Lin Can nodded, and then took Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting downstairs together.


Z City

Motor City.

As the largest car sales center in Z City, the entire street is lined with 4S stores of various domestic and foreign brands, and vehicles of various prices and grades are sold here.

After taking Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting to look at the 4S stores of various brands for a while, Lin Can finally took the two to the Porsche 4S store.

As soon as I walked into the door of the store, a shopping guide in uniform immediately greeted me.

"Hello sir, do you need to buy a car?"

The shopping guide lady immediately glanced at Lin Can and the others in front of her, and after seeing Chen Lingyue beside Lin Can, her face was a little surprised, "This young lady...... It sounds familiar...... Have you ever been to our shop before?"

"You're mistaken. "

Chen Lingyue winked at the shopping guide and said, "It's the first time I've come here." "

Seeing this, the shopping guide immediately nodded knowingly, "That may be my mistake, we have to receive a lot of customers every day, it's easy to get confused, I'm really embarrassed to ......"

"It doesn't matter. "

Chen Lingyue smiled.

The shopping guide said to Lin Can on the side with a smile on her face: "Sir, do you have a favorite model, if not, I can recommend the most suitable vehicle for you according to your needs." "

"Let's take a look. "

Lin Can said lightly, and then took Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting around the store for a while.

After browsing for a while, Lin Can finally stopped in front of the latest dark silver Porsche sedan.

"This car is so cool......"

Shen Yueting on the side also fell in love with this car at a glance, and her eyes were full of light.

"Sir, you guys really have a good eye, this is the Panamera 4S Executive Extended Edition, which is very suitable for high-end business people to drive, and it is very consistent with your temperament, sir. "

The shopping guide immediately introduced, "As a luxury business model, the car takes into account both sports and comfort, and has sports car-level performance, and the top model of the short-axle version can accelerate to 100 meters in .8 seconds." "

Lin Can was introduced by the shopping guide and carefully looked at the dark silver Porsche in front of him.

From the outside, this car is really clear, with smooth body lines, transverse headlights, deformed rear wing, full of sci-fi style at the rear, spacious interior, and explosive interior.

When it comes to performance, there is a real gap between this car and those top sports cars.

But in terms of comfort and power, this car is really good, and it is very convenient for Lin Can to handle cases on weekdays, so Lin Can is also interested in this car.

Although it is said that the best model to choose is an SUV vehicle, Lin Can personally still prefers a sedan-style vehicle, so he did not consider other models.

Seeing that Lin Can was interested in the car in front of her, the shopping guide became more and more excited.

Her performance is already at the bottom of the store, and she can only rely on a meager basic salary to maintain food and clothing every month, and if she can sell this luxury car, she will not be hungry for at least a month or two.

Thinking of this, the shopping guide introduced the car in front of her more and more diligently, "This car adopts a four-door design, with a large air intake on each side of the front face, and horizontal strip fog lights running through it, which has a unique shape. "

"The side line is clean and soft, elegant and sporty, and the huge five-spoke wheels with black brake calipers hint at good sporty potential......

When the shopping guide was explaining endlessly, Lin Can directly interrupted her and said to her, "Okay, just this car." "

Hearing this, the shopping guide in front of her was stunned for a moment, and she didn't seem to react.

He...... So decided to buy it?

I didn't even ask for the price...... It's so refreshing......

"Good...... Please move to our sofa area and we will discuss the appropriate matching issues for you and handle the corresponding formalities for you at the same time - and we will give you the maximum discount. "

The shopping guide made a gesture of invitation to Lin Can and the others, and then took Lin Can and the three of them to the sofa area to rest.

After a period of selection and formalities, Lin Can finally purchased this Porsche Panamer 4S at a preferential price of 1.5 million.

After waiting for a while, the staff at the store drove the new car from the warehouse to the store's entrance.

The shopping guide said to Lin Can with a respectful face: "Mr. Lin, your car is already waiting for you at the door, all the formalities have been completed for you, you can pick up the car and leave now." "

"So fast?"

Lin Can glanced out the door with some surprise, and a brand-new dark silver Porsche had stopped at the door.

He couldn't help but glance at Chen Lingyue beside him, and his heart suddenly understood.

"If you're not familiar with the vehicle, we have a professional who can explain it to you. "

The shopping guide reminded.

"No need. "

Lin Can got up and came to the car, then opened the car door and said to Chen Lingyue and Shen Yueting: "Get in the car, take you for a ride." "


Shen Yueting sat happily in the back of the car, and Chen Lingyue sat in the co-pilot.

"Fasten your seatbelts and sit back for a while. "

Lin Can reminded the two girls in the car.

Under the respectful gaze of the shopping guide lady of the 4S store, Lin Can skillfully started the vehicle, and the moment he stepped on the accelerator, a wave of sound sounded, and then the Porsche Paramela instantly galloped on the street.

In his previous life, as a top detective, he often needed to drive by himself, so Lin Can's own driving skills were very good.

With Shen Yueting's happy cheers, the dark silver Porsche shuttled quickly through the streets.

PS: Ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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