"The reward from the city bureau has arrived...... There's also a bonus from the provincial department?"

Lin Can smiled: "Then I am here to thank the leaders of the provincial and municipal bureaus for their care." "

"That's a must, for a pillar like Professor Lin, the leaders will naturally not be stingy with rewards. "

Ma Guozhen secretly leaned into Lin Can's ear and said: "I heard that the provincial department has a lot of bonuses, which is specifically to encourage Professor Lin to do his duty and devote himself to solving the case." "

"I am a detective, and I was invited by the Yang Bureau to assist in the case, this is what I should do. "

Lin Can said with a smile on his face.

After the two chatted a few words in the living room, Ma Guozhen greeted him, and then left the apartment.

At the same time, the kitchen door also opened suddenly, Chen Lingyue took off the gloves for washing vegetables and said, "Why is Captain Ma gone?"

"He just came to deliver me a paperwork. "

Lin Can said: "After sitting for a while, I left." "

"I was just working on the ingredients, and I didn't have time to go out and say hello to the team. "

Chen Lingyue said: "I didn't expect him to leave so soon. "

"Captain Ma said that he still has something at home, so he won't delay his time. "

Lin Can said with a smile: "Anyway, I have time in the past few days, and when I have time, I will call the horse team to come over and have a light meal." "

"Got it...... Then I'll go back to the kitchen. "

Chen Lingyue put on her gloves again and returned to the kitchen, and continued to process the ingredients with Shen Yueting.

Lin Can opened the system and glanced at his wealth balance: 1,700,000 (fraction automatically omitted).

Seeing this, Lin Can's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Before, his wealth balance was only 700,000, and the municipal bureau's case-solving bonus was about 900,000 after it arrived, but I didn't expect the provincial department to directly allocate a bonus of 7.8 million yuan to himself!

Such a generous gesture also made Lin Can realize that the leaders of the provincial department really value themselves very much, and they are not stingy with bonus treatment at all.

However, he has helped the police crack so many important cases since this time, and such a reward can be regarded as justifiable, and Lin Can accepts it as a matter of course.

Even if he does not cooperate with the police and unilaterally accepts the entrustment of some well-off parties to the case, this remuneration can be easily obtained.

After having such a deposit, Lin Can's first thought was to buy himself a car.

After all, if you go out to handle cases by yourself, if you have a car, it will be more convenient to act.

Although there are usually old drivers who can help with pick-up, the other party will inevitably encounter a situation where they don't have time, so it will be safer to buy their own car.

An hour later, the smell of food came from the kitchen.

The kitchen door opened, and Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting carefully brought one dish to the table one by one.

"Big brother, come over for dinner!"

Shen Yueting said excitedly: "Come and try my sister's craftsmanship"

"You helped with the stir-fry too?"

Lin Can came to the table with a smile on his face.

Chen Lingyue also smiled and distributed the dishes and chopsticks, "Tingting has always said that she also wants to try her hand, so I instructed her to make a simple home-cooked dish, but I didn't expect her to be quite talented and do it well." "

"That's it—Kung Pao Chicken. "

Shen Yueting said to Lin Can with an expectant expression: "Big brother, how about you taste it." "

Lin Can nodded with a smile on his face, then picked up the chopsticks and tasted them, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it is indeed very talented, and with your little sister Chen on the side, it looks and tastes decent." "

After receiving Lin Can's praise, Shen Yueting's face became more and more ruddy, and she was no longer at all like the thin and pale appearance when she first saw her.

"You try my sister's again, my sister's cooking skills are amazing, and I've been learning Xi by the side. "

Shen Yueting said: "In the future, when I learn, I will also make these dishes for my eldest brother and sister to taste." "

"Okay, then I and your sister Chen can make a note. "

Lin Can said with a smile.

The three of them ate and chatted together at the dining table, and the room was filled with laughter.

"By the way, I'm going to buy a car tomorrow. "

Lin Can said: "It just so happens that you two have time, come with me when the time comes." "

"Buying a car?"

Chen Lingyue said with a smile: "Yes, Professor Lin, you often have to run here and there when handling cases, and it is really inconvenient to have no car." "

"Big brother, you want to buy a car. "

Shen Yueting said with little stars in her eyes: "Then will you drive Tingting to play then?"

"Of course. "

Lin Can smiled and touched Shen Yueting's head, "After I buy a car tomorrow, I will take you and Sister Xiao Chen to go around." "


Shen Yueting picked up a piece of meat from the plate and carefully fed it to Lin Can, "Then I'll reward my eldest brother with a piece of meat that I like to eat the most." "

The three of them continued to enjoy the dinner, and the laughter of the two girls in the room echoed for a long time.


Z City

Van Gogh Apartments.

Lin Can stood in front of the mirror and meticulously buttoned the white shirt, and after tidying up the collar, Lin Can approved a coat and left the room.

In the living room, Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting were basically dressed up, and the two of them sat quietly on the sofa in the living room, sorting each other's clothes.

After seeing Lin Can's figure, Shen Yueting immediately got off the sofa, she was wearing a pink princess dress today, her long hair was simply draped over her shoulders, and the butterfly hairpin on her head was even more cute.

Lin Can turned her gaze to the side, Chen Lingyue was wearing a sky blue bohemian dress, which made her skin white and snowy, she sat on the sofa, her hands were on her knees like white jade, and the smile on her face was as pure as water.

Seeing Lin Can staring at her, her cheeks flushed slightly, and then she also got up from the sofa, "It's time for us to go." "

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