Funeral parlor.

In the office next door to the morgue.

Fei Qingshu sat on a chair in the office, grabbing his hair with some annoyance.

He's a smart guy, but he's inexperienced in criminal investigation, so he's revealed flaws in previous conversations.

Although Fei Qingshu soon realized this, it was too late to remedy it.

Jingle bells.

Fei Qingshu's mobile phone lit up, and a text message prompt appeared on the mobile phone screen.

Seeing the number of the sender of the text message, Fei Qingshu's face changed, and then put away his mobile phone.

He got up and said to the officers in the office who were watching him, "I'll go out and make a call." "

After speaking, Fei Qingshu was about to go out with his mobile phone, but the two police officers also followed him.

"What are you doing!"

Fei Qingshu said with an unhappy face: "Is it necessary to stare at me like this? The gate is full of your people, can I still run away? What's more, you don't have the right to detain me now!"

Mr. Fei...... This is the captain's order......"

The police officer said with a look of distress: "We are just ordinary little police officers, I hope you don't make it difficult for us." "

Seeing the faces of the two police officers, Fei Qingshu shook his head and said, "Forget it, you can follow along, don't get too close to me, I don't like others to listen to me call!"

The two police officers in front of him nodded slightly, and then followed Fei Qingshu to the back door of the funeral home.

At a distance of several meters, Fei Qingshu took out his mobile phone and walked to a relatively empty place at the door, and then found the number of 'Xiuying Baby' in the mobile phone address book and dialed it directly.

A few seconds later, the phone was connected, and a young woman's voice came from the phone, "Teacher Fei...... You've finally answered the phone. "

"Xiuying, you just called me several times in succession, do you know that it is dangerous to do so?"

Fei Qingshu's tone was obviously a little complaining, "These J cha have always been by my side, and it will be easy for us to be exposed if you do this." "

"But...... People are really worried about you. "

The woman known as Xiuying whispered: "You were suddenly called by J Cha, I don't know what the situation is, I can't get through to your phone, I'm dying at home." "

"Xue Ling's body is gone. "

Fei Qingshu said, "J Cha suspects that I may have stolen the body, so he has been detaining me here. "

"How so?"

Xiuying's voice also sounded very surprised, "Who would go out of their way to steal a corpse?"

"I don't know!"

Fei Qingshu said with a headache: "So this is the most troublesome...... Who's doing it?"

"So what now?"

Xiuying asked, "Isn't your situation very dangerous if you look at you...... After all......"

"I've asked the lawyer to figure it out for me. "

Fei Qingshu said: "They can't keep holding me, if they can't find definite evidence, they will release me early in the evening, you wait for me at home." "

"These J Cha have been staring at me, and there are some things I can't say on the phone, and when they let me go, I'll go to you right away. "

Fei Qingshu said: "You have to keep your mobile phone unblocked, I may contact you at any time." "

"Good...... I know. "

Xiuying whispered.


Z City, in the courtyard of the funeral home.

Lin Can held an umbrella and searched around the corners of the walls of the funeral home.

Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao were also looking around with umbrellas, and the rain was still falling, constantly hitting the umbrellas, unusually loud.

With experience, Lin Can investigated in some very hidden places in the funeral home, but did not find any clues for a while.

After simply looking for a while, Lin Can's body was still wet, although he was holding an umbrella, the water droplets splashed on the ground had already wet his trouser legs, and he was even more wet when he shuttled through the grass and shrubs.


Suddenly, some strange noises came from the bushes in the corner of the wall not far away.

Lin Can immediately followed the source of the sound, and after picking up the bushes, a stray cat suddenly came out of the grass.

It bounced nimbly to the eaves, then shook its body quickly, raising droplets of water.

A false alarm.

Lin Can retracted his gaze and was just about to look elsewhere, when suddenly he seemed to remember something.

How could this feral cat suddenly appear in such a place?

There is no shelter in the vicinity other than shrubs.

It was obviously impossible for the wild cat to hide in the bushes to take a break from the rain.

So...... This illustrates......

Thinking of this, Lin Can came back to the bushes where the stray cat jumped out before.

After peeling away all the weeds and shrubs that were next to the wall, Lin Can suddenly found a very small exhaust fan channel.


Lin Can had an expected look on his face.

He simply measured the length and width of the exhaust fan channel with his fingers.

With the size of the passage in front of them, it was obviously impossible for people to enter and exit, but the size of the wild cat could come and go freely.

That's why the stray cat suddenly came out of here, because it had been hiding in this vent to rest.

Since there is a small vent here, it means that my previous guess was correct.

Lin Can has seen the structural drawings of the interior of the funeral home, and the monitoring room is located on the basement floor, so the exterior wall must be left with underground ventilation openings.

And the appearance of this exhaust fan vent here in front of you means that there are probably other large vents in the vicinity!

Thinking of this, Lin Can cheered up and continued to hold the umbrella and probe around.

At the same time, Lu Jiatao's voice suddenly came from not far from Lin Can.

"I've made a big discovery here!"

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