to Lin Can's side with a happy face.

She hugged Lin Can's arm, her eyes were full of bright light, "I heard my sister say that I will be able to see my mother today?"

Hearing this, Lin Can glanced at Chen Lingyue next to her, she smiled and winked at Lin Can, obviously having told Shen Yueting the good news in advance.

"Yes, I'll take you to your mother right now. "

Lin Can gently touched Shen Yueting's hair with a caressed face, "But your mother fell on the road and is now resting in the hospital." "

"But don't worry, your mother is in great health, as long as she has a good rest for a while, she will be fine. "

Lin Can said: "She may still be sleeping when we pass by for a while, if she is asleep, let's not wake her up, okay?"

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