Lin Can comforted and said, "No one can expect an accident like a car accident, so Senior Lu, you don't have to blame yourself too much." "

Ma Guozhen on the side also said: "Yes, this matter has been going on for so long, and you should let go of the old captain." "

"I know...... It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say, but it's not easy to really let go. "

Lu Jiatao sighed with emotion, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't talk about these frustrating words." "

He looked up at Lin Can in front of him, "I am very happy that you can come to see me today, especially when I see an excellent young detective like Professor Lin, I hope that if I have the opportunity in the future, I can work with you to solve the case." "

"I won't leave Z City anytime soon, as long as Senior Lu has time, we welcome you at any time. "

Lin Can said: "I am also looking forward to the day when I can handle the case with Senior Lu. "

"That's a good idea!"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, said with a smile: "If Professor Lin and the old captain help solve the case one day, any tricky case will be solved." "

The three of them continued to talk in the room, the fragrance of tea overflowing.


Z City

Funeral parlor, underground monitoring room.

In the middle of the night, a light rain was falling outside the window, dripping from the eaves.

Zhang Fengsan sat in front of the surveillance, holding his mobile phone boredly and watching the new TV series.

It was late at night, and the staff in the funeral parlor had basically left work, except for the monitoring room, there was no one stationed anywhere else.

The monitoring screen in front of you shows the pictures of various places, because there are no figures in the museum, there is no change in the monitoring for a long time, and the picture seems to be frozen.

Suddenly, the monitoring screen flickered, and it seemed that some malfunction had occurred, and on one of the split screens of the monitoring, an open door was automatically and gently closed.

But Zhang Fengsan didn't notice it, and still looked at the picture in the phone happily.


With the sound of power off, the monitoring display in front of him turned all black, and the overhead light suddenly went out.

In the monitoring room, there was only the bright light emitted by Zhang Fengsan's mobile phone, and the old-fashioned TV series dialogue kept ringing in the room.

"There's a power outage?"

Zhang Fengsan frowned.

He turned on the flashlight function of his mobile phone, came to the light switch in the monitoring room and pressed it several times, but the light above his head still did not move.

Zhang Fengsan opened the small switch box that controlled the monitoring room on the side, and pulled the switch inside up and down again for a while, but there was still no power in the monitoring room.

"Is there really a power outage?"

Zhang Fengsan's face was surprised.

In the current situation, if it is not a power outage, it can only be a problem on the side of the main switch.

However, he didn't have the electric box key on the side of the main gate, so Zhang Fengsan had no way to solve the current situation.

"Come on, it looks like I don't have to be on duty all night tonight. "

Zhang Fengsan picked up the key on the table, and in order to make sure there were no accidents, he decided to check it in various places of the funeral home.

Make sure there is no problem, lock the door and go back to rest, and wait for the next morning to come back.

Zhang Fengsan left the monitoring room with the key and went to various places in the funeral home to check it.

The hall was quiet, there was no light, no sound, only Zhang Fengsan's mobile phone flashlight light source shone around.

After inspecting some basic places, Zhang Fengsan came to the morgue.

Before entering the morgue, a cold aura suddenly rushed towards him, and he couldn't help but chill from the bottom of his heart.

However, he has been working in a funeral home all year round, so he does not feel too scared.

Zhang Fengsan opened the door of the morgue, and the light of his mobile phone suddenly shone in, and he scanned the beam of the mobile phone flashlight around for a while, and then stopped at the refrigerator.

I saw that one of the openings of the refrigerated cabinet was opened, and the inside of the cabinet was empty!


The body is missing?

Zhang Fengsan broke out in a cold sweat on the top of his head.

He hurriedly used his mobile phone flashlight to continue to scan every corner of the morgue, and found nothing unusual.

"Maybe the morgue staff forgot to close the freezer before leaving......

Zhang Fengsan's heart trembled, he didn't dare to go in easily to check the situation inside, "It's better to wait for the others to go to work tomorrow morning......

Thinking of this, Zhang Fengsan immediately left the morgue and pretended to be calm and went to other places to inspect.

Da Da Da ......

Some extremely slight footsteps suddenly sounded behind Zhang Fengsan.

In the silence of the funeral parlor, the sound seemed a little oozing.

Zhang Fengsan turned his head suddenly, and at the same time glanced around behind him with a vigilant look on his mobile phone.

Around the corner ahead, there appeared to be a figure of a woman slumped on the ground.


Zhang Fengsan forcibly mustered up his courage and walked forward, while shining the light source of the mobile phone flashlight straight at the woman.

As he gradually approached the woman sitting on the ground, a bloodless pale face clearly met Zhang Fengsan's eyes.

The other party's bloodshot eyes looked straight at Zhang Fengsan, and he saw that his heart was furious, and the cold feeling rose directly from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

This is......

After thinking for a while, Zhang Fengsan's pupils trembled violently.

This is the corpse of the woman who was transported in the morning, how could she be sitting here!

Zhang Fengsan showed an extremely frightened look on his face, he rubbed his eyes, and the female corpse in front of him disappeared around the corner again.

"Mom...... See you!"

Zhang Fengsan exclaimed, turned around as if running away, and a figure had appeared behind him at some point.


Some kind of blunt object smashed on Zhang Fengsan's brain.

Zhang Fengsan's eyes were dark, and before he could see the black shadow in front of him, he directly lay on the ground.

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