Van Gogh Apartments.

The light rain was still pouring down, and the air was mixed with a bit of coldness.

Lin Can stood on the balcony, looking at the city under the rain in the distance.

Some of the skyscrapers have been obscured by the rain and fog, and the whole city seems to be covered in a hazy layer of water vapor.

The sound of cartoons was still playing in the living room, and Shen Yueting was sitting on the sofa in a well-behaved and cute posture, still holding her doll bear in her hand.

Chen Lingyue works in the police station, so there are only two people in the apartment, Lin Can and Shen Yueting, except for the sound of cartoons on the TV, there is only a little rain outside the window.

Jingle bell, a cell phone rings.

Lin Can took out his mobile phone, and Ma Guozhen's number was displayed on it.

"Professor Lin, there is a new case, here at the city funeral home. "

Ma Guozhen's voice came from his mobile phone, "If you are free, you can come directly, I have already led the team to rush over." "

"Okay, you go first, I'll be there in a moment. "

Hanging up the phone, Lin Can turned his head to look at Shen Yueting on the sofa in the living room.

Her mother, Deng Jinyuan, is still recuperating in the hospital, and although her injuries have improved, it will obviously take some time before she can be discharged.

However, it is obviously impossible to take Shen Yueting with him when he goes out to handle the case, so during the time he goes out to handle the case, he can only let Shen Yueting stay at home alone.

"Tingting, I'm going out. "

Lin Can said to Shen Yueting.

"Are you going to solve the case with Uncle Ma and my sister......

Shen Yueting looked at Lin Can, "Will it take a long time?"

Lin Can nodded and said, "If you want to handle the case, I can't say the specific time, if it's fast, it's a day or two, and if it's long, it's a few more days." "

"I see. "

Shen Yueting got down from the sofa, walked into Lin Can's bedroom very obediently, took a coat and walked to Lin Can's side, "It's raining outside, big brother, be careful of being cold." "

Lin Can took the coat and put it on, and touched Shen Yueting's head with a smile on his face, "You little girl knows how to feel sorry...... Are you scared to be home alone?"

"I'm not afraid. "

Shen Yueting shook her head and said, "This is the home of the big brother, and there is the smell of the big brother everywhere, so I won't be afraid." "

"That's good. "

Lin Can gently stroked Shen Yueting's hair, "If I have time, I will try to come back in the evening, if I can't come back, Sister Xiao Chen will continue to come over to accompany you after work." "

"I see...... Big brother, go investigate the case quickly, and come back early when it's over. "

Shen Yueting winked at Lin Can, and under her curved eyelashes was a pair of extremely clear eyes, "I'll wait for you at home." "

Lin Can nodded, and then was about to leave the apartment, when Shen Yueting suddenly gently grabbed his shirt.

"Big brother...... Hold a ......"

Shen Yueting opened her hands at Lin Can.

Lin Can smiled and hugged Shen Yueting, and then took her hand and came to the door.

"If someone knocks on the door, call me, don't open the door easily, understand?"

Lin Can said to Shen Yueting while changing his shoes.

Shen Yueting nodded up and down obediently, Lin Can changed his shoes, touched Shen Yueting's forehead again, and then closed the door and left the apartment.


Z City.

Funeral parlor.

Several police cars were parked in front of the door, and several police officers were patrolling around the funeral home in raincoats.

A dark silver paramela slowly pulled up in the courtyard of the funeral home.

The car door opened, and Lin Can got out of the car with an umbrella.

"Professor Lin!"

The police officers in the courtyard all greeted Lin Can.

Lin Can bowed slightly, and then said to a police officer, "Captain Ma, what about them?"

"Captain Ma, they're in the morgue inside. "

A police officer came to the entrance of the funeral home, he took off his wet raincoat, and then walked into the funeral home with Lin Can.

When he came to the morgue, Ma Guozhen was questioning the staff of the funeral home inside.

Beside Ma Guozhen, a familiar figure suddenly met Lin Can's eyes.

Lu Jiatao!

"Professor Lin!"

Ma Guozhen greeted Lin Can and said.

"Senior Lu is also here?"

Lin Can looked at Lu Jiatao on the side with some surprise.

"The person in charge of this funeral parlor is a friend of the old captain, and he asked the old captain to come over to help investigate the case. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I was thinking that one day I could let the old captain and Professor Lin come over to investigate the case together, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly." "

Lu Jiatao beckoned to Lin Can, "Professor Lin, you're here too." "

"Yes, Captain Ma called me just now, and I immediately rushed over to understand the situation. "

Lin Can said.

"Professor Lin is really dedicated. "

Lu Jiatao nodded, and then continued to talk with a middle-aged person in charge on the side.

Lin Can turned his head to Ma Guozhen on the side and asked, "What's the specific situation?"

"Yesterday evening, the funeral home lost a body. "

Ma Guozhen said: "The body is a woman, her name is Zheng Xueling, Chinese New Year's Eve is thirty-six years old, she is the vice president of a pharmaceutical technology company in the city, she is a very famous strong woman in the industry, and she can be regarded as a public figure. "

"Vice president of a large pharmaceutical company in his thirties...... This Zheng Xueling is indeed a model of a strong woman, how did she die?"

Lin Can asked.

According to the previous autopsy report, the cause of Zheng Xueling's death was myocardial infarction. "

Ma Guozhen replied: "I have read Zheng Xueling's information, she has always had this kind of disease, but her condition in recent years is relatively mild, I didn't expect that she would die of a sudden myocardial infarction the day before yesterday." "

"At present, we have not found any traces of homicide, but we are not completely sure that Zheng Xueling died of an accidental illness, so she just sent her body to the funeral home yesterday for refrigeration, who knew that the body would be missing that night. "

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