Back in the morgue, Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao took Fei Qingshu to look at the refrigerated cabinet of the lost body, and then took him to the office next door.

Lin Can came to the office, and Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao were making routine inquiries about Fei Qingshu.

After seeing Lin Can come in, Ma Guozhen asked with some curiosity, "Professor Lin, where did you go just now?"

"It's nothing, go to the toilet, you guys go on first. "

Lin Can found a chair and sat down.

Ma Guozhen nodded, then continued to look at the pile of information in his hand, and said to Fei Qingshu in front of him: "Let's continue with the previous words, according to the confession of the staff in the monitoring room, at about eleven o'clock yesterday, the entire funeral home suddenly had a power outage. "

"When the staff walked around the museum to inspect it, they found that the body of your wife, Zheng Xueling, was missing. "

Ma Guozhen said: "However, he was attacked last night, and due to the power outage, the monitoring in the museum did not work, so his confession cannot be fully trusted." "

That is to say...... You don't know why my wife's body was lost?"

Fei Qingshu's face was obviously a little displeased, "Such a big funeral parlor...... The body was lost, and your police still can't find the murderer?"

Ma Guozhen said: "The incident has happened, what we can do is to investigate the truth as soon as possible, so we called you over as soon as possible." "

"What do you mean...... Suspect I have a problem?"

Fei Qingshu straightened the collar of his suit and sneered: "You J cha are really funny, you can't find the murderer, so you use me as a husband to open the knife? Do you have any evidence to suspect me?"

"Mr. Fei, please pay attention to your attitude when talking to the police. "

Ma Guozhen said with a serious face: "You are also a public figure, you shouldn't need me to remind you again and again, right?"

Hearing this, Fei Qingshu shrugged his shoulders with disdain.

"First of all, we haven't shown you that we are suspicious of you, so far, Captain Ma has only been telling you the facts of the case, Mr. Fei, your reaction is a little too aggressive, right?"

Lu Jiatao on the side said: "Secondly, the case just happened, and we just learned about the case not long ago, so now we are trying to find a way to investigate the truth, Mr. Fei is so anxious to taunt the police, there must be no other reason, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Can couldn't help but nod slightly at Lu Jiatao.

Lu Jiatao is indeed a veteran criminal policeman, he speaks extremely well, and can accurately grasp the key points and fight back against Fei Qingshu.

Seeing that Lu Jiatao was so professional, Lin Can simply didn't speak for the time being, he looked at the pile of case materials in his hand, and listened to the conversation between Lu Jiatao and Fei Qingshu at the same time.

"I ...... What can I do. "

Fei Qingshu's face was a little ugly and said, "Isn't it because I heard that you lost my wife's body, can you be happy in your heart?"

"We can completely understand your feelings, the loss of your wife's body, it is reasonable to be so angry, presumably Mr. Fei and Ms. Zheng Xueling are very affectionate

Lu Jiatao continued to ask.

"Of course. "

Fei Qingshu said.

"So in order to ensure that the case can be solved as soon as possible and smoothly, I hope you will assist our police to continue their work, okay?"

Lu Jiatao looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him, and the expression on his face was unpredictable.

Fei Qingshu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, if you have anything to ask, just ask." "

"Good. "

Lu Jiatao opened his mouth and said: "We have investigated the details of Ms. Zheng Xueling, as a young female president, she is in charge of such a large medical technology company, and her methods should be extraordinary, I am afraid it is easy to provoke some enemies, right?"


Fei Qingshu frowned and said, "I don't know, anyway, I don't have such a person in my impression." "

"What about you?"

Lu Jiatao looked directly at Fei Qingshu in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

Fei Qingshu's brows furrowed deeper, "Are you still suspicious of me?"

"You've misunderstood ...... again"

Lu Jiatao smiled at Fei Qingshu with deep eyes, "I mean, do you have any enemies...... Causing them to take revenge on your wife?"

"There is no such thing. "

Fei Qingshu still denied: "Xue Ling and I are friendly to people on weekdays, and we also know how to grasp the balance of business partners, so there is no revenge from the enemy." "

"Don't say so sure......"

Lu Jiatao said: "Before the case is investigated, everything is possible. "

"Yes, Professor Lin has already said just now, in the entire morgue, only the bag containing the body of your wife Zheng Xueling has been opened, and the other body bags have not any traces of passivity. "

Ma Guozhen opened his mouth and said: "This means that this is a premeditated crime of stealing the body of your wife Zheng Xueling!"

"Who would do that?"

Fei Qingshu said: "What good is it for them to steal my wife's body?"

"That's the focus of our investigation. "

"If the murderer's motive for stealing the body is found, it will be much easier to determine the identity of the murderer," Lu said. "

Hearing this, Fei Qingshu took a deep breath, and then took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, "I want to go out and smoke a cigarette, okay?"

"Please. "

Lu Jiatao made a gesture at Fei Qingshu.

Ma Guozhen also nodded in agreement, after all, they did not have any evidence that Fei Qingshu was suspicious.

Therefore, they are not interrogating Fei Qingshu at present, but are only learning some information from him, so they do not restrict Fei Qingshu's right to freedom.

Lin Can glanced at Fei Qingshu, although his face didn't look unusual, but his hand holding out his cigarette kept trembling slightly.

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