On the other side, as a whistle sounded, Ma Guozhen glanced at Lin Can's location, and Lin Can quickly made a few gestures towards him.

Ma Guozhen looked at Lin Can's gestures, and then suddenly understood what Lin Can meant.

In this situation, it is obvious that the inch-headed robber will not easily reach out of cover, and must find a way to lure him out!

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen took a deep breath.

He clenched his police gun, then leaned out directly as a lure and fired several shots at the location of the robber!

What I have to do is to choose to believe in Lin Can absolutely!

On the other side, the bald robber listened to the sound of Ma Guozhen shooting at him one after another, and the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

He knows very well that Ma Guozhen is luring himself, but at present, the whole team is left alone, and if he continues to drag on, his situation will be more dangerous, and his chances of winning will only get smaller and smaller!

This is both a lure for the other party and the only chance for the bald robbers.

If you can kill the opponent first, then the next step is a 1V1 heads-up, which is obviously the best chance of winning!

The bald robber calculated the position of Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, as long as he shot fast enough and his marksmanship was accurate enough, Lin Can over there should not have time to stop him!

"Tread the ...... Even if Lao Tzu dies, he will have to pull a cushion!"

The bald robber had an open look on his face, and he took out a new magazine from his pocket and replaced it, and loaded the bullet neatly.

At the moment when Ma Guozhen retracted his gun, the bald robber really leaned out of the bunker, and at the same time, the pistol in his hand was aimed straight at Ma Guozhen!


With the sound of a gunshot, a bullet pierced the bald robber's head with unmistakable precision, and a striking bloody hole appeared on the door of his head.

Before he could hook his finger on the trigger, his body crashed to the ground.

The fourth bandit has been killed!

On the other side, Lin Can walked out from behind the bunker with an indifferent face.

In less than two minutes, he had already neatly eliminated all four robbers!

Lin Can came to the body of the bald robber, and the bald robber stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Can's marksmanship was so fast.

On the other side, Ma Guozhen also got up from behind the iron chair bunker, and after seeing that all the gangsters were killed, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Lin Can on the side with admiration.

Really...... No matter when, it will not be wrong to choose to believe in Lin Can!

Ma Guozhen came to the glass door of the bank and opened the private lock that the previous bandit had hung.

After removing the lock, he immediately checked the gunshot wound with Lin Can, and after simply helping him stop the bleeding, he began to calm the emotions of everyone in the bank.

The faces of these people squatting in the corner were all pale, and many of them cried directly, and some even thought they were dreaming.

Under Ma Guozhen's appeasement, the mood of these people gradually stabilized.

A few minutes later, several police cars and ambulances also rushed to the door of the bank.

The two police officers immediately put the bank on the cordon, and there were many passers-by outside the cordon, and they looked into the bank with curious eyes.

A J Cha wearing the uniform of a criminal police captain led the team to the bank hall and saluted Ma Guozhen and Lin Can, "Captain Ma, Professor Lin, are you okay?"

"Professor Lin and I are fine. "

Ma Guozhen also saluted the captain of the criminal police in front of him, and then introduced to Lin Can on the side: "This is Captain Peng Ruichang Peng of the second team of our police station." "

Lin Can nodded, and then shook hands with Peng Ruichang in front of him.

"Captain Peng, there is a security guard over there who has been shot, hurry up and send him to the hospital for treatment. "

Lin Can said.

"Understood. "

Peng Ruichang answered, and then instructed the medical staff to send the injured security guards on stretchers, while the police officers continued to calm the emotions of the people at the scene, and at the same time arranged for them to evacuate in an orderly manner.

On the other side, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen simply rested and adjusted for a while, and then left the bank after handing over the work to Peng Ruichang.

After dealing with these tasks, Peng Ruichang led the police officers to inspect the bodies of the four bandits.

Looking at the bloody hole in the brains of these bandits and the pistol in the watchtower next to them, Peng Ruichang said with a look of surprise: "These four bandits were all solved by Captain Ma and Professor Lin......?

The police officer next to him responded: "Team Peng, according to the eyewitnesses at the scene, Captain Ma attracted the firepower of the bandits at that time, and Professor Lin killed these bandits alone." "

"He's alone, dealing with four gunmen?"

Peng Ruichang looked at the corpse of the bandit lying straight on the ground, and was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth.

He was silent for a while, and then he could only simply squeeze out two words, "Awesome!"


Z City

A dark silver Porsche drives on a city road.

Lin Can skillfully drove the vehicle, and the expression on his face was light, as if the previous exciting shootout had not happened at all.

Ma Guozhen, on the other hand, was sitting in the co-pilot, and his expression had not completely calmed down.

Although he has been working in the police department for more than ten years, there are not many crisis situations like the one just now.

Moreover, Ma Guozhen does not want to be able to encounter such terrorist attacks on a regular basis, after all, once such a situation occurs, it is easy to cause casualties.

Whether it is the casualties of the police or the casualties of the people, this is not something that Ma Guozhen wants to see.

If Lin Can wasn't by his side just now, he wasn't sure he would be able to kill all four bandits.

Professor Lin ...... I really didn't expect your marksmanship to be so good......"

Ma Guozhen still said in disbelief: "How do you manage to be proficient in so many skills at the same time? Even if you are a SWAT officer who undergoes high-intensity training every day, your marksmanship may not be at your level......

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