"Okay, I know, I'll contact Fei Qingshu right away. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then immediately took out his mobile phone and left the morgue.

A few minutes later, Ma returned to the morgue.


Lu Jiatao asked Ma Guozhen, "Did Fei Qingshu agree to come over?"

"I've just spoken to him on the phone. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Fei Qingshu indicated that he would come over soon. "

"Good. "

Lu Jiatao nodded and said.

Lin Can continued to check in the morgue.

He went to the open and closed door of the morgue and carefully examined the iron door.

After Lin Can opened the iron door, as soon as he let go of his hand, the iron door closed automatically.

"This door...... If you don't hold it hard, it will automatically turn off?"

Lin Can looked at the iron door of the morgue with some surprise, and then checked the mechanical spring device in the door of the morgue.

"The door to the morgue was deliberately designed like this. "

Lu Jiatao on the side said, "In order to prevent the staff from forgetting to close the door, the door of the morgue will be open for a long time, which will affect the refrigeration and storage effect of the corpses inside." "

Hearing this, Lin Can thought thoughtfully for a moment, and then immediately patrolled the ground next to the door.

A moment later, he noticed an iron cabinet next to the iron door of the morgue where the documents were stored, and there was a striking scratch on the ground dozens of centimeters away from the iron cabinet and close to the door.

"It seems...... There was only one person who stole the body. "

Lin Can said slowly.

"Because the murderer blocked the door with this iron cabinet, right?"

Lu Jiatao on the side also analyzed this point.

"Yes. "

Lin Can nodded and said: "The door of the morgue will automatically close when it is not forced, and the murderer will have to keep the door open when he carries the body out of the morgue." "

"Marks on the ground indicate that he chose to move the iron cabinet to prop up the door and make it easier for him to enter and exit. "

Lin Can said: "This also shows that the murderer acted alone, because if two people commit a crime, there is no need to be so troublesome, as long as the other person is against the door." "

"Professor Lin is really perceptive. "

Lu Jiatao on the side looked at Lin Can with admiration and said, "We've been in for so long, and we haven't noticed the scratches next to this iron cabinet." "

"Senior Lu praised it falsely, this is not very keen. "

Lin Can said: "As long as the police officers of the investigation team come over and find these traces, I just found these traces in advance, shortened the investigation time, and tried to find the corresponding clues as soon as possible."

Lu Jiatao looked at Lin Can and nodded slightly, his eyes were still full of appreciation.

Lin Can continued to investigate around the mortuary.

"Is Zheng Xueling's cause of death sure to be myocardial infarction?"

Lin Can suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked Ma Guozhen on the side.

After Zheng Xueling fell ill, she was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment as soon as possible, but she was not able to be rescued, which was the diagnosis given by the hospital. "

Ma Guozhen replied.

"The medical examiner did not perform an autopsy on the body?"

Lin Can asked with some surprise.

"Because Zheng Xueling was initially judged to have died accidentally, we have not found evidence of his murder for the time being. "

Ma Guozhen said: "And Zheng Xueling's family did not agree with the police to autopsy Zheng Xueling's body, so the autopsy was put on hold." "

"We've been trying to get the autopsy going. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I didn't expect that the body had been lost before the formalities came down. "

"Zheng Xueling's family did not agree to the autopsy?

Lin Can asked.

Zheng Xueling's parents are religious believers and advocate the integrity of the body, and Zheng Xueling's sister also believes that Zheng Xueling just died of a sudden illness, so she does not want Zheng Xueling's body to be autopsied. "

Ma Guozhen replied: "And Fei Qingshu also expressed his hope that Zheng Xueling's body could be kept intact, under their pressure, we didn't dare to do an autopsy on Zheng Xueling easily, so we could only wait for the formal formalities to come down." "

Hearing this, Lin Can nodded, and then continued to investigate around the morgue.


Z City.

Funeral parlor.

The light rain was still dripping, and the street lamps were shining brightly, and the ground of the yard was splashing with steam.


With the sound of sudden car brakes, a black Audi A8 made a splash and then stopped at the door of the funeral home.

The door opened, and a man in a slim-fitting suit with a shiny back hair got out of the car.

He has sharp facial features, a cold face, and a straight outfit, exuding the temperament of a successful person all over his body.

Ma Guozhen, Lin Can and Lu Jiatao were standing at the door of the funeral home analyzing the case, and after seeing the man getting out of the car, Ma Guozhen also opened his mouth to greet him: "Mr. Fei, you are finally here." "

Fei Qingshu nodded, he came to the three of them and shook hands with them in turn.

"Kept the three officers waiting. "

Fei Qingshu said: "I heard from your police officers that my wife's body was lost, what is the situation?"

"It's windy at the door, let's go in and talk about it in detail. "

Lu Jiatao said.

Fei Qingshu nodded, and then followed Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao into the funeral home.

Lin Can did not follow them in, but set his eyes on Fei Qingshu's black Audi A8.

He squinted for a moment, then picked up a black umbrella and opened it and walked straight to the Audi.

In the windshield wiper of an Audi, something was clamped between them.

Lin Can took off the thing that the wiper was holding, and it was a piece of paper that had been torn up, and the rain had already wet it and crumpled.

"Professor Lin, what's going on, do you need help?"

The police officer guarding the door asked Lin Can with a curious expression.

Lin Can put away the shredded paper, and then waved his hand at the officer.

He continued to circle the Audi and returned to the funeral home with an umbrella.

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