The gun management system in this world is not the same as in the previous life, Ma Guozhen is the captain of the criminal police, so even after work, he usually carries a police gun with him.

And Lin Can also carries a gold-plated eagle with him, and he already has the relevant documents, so he is fully able to cooperate with Ma Guozhen to deal with these bandits.

At this moment, the situation is urgent, and the two must strive to get rid of these bandits in the fastest possible time!

These bandits are ruthless, they have killed one security guard before, and they have just shot and wounded another security guard, and if the battle is too long, all the people in the lobby will be in danger.

"You draw their fire for a moment, and then you hide and don't take the lead. "

Lin Can whispered to Ma Guozhen on the side: "I'll solve them." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen glanced at Lin Can in front of him with some surprise.

Although he knew that Lin Can had obtained a certificate of gun ownership, it meant that his marksmanship must have passed......

But at this moment, the situation is so critical, in the face of four bandits with firearms, even the elite special police officers trained by the bureau all year round dare not guarantee that they will be able to subdue these bandits unscathed.

No matter how you look at this mission, it is extremely dangerous, but Lin Can actually took the initiative to take the task of attacking the enemy!

Looking at Lin Can's unquestionable eyes, Ma Guozhen still nodded slightly.

For Ma Guozhen, Lin Can's words are orders, and he will never question them!

The two of them glanced to their side, making sure there were no other people around.

"Are you deaf!"

The bald man on the opposite side suddenly looked vigilant, and his hand gradually approached the trigger position.

Ma Guozhen immediately took out a pistol from his waist and fired a shot directly at the bald bandit with great speed.

As a criminal police captain, Ma Guozhen's marksmanship is very good, both the speed and accuracy of the gun are remarkable.


The bullet instantly pierced the arm of the bald bandit, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground, and bright red blood splattered suddenly.

The other three bandits reacted instantly, and they immediately found the corresponding cover and hid, and at the same time fired back in the direction where Ma Guozhen was.

The flat-headed bandit also gave up the commuter door of the bank, and directly used the security guard as a cover to find a pillar to hide.

And the bald bandit who was shot also covered his injured arm to find cover and hid.

Bang bang bang!

The dense firepower instantly swept in the direction where Ma Guozhen was.

The bullet struck the iron seat, splattering bright sparks.

Ma Guozhen lay behind a few seats, feeling the sound of bullets passing by his side, and he couldn't help but scratch a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

He knew very well how the situation was at the moment, and if he didn't handle it properly, not only would he lose his life, but so many people in the hall would also be doomed!

But Ma Guozhen has no choice, his is to believe in Lin Can!


A discordant rhythm of gunfire rang out.

A yellow-haired robber hiding behind the counter table was shot in the head in an instant, and his body fell to the ground with a thud, bright red blood gushing out of the blood hole.

The first robber, killed!

The inch-headed robber at the head looked startled, and then immediately looked in the other direction where the gunshots rang out, Lin Can had already quietly touched the position on their side, and fired a shot at another robber behind a corner.

"Junko be careful!"

The inch-headed robber shouted at the robber behind another corner, and at the same time fired a shot in the direction where Lin Can was.


The robber named Junko didn't have time to react before a blood shot out of his brain, and then he fell to the ground with the same thud.

The second robber has been killed!

The bullet of the inch-headed robber grazed Lin Can's collar and directly sank into the wall behind Lin Can.


The inch-headed robber's face turned pale, he looked at the two corpses lying on the ground, and then immediately shifted the cover, changing the angle to find a suitable position to shoot.

Lin Can also changed the cover expressionlessly, the marksmanship of these bandits was extraordinary, and the man with the inch head just now almost hit himself.

However, Lin Can reacted extremely quickly and used his body protection skill to deflect the trajectory of the bullet, so he did not suffer any damage.

He looked at the remaining two robbers coldly, and the chamber of the gold-plated eagle in his hand was slightly hot.

For this extremely dangerous bandit, Lin Can will never be merciful.

He knew very well that if these bandits were given a chance, all the people in the entire hall would suffer!

Ma Guozhen behind the iron chair also saw the picture of Lin Can instantly solving the two bandits, and he looked at Lin Can who was expressionless not far away, his face was both shocked and a little Xi.

He never thought that Lin Can's marksmanship would be so good before!

Really...... As long as you believe in Lin Can, there will be no accidents!

Ma Guozhen poked his head out slightly, and was about to help Lin Can deal with the remaining two bandits.

But the inch-headed robber kept staring at his side, and a few bullets grazed Ma Guozhen's hair into the wall behind him, and Ma Guozhen couldn't help but retract his head.

On the other side, the wounded bald robber glanced at the pistol that had fallen from the ground, and then he gritted his teeth and rushed out of cover to pick up the gun and continue the fight.

But Lin Can's muzzle had already locked on the bald robber.

"Fatty, don't go!"

The inch-headed robber roared with wide eyes, but the bald robber's head was already bursting with blood.

Lin Can's bullet penetrated his head again with unmistakable accuracy, and the bald robber's body went limp, and then he collapsed to the ground, his palm less than half a meter away from the pistol on the ground.

The third robber has been killed!

"How can it be!"

The inch-headed robber frantically fired several shots in succession at Lin Can's location, but Lin Can had already shrunk behind the bunker, and the inch-headed robber was simply wasting bullets.

He was now the only robber left in the hall, and his eyes scanned the bodies of the other three bandits who had been shot and fell to the ground, the expression on his face was both angry and terrified.

"What's the matter with this kid...... Is the marksmanship so accurate?"

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