"Thank you......"

Deng Jinyuan had tears in her eyes, and her eyes were full of sparkling light.

"You have been cultivating your body these days. "

Lin Can said: "Tingting will continue to be taken care of by us for a few days for the time being, and we will take good care of her." "

"Tingting has already told me before, you have been so good to her these days...... This child has grown up so big, no one has ever treated her well, and I, as a mother, am not competent at all, and I can't even admit that the child wants to eat something good......"

Deng Jinyuan said: "When I get better, I must work hard to work hard, it doesn't matter if I am tired, I will not let Tingting and me put myself in that dangerous situation again." "

"Good. "

Lin Can nodded with a smile and said, "This is the result I want to hear the most." "

After chatting with Deng Jinyuan for a few more words, Lin Can called Shen Yueting and others to come in.

After staying in the ward for dozens of minutes, everyone left the ward with Shen Yueting.


Z City

Van Gogh Apartments.

In the shower room, Lin Can stood under the water curtain of the shower, comfortably washing his body.

Every time after the case is completed, Lin Can must wash up carefully, and under the hot water vapor, Lin Can's thoughts are also proudly rested and empty.

After taking a shower, Lin Can opened a small wardrobe outside the bathroom cubicle, and the inside of the cabinet was already empty.

Usually, he can go out and get dressed directly, but at this time, Shen Yueting is still at home, and he is obviously not very easy to go out.

And it is not convenient to take care of the children by himself, so Lin Can specially invited Chen Lingyue to come over to live for a few days, and now that there are two girls at home, he can't go out casually.

Lin Can came to the door of the bathroom, and the sound of cartoons on the TV came from the living room, obviously Shen Yueting was watching TV on the sofa.

"Tingting, why are the towels in the bathroom cabinet and the pajamas I used to put here missing?"

Lin Can shouted at the living room.

"That...... Yesterday my sister and I cleaned up the house and washed all the towels and clothes. "

Shen Yueting's voice sounded in the living room, "Big brother, I also help you wash your clothes, Tingting is amazing!"

"Those clothes are all clean......"

Lin Can said with a little crying and laughing: "Then you call Sister Xiao Chen, ask her to bring a clean towel over, and by the way, bring another set of pajamas from my bedroom." "

"My sister just answered the phone and went out. "

Shen Yueting jumped down from the sofa, "I'll get it for you." "

Half a minute later, there was a sound of footsteps, and a petite figure appeared at the door of the bathroom, Lin Can opened a crack in the door slightly, and a slender little hand handed in the towel and clothes.

After Lin Can dried his body and changed into pajamas, he went to the bathroom and came to the living room.

Shen Yueting was hugging the doll bear again, sitting on the sofa and watching the cartoons.

Seeing Lin Can come out with his hair wiped out, Ting's face suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Big brother...... You're so handsome......"

Shen Yueting instantly turned into Lin Can's little fan.

"When did your mouth get so sweet?"

Lin Can smiled: "Sister Xiao Chen hasn't come back yet?"

"No ......"

Shen Yueting shook her head and said.

As soon as the words fell, the door suddenly opened, and Chen Lingyue walked in with a large bag of ingredients.

Shen Yueting put down the doll bear in her hand very sensibly and helped Chen Lingyue carry the dishes to the kitchen.

Lin Can also helped carry the dishes, "Why did you buy so many dishes, ready to show off your cooking skills today?"

"You guessed it!"

Chen Lingyue said with a smile on her face: "Tingting has always said that she wants to eat the dishes I cooked, of course I want to show her a hand today." "

"Then I'm naked today. "

Lin Can smiled: "It seems that I can have a good mouth today, do you need my help?"

"No, just have me and Tingting. "

Chen Lingyue's smile was as bright as a flower, "You just sit on the sofa and wait." "

"Tingting, I'm going to help my sister wash and choose vegetables later!"

Chen Lingyue shouted at Shen Yueting in the kitchen.

"Got it!"

Shen Yueting replied very obediently.

Lin Can couldn't help but feel warm when he looked at the two girls who were busy working in the kitchen.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

Lin Can came directly to the door of the room, and after opening the door, a familiar face came into view.

"Captain Ma...... Why are you here?"

Lin Can said with some surprise, "Why don't you call in advance?"

"I came to see you and brought you something. "

Ma Guozhen said with the gift in his hand.

"You're too polite, aren't you...... Come to my place and bring gifts, don't be so polite next time. "

Lin Can hurriedly opened the door, "Come in and sit." "

Ma Guozhen also smiled and changed his shoes and walked into the house, and he put the gift in his hand on the coffee table.

"It just so happens that Chen Lingyue and Tingting are processing the ingredients in the kitchen, and they will be ready to cook in a while. "

Lin Can said, "Why don't you stay and have a meal?"

"No, I'll have something to do in a moment. "

Ma Guozhen smiled: "I came here this time specifically to surprise you." "


Lin Can smiled: "The gun license is down?"

"Gotta ...... I can't hide anything from you, it seems that there is no surprise, and I can only simply be happy. "

Ma Guozhen smiled and took out a folder from his pocket, which contained a brand-new gun license and a few paper documents, "Your gun license, as well as your firearms, have been registered and filed, and all the documents are here." "

"This little thing...... I'm also bothering you to make a special trip. "

Lin Can smiled: "It's hard work." "

"Where, I just happened to stop by after work, and I bought things from a nearby store. "

Ma Guozhen said: "By the way, there is another good news, the Yang Bureau asked me to tell you that the provincial department has allocated you a special reward for solving the case, which should arrive today, you pay attention to checking." "

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Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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