"The body is missing?"

Lin Can frowned and said, "What about the surveillance in the funeral home?"

According to the staff in the monitoring room, there was a sudden power outage in the museum yesterday evening, so there was no monitoring during the period when the body disappeared, and the disappearance of the body was also discovered when he checked various places in the museum after the power outage. "

Ma Guozhen said: "And the staff should have been scared, and now people are still a little babbling, and they keep saying that they have run into a gui." "

"What about others?"

Lin Can asked.

"In the next office, our police officers were taking notes with him. "

Ma Guozhen said.

"Call him here, I'll find out. "

Lin Can said.

Ma Guozhen responded, and then immediately commanded the police officer beside him.

On the other side, Lu Jiatao also chatted with Yuan Hao, the person in charge of the funeral home, Yuan Hao shook hands with him and said, "Old Lu, this case is entrusted to you and these police officers next to you." "

"I hope you can get the body back soon...... Zheng Xueling's identity is extraordinary, if the news of her body is missing, it will be difficult for me to deal with it. "

Yuan Hao said: "So I'll trouble you next." "

Lu Jiatao patted Yuan Hao on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely find out what happened." "

"Well, I still have some things to attend to. "

Yuan Hao said: "I'll leave first, contact me at any time if you have anything." "

Seeing Yuan Hao's departure, Lu Jiatao turned his head to Ma Guozhen on the side and said: "The news of the loss of Zheng Xueling's body must be blocked, and it must not be spread." "

"I understand. "

Ma Guozhen responded, "I have asked the police to block the news. "

At the same time, the previous police officer took Zhang Fengsan to the morgue.

Zhang Fengsan's body trembled, and there was still a bit of fear on his face.

"You're the one in the control room here?"

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and said to Zhang Fengsan in front of him, "Did you find the body missing?"

"...... right"

Zhang Fengsan nodded a little sneeringly, and his reaction was very slow.

"You carefully describe the circumstances of yesterday's discovery of the missing body. "

Lin Can said.

"I was on duty in the monitoring room yesterday evening...... At that time, everyone in the museum was off work, and I was the only one in the monitoring room. "

Zhang Fengsan began to tell the story, "At that time, there was nothing moving in the monitoring, and then suddenly the entire hall was blacked out, the monitoring screen was black, and the lights above the head were not on." "

"What time does the power go out?"

Lin Can grabbed the key point and asked.

"It's about eleven o'clock......

Zhang Fengsan said: "I don't remember the specifics, because I don't have time to look at the time." "

You continue. "

Lin Can nodded at Zhang Fengsan and said.

"After the power outage, I checked the electric switch in the monitoring room, and after finding that it was not the problem with the electric switch here, I was going to check around the museum and then close the door and go home. "

Zhang Fengsan said: "When I was halfway through the inspection, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, and then I looked back and found a corpse sitting around the corner behind......

"Is it this body that was lost in the morgue?"

Lin Can asked.

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, immediately took out his mobile phone and searched for a photo of Zheng Xueling and showed it to Zhang Fengsan.

"Right...... That's ...... her."

Zhang Fengsan's body trembled violently, "At that time, I was almost scared out of my soul by her. "

"What was her state at the time?"

Lin Can squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Fengsan: "Or rather...... Are you sure it's a corpse?"

"I don't know ......"

Zhang Fengsan showed an extremely frightened look on his face, "At that time, she stared at me with her own eyes, except that her face was a little paler, she looked like she was no different from a living person......

"But in the morning, I saw the staff bringing her body in. "

Zhang Fengsan said with a sad face: "So...... I think I might have run into a GUI......"

"Here we go again......"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, shook his head and said, "He was already a little frightened. "

"It's true......"

Zhang Fengsan said with a look of confusion: "I saw her sitting around the corner a second ago, because I was frightened when I saw her appearance, and I walked away, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye...... What else could it be besides being a gui!"

"You're mentally okay, aren't you?"

Ma Guozhen said to Zhang Fengsan: "Have you ever had such a hallucination before?"

"Definitely not a hallucination!"

Zhang Fengsan said: "I saw it clearly, and most importantly, after I found that the woman's body was missing, I turned around and wanted to leave, but I was suddenly knocked with a stick......!

He touched the bruise on his head and said, "If I'm hallucinating, how can I explain this stick?"

"Did you see the appearance of the person who attacked you?"

Lu Jiatao on the side suddenly asked.

"No ......"

Zhang Fengsan shook his head and said, "I was so frightened that my mind was in chaos, and I was knocked unconscious as soon as I turned around, and I didn't see who did it at all......"

"But I suspect the corpse did it......"

Zhang Feng said with fear on his face: "Only she can be ghostly......"

"According to you...... The corpse crawled out of the morgue on its own, and then you found it, and it disappeared in an instant and appeared behind you and attacked you?"

Ma Guozhen said: "Do you think this is reasonable?"

"I don't know what's reasonable...... I really saw it anyway...... The woman's corpse was really elusive. "

Zhang Fengsan's face trembled and said, "If you were also present at the time, you would definitely have the same idea as me!"

"Don't get excited. "

Lin Can said to Zhang Fengsan: "Where exactly did you see Zheng Xueling's body at that time?"

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