"Just around the corner over there......"

Zhang Fengsan said: "You can see it after walking a few steps out of the morgue. "

"Take us there. "

Lin Can said.

Zhang Fengsan nodded weakly, and then led Lin Can and the others to a corner near the morgue.

"This is it!"

Zhang Fengsan pointed to a wall in the corner and said, "She was sitting here at the time, staring at me with straight eyes!"

At the request of Lin Can and others, Zhang Fengsan took the initiative to demonstrate to Lin Can and others the scene when he was frightened yesterday.

After the demonstration, Lin Can asked the police to take Zhang Fengsan directly to continue to take the record.

Looking at the back of Zhang Fengsan following the police officer leaving, Lin Can's gaze became deeper.

"Check the relationship between Zhang Fengsan and Zheng Xueling. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen on the side, "Let's investigate his recent economic dealings again." "


Ma Guozhen immediately nodded in agreement.

Professor Lin ...... Do you suspect it might be a self-theft?"

Lu Jiatao on the side said.

"Before it is ruled out that Zhang Fengsan did not have a motive for committing the crime, the possibility of self-theft by the guards cannot be ruled out. "

Lin Can said: "If he is not related to Zheng Xueling, and there is no unknown source of income in the near future, then his motive for committing the crime can be ruled out for the time being, otherwise he is suspected of committing the crime." "

Lu Jiatao looked at the few pieces of information in his hand, nodded thoughtfully, and did not give other opinions for the time being.

"Where's the monitoring room?"

Lin Can asked, "I want to go to the monitoring room to have a look." "

"The monitoring room is on the lower floor, but the door cannot be opened for the time being. "

Ma Guozhen said.

"What, the door is broken?"

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and said.

"After the power outage yesterday, the door also seems to be out of order, and the electronic code is not recognized. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Yuan Hao, the person in charge of the funeral home just now, has notified the relevant staff to come over for repairs. "

"Let them move faster. "

Lin Can said.

"Understood. "

Ma Guozhen nodded in response.

Several people returned to the morgue, and Lin Can carefully checked all the details in the morgue.

He came to the refrigerated cabinet where the body had been lost, and one of the doors was opened, with information about Zheng Xueling pasted on the door, and an empty bag for the body was placed in the cabinet.

Lin Can took out the bag and carefully pulled the zipper of the bag back and forth several times.

Lu Jiatao on the side also immediately understood Lin Can's intentions, he glanced at Lin Can, and then opened the other refrigerators, removed some of the bags containing the corpses, and tried to unzip them.

"Why did the murderer steal Zheng Xueling's body?"

Ma Guozhen sat on a chair, frowned and thought, "Because of profits? Could it be that there is a secret corpse trading channel in our city, so the murderer steals and sells corpses?" or ...... The murderer has a grudge against Zheng Xueling and wants to steal the body to vent his anger?"

"The possibility of stealing and selling bodies is very small. "

After Lin Can and Lu Jiatao checked the last refrigerator together, they slowly spoke: "I have just checked with Senior Lu, except for the bag containing Zheng Xueling's body, the other body bags are brand new and have not been moved. "

"That's right, because their zippers are very compact and difficult to pull easily, only Zheng Xueling's bag has been violently pulled, so it can be opened easily. "

Lu Jiatao on the side nodded and said: "This shows that the murderer came straight to Zheng Xueling's corpse, and he is not interested in other corpses!"

"I see......"

Ma Guozhen nodded with an instructive look on his face and said: "In this way, the possibility of stealing and selling corpses can basically be ruled out, and the murderer came straight to Zheng Xueling's corpse, so the probability of stealing corpses to vent his anger because of grievances is greater." "

"I think we can start with the relatives of the deceased. "

Lu Jiatao took out a few pieces of information from his pocket and said, "Zheng Xueling's husband's name is Fei Qingshu, Chinese New Year's Eve is thirty-four years old this year, and he is also in a high position in Zheng Xueling's company, and he is also a named professor in a university. "

"I've heard of this Fei Qingshu, he was born in a commoner, but he is talented in learning Xi, he came out of the junior class of the top university in China, and he graduated with a doctorate in his early twenties, and these two couples are celebrities......"

Ma Guozhen said with a sigh: "A few years ago, their marriage was still on the front page, and the popularity at that time was always high. "

Many people think that Fei Qingshu, an excellent grassroots representative, should have relied on his own efforts to create a career and make outstanding contributions to society, but in the end he chose to marry Zheng Xueling in order to save decades of struggle. "

Ma Guozhen said: "At that time, the media was full of hype, and many people had mixed opinions about their marriage. "

"That's right, it is said that Zheng Xueling's desire to control is very strong, and people with a high IQ like Fei Qingshu are usually unwilling to be controlled, so their marital relationship is not strong. "

Lu Jiatao said: "His wife was killed by a sudden myocardial infarction, and the body was suddenly lost, Fei Qingshu is obviously the most worthy of investigation. "

"I agree with Senior Lu's point of view. "

Lin Can on the side nodded, and then said to Ma Guozhen: "You immediately call Fei Qingshu over for investigation." "

"This Fei Qingshu's current status and popularity are relatively high, and he also has some connections. "

Ma Guozhen said with an embarrassed face: "And we don't have any evidence to suspect that he has a motive for committing the crime, and I am afraid it will be difficult to call him over to cooperate with the investigation......"

"You tell him that Zheng Xueling's body is missing. "

Lu Jiatao said: "Even if it is an ordinary couple, they will definitely be anxious when they hear that their spouse's body is lost, I believe he will come over, if he refuses, it means that he has a ghost in his heart, then Zheng Xueling's case must be related to him." "

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