Lin Can immediately heard the news and came to Lu Jiatao's side, and Ma Guozhen also trotted over, looking excited.

Lu Jiatao held the umbrella and at the same time used his other hand to pick up a shrub, revealing a large exhaust fan vent.

Seeing this vent, Ma Guozhen's face suddenly became happy.

"Sure enough, I still have to go out with Professor Lu and the old captain to search in person to find clues as soon as possible!"

Ma Guozhen looked at the vent, "I just don't know where this vent leads, and the architectural drawings of the funeral home don't indicate it." "

Lin Can observed the vent in front of him, and then continued to measure it with his hand for a while, "Rough estimate, the length of this vent is seventy centimeters and the width is sixty centimeters, which should be enough for an adult of ordinary size to pass in and out." "

"The depth of this vent is too dark to be visually estimated. "

Lin Can said, "I have to let someone go in and investigate." "

"I'll come personally, those young police officers are careless, I'm afraid they will have some accidents in this vent. "

Ma Guozhen said: "You wait for me here, I'll go back and change my clothes." "

Seeing Ma Guozhen so conscientiously taking the initiative to apply for access to the ventilation duct, Lin Can couldn't help but nodded, looking at Ma Guozhen with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"The pony hasn't changed at all, and he doesn't have any ambiguity about his work. "

Lu Jiatao on the side also praised and sighed: "I am also very pleased to be able to train such a captain for the police department." "

"This is indeed thanks to Senior Lu's cultivation. "

Lin Can said: "Many excellent seedlings need to be discovered, and the police department needs doers like Captain Ma, as well as educators like Senior Lu." "

"Professor Lin, you've won the prize. "

Lu Jiatao waved his hand and said: "Where can I be called an educator, but I think it is not easy to cultivate talents, so I will take the initiative to give those talented young people a chance to play." "

Lin Can said: "This kind of thinking of Senior Lu is indeed very rare, and it is a pity not to continue to work in the police station." "

"Alas, life is impermanent, no one can imagine what will happen in the next second, if it wasn't for the major blow back then, I wouldn't have chosen to resign from the police station. "

Lu Jiatao sighed: "But I'm not working side by side with you now, it's just a different identity." "

Lin Can nodded slightly, the two looked at each other speechlessly, and the rain was still falling.

A few minutes later, Ma Guozhen changed into a raincoat and galoshes and came to the two of them, while holding a flashlight in his hand.

"It's not good for you to go in alone"

Lin Can squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, and then said: "After you enter the pipeline in a while, send me a video call, we will learn about the situation from the video at any time, and if there is any accident, we will go in at any time to help." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then punched the cylinder and drilled directly into the ventilation duct.

Half a minute later, Ma Guozhen's figure was already out of sight at the entrance of the cave.


The sound of a mobile phone video call sounded, and Lin Can immediately took out his mobile phone and connected to the video call sent by Ma Guozhen.

The screen suddenly appeared in the ventilation duct, and it was pitch black all around, and the beam of Ma Guozhen's flashlight shone in front of him, while slowly moving forward.

"Captain Ma, how does it feel inside, is there any abnormality or discomfort?"

Lin Can asked at his phone.

"Reportedly, there are no anomalies and I am in very good condition with no discomfort. "

Ma Guozhen said as he continued to move forward.

After moving a distance of about twenty or thirty meters, Ma Guozhen could clearly feel a slight light in front of him.

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen through the screen on his mobile phone: "Horse team, pay attention to your step, you should be able to reach a certain exit soon." "

"I see. "

Ma Guozhen's response sounded in the phone, and the picture on the screen continued to move forward.

Two minutes later, Ma Guozhen came to the light source, he looked down, and there was a grid-like exhaust window under his feet.

Ma Guozhen roughly compared the size of this exhaust window, which was obviously able to pass through easily.

Through the exhaust window, you can vaguely see that there are several computer equipment placed inside, and the lights are flashing at the power supply, which is obviously the appearance of the monitoring room.

There was a light inside, which should have been after a sudden power outage yesterday night, and the staff member Zhang Fengsan forgot to turn off the light switch.

However, this also happens to facilitate Ma Guozhen's actions, otherwise the situation inside Ma Guozhen will be difficult to see clearly even if he shines with a flashlight, and it will be more dangerous when he goes down from the window.

Ma Guozhen was just about to pull the exhaust window behind him, and Lin Can's voice suddenly came from his mobile phone, "Captain Ma, don't move the exhaust window yet, you check if there are any traces of prying around this exhaust window." "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen immediately retracted his hand, and then observed the flashlight around the edge of the exhaust fan.

"There are indeed traces of being pried!"

Ma Guozhen's eyes were full of light.

"Very well, it seems that our inference is correct, and the murderer did enter and exit through this exhaust passage. "

Lin Can said: "You immediately turn on the mobile phone camera and take pictures of those prying traces, which may be used as evidence later." "


Ma Guozhen answered, then turned on the mobile phone camera function, carefully shone the beam of the flashlight around the exhaust window, and then used the camera function to shoot all the details one after another.

After doing all this, Ma Guozhen carefully opened the grid exhaust window, and the front suddenly became bright.

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