With a pop, the door closed automatically, and Fei Qingshu lit a cigarette and left the office.

Suddenly only Lin Can, Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao were left in the office, and it seemed a little quiet.

"Do you think there is a problem with this Fei Qingshu?"

Ma Guozhen squinted his eyes and said: "I feel that his reaction is not normal, he seems to be very afraid that we will look at him suspiciously. "

"It's hard to say yet. "

Lu Jiatao said: "But he does have a ghost in his heart, what we have to do is to investigate the matter clearly." "

Lin Can looked at the information at hand and said: "This Fei Qingshu doesn't seem to have received professional anti-reconnaissance training, if he really has a problem, if nothing else, he will soon show his feet in the next inquiry." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen nodded reassuringly.

With Lin Can and Lu Jiatao here, he is not worried that there will be any problems in the case.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden noise in the morgue next door.

"What are you doing? Mr. Fei?"

A police officer's voice was heard outside the door.

Lin Can and the others in the office were all stunned, and then immediately got up and left the office and came to the morgue next door.

I saw Fei Qingshu standing beside the refrigerator with a panicked expression, and at the same time his hand gently stuffed something into his trouser pocket.

"What's the situation?"

Ma Guozhen asked the officer with a frown.

"I had just passed the morgue and heard movement inside, so I opened the door and looked. "

The officer replied, "Then I found out that Mr. Fei was alone in the morgue and rummaging in the personal belongings bag of Zheng Xueling's refrigerated cabinet." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen turned his head to look at Fei Qingshu in front of him, and then he, Lin Can and Lu Jiatao came to Fei Qingshu together, "Mr. Fei, please explain, what are you doing in the morgue?"

Fei Qingshu forced his composure and said, "I just want to come and see my wife's relics, can't I?"

"Your wife's body is missing, and all her relics are now evidence, you can't just mess around, understand?"

Ma Guozhen turned his head to the police officer next to him and said, "Check the list to see if there is anything missing in the bag." "


The officer nodded, and then immediately went to the contents of the refrigerated cabinet and checked it.

"Hand over the things. "

Lu Jiatao suddenly said to Fei Qingshu in front of him.

"What's that?"

Fei Qingshu pretended to be stupid and said, "I don't know what!"

"In his pants pocket. "

Lin Can reminded that he also saw Fei Qingshu's subtle movements.

"Do you take it out yourself, or do you let Captain Ma search for it?"

Lu Jiatao said in a sharp tone: "Your behavior is clearly provoking the fire, do you understand?"

Seeing Fei Qingshu's ugly appearance, Ma Guozhen on the side came directly to Fei Qingshu, rummaged in his pocket for a while, and then took out a thumb-sized medicine bottle with the words "Centec Pharmaceutical Group" printed on it.

"What is this?"

Ma Guozhen asked at Fei Qingshu with a cold face.

Fei Qingshu's face was extremely dark, and he did not answer Ma Guozhen's question.

"This is a trademark of your group of pharmaceutical companies...... The above is a neurological drug. "

Ma Guozhen squinted his eyes and said, "Why did you bring this medicine with you?"

"It's not my thing. "

Fei Qingshu hurriedly defended: "I saw that there was this bottle of medicine in Xue Ling's relics, and I was curious so I picked it up and looked at it, and it happened that you came in, and I was stunned and put it on my body." "

"You don't have to talk nonsense here!"

Ma Guozhen took out a piece of information from his pocket and said: "This is a list of your wife's relics, there is no such medicine on it, this medicine is clearly your own!"

"What are you kidding!"

Fei Qingshu's emotions were also a little excited, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are J Cha, and frame me indiscriminately!"

"The list is here, and you still have to quibble?"

Ma Guozhen asked: "You were the only one in the morgue at that time, and this thing can only be on your own!"


Fei Qingshu was suddenly choked speechless.

He snatched the list from Ma Guozhen's hand, and after seeing the list of things on it, he said in disbelief: "This is impossible, this thing is really what I took out of the relic bag!"

"It's not up to you to decide this, everything is based on evidence. "

Ma Guozhen put away the bottle of medicine, and his tone was still extremely serious, "I will have people test the composition of this bottle of medicine in a while, you better pray that this is not a dangerous drug." "

Hearing this, Fei Qingshu's face was calm, and his expression was a little terrifying.

At the same time, the police officer on the side also completed the liquidation of the items in the relic bag, he returned to Ma Guozhen and the others, saluted them and said, "Ma team, there is a mobile phone of the deceased missing in the relic bag." "

"You took Zheng Xueling's phone away?"

Ma Guozhen glared at Fei Qingshu in front of him more and more coldly, "I have already said it, although it is your wife's relic, but at present, it is the evidence of our police, you must not move around, hurry up and hand over the things!"

"Who said I got my phone!"

Fei Qingshu was obviously a little angry, "I said Captain Ma, don't talk nonsense if you have no evidence!"

"Isn't it suspicious enough that you sneaked into the morgue by yourself and then lost the deceased's phone?"

Ma Guozhen said: "In view of your suspicious deeds, we will search you!"

"I warn you not to mess around!"

Fei Qingshu said: "I have contacted my lawyer before, he will come over in a while, if you have anything to say, just tell him!"

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