After a while.

After drinking a few cups of tea with Lin Can and briefly handling some official business, a mobile phone text message prompt sounded.

"I just received a notice from the director that I can leave work early today. "

Ma Guozhen looked at the message on his phone and said, "I guess the director knows that Professor Lin is coming, so he specially gave me some time to receive you well." "

"Director Yang is so polite. "

Lin Can smiled: "I've been in Z City for so long, and I still treat me like a guest." "

"But that's just right, if you don't have anything else to attend to in your team, let's go now. "

Lin Can got up and said.

"Okay. "

After Ma Guozhen changed into civilian clothes, he and Lin Can went to the parking space under the office building, and a brand-new Porsche Passamera was parked in the middle of several cars.

The two got into the car together, Ma Guozhen sat in the co-pilot, looked at the interior of the car, and experienced the comfortable seat again.

"It's really much more comfortable than my Hyundai......"

Ma Guozhen said with a smile.

"If Captain Ma works for a while longer and cracks more cases, I'm afraid the police department will take the initiative to give Captain Ma a good car. "

Lin Can chuckled lightly and started the vehicle directly.

There was a sound wave, and the dark silver paramela quickly left the police station and sped down the road.

"Professor Lin, let's go to the nearby Industrial and Commercial Bank first. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I want to get some money, and by the way, I have to buy something for the old captain." "

"Good. "

Lin Can replied, and then drove Paramela through the streets.


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

A dark silver Porsche slowly pulled into a parking space on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen got out of the car together.

The two walked briskly into the bank, there were a lot of people in the bank, there were many people standing at various windows and in front of the self-service machines, and the staff in the bank lobby were patiently receiving them.

Ma Guozhen took a number, and then sat on the waiting seat next to him with Lin Can.

"By the way, what's the old captain's name?"

Lin Can said: "If you don't know what to call it after a while, it's really rude. "

"The old captain's name is Lu Jiatao. "

Ma Guozhen replied: "Although he has resigned, it is Xi who is used to calling him the old captain." "

Lin Can nodded, and then glanced around.

As a detective, no matter where Lin Can goes, he will carefully look at the surrounding environment and pay attention to every detail that is easy to overlook, which is a quality that an investigator should have.

At the entrance of the bank, four men in trench coats walked into the bank quickly, wearing masks and carrying a schoolbag in their hands, and their steps were a little hurried.

Without any superfluous movements, the four men in trench coats directly closed the glass door of the bank and locked the glass door without permission.

"What are you doing!"

The two security guards in the hall immediately walked towards the four men with electric batons, "Hurry up and open the lock!"

The four men in trench coats all took out a pistol from their bags with a simple movement, and a man with an inch head led by him fired directly at the mouth of one of the security guards.


The security guard was shot and fell to the ground in an instant, and bright red blood flowed all over the ground.

The other security guard was obviously frightened by the ruthless tactics of the man in front of him, and the other party shot and killed one person without hesitation!

This kind of scene, which can only be seen in movies on weekdays, was actually played out in front of him, and his legs couldn't stop trembling.

Seeing the appearance of the other security guard, the inch-headed man sneered, and then fired a shot directly at the ceiling.


Heavy gunfire rang out in the hall again.

There was a commotion in the bank, screams were chaotic, and the customers who were doing business fled with their heads in their hands, but the glass door had been locked by the three bandits, and there was no way to leave.

"I don't talk nonsense, robbery, everyone squats in the corner with their heads in their hands. "

The inch-headed man at the head scanned the surroundings with the black muzzle of his gun.

The two bandits next to him also held pistols in one hand, controlling everyone at the scene to shrink into the corner.

"You...... Come here. "

The leading robber pointed a pistol at the security guard.

The security guard trembled and came to the robber, and the robber directly put the pistol against the security guard's head, and then hijacked him to the counter, and said to the teller inside: "Open the commuter door next to the counter!"

Seeing that the teller was calling the police in a panic, the robber did not hesitate to shoot the security guard in front of him in the leg.


Blood burst out of the security guard's legs, and he screamed, his heart-rending expression that made the teller inside panic even more.

"If I don't open the door again, I will shoot his head directly. "

The robber put the muzzle of the gun back at the security guard's head with a fierce face, "I'm only counting three!"

"You don't kill anymore...... The key is on the person in charge of the outlet......"

The teller said with a look of fear: "I don't have a key to open the door......"

"I'll give you another twenty seconds, hurry up and call your person in charge to open the door!"

The robber said viciously: "Otherwise, not only will he die, but these people outside will not be able to escape!"

On the other side, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen glanced at each other, their eyes sharp.

These four thieves actually robbed the bank in front of them and killed a security guard with their actions!

The two who were in a good mood suddenly became heavy, and their faces became cold.

They looked around, there were quite a few ordinary people in the hall, and the four bandits were all armed with firearms, so they had to be cautious.

If you are not careful, I am afraid that it will cause more casualties!

Thinking of this, the two glanced at each other again, and Lin Can made a few gestures at Ma Guozhen, who nodded in understanding after seeing it.

"You two!"

A shorter bald robber pointed a gun at Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, "Didn't you hear if you squatted by the wall?

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Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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