"Understood, I immediately notified the police officers and asked them to contact the relevant departments to obtain surveillance. "

Ma Guozhen answered, and then immediately took out his mobile phone and began to make calls to communicate.

At the same time, a rush of footsteps sounded, and Chen Lingyue came to the monitoring room.

After seeing Lin Can and the others, she immediately reported: "I just quickly tested the ingredients of that bottle of medicine, and found that the ingredients in it are similar to central nervous system inhibitors. "

Chen Lingyue's tone was solemn, "In other words, it's a bottle of poison!"


Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, said with a shocked face: "No wonder there is no such drug in Shengke Pharmaceutical Group, this kind of thing cannot pass the review and put on the shelves, and it can only be produced privately illegally." "

"It seems that this Centec Group is not clean...... The drug was produced in private. "

Ma Guozhen's face darkened and said, "And this Fei Qingshu actually carries this poison with him?"

Speaking of this, Ma Guozhen's face suddenly changed, "Zheng Xueling's death shouldn't have anything to do with this poison, right?"

"This drug is easily soluble in water, colorless and odorless, and is easily absorbed by the body. "

Chen Lingyue said: "Once the human body absorbs this drug, the drug ingredients will have an anesthetic effect on the nerve center of the human body, similar to an anesthetic, but the effect will be much stronger than that of an anesthetic, which may lead to paralysis and eventually death." "

"So...... The cause of Zheng Xueling's death may really be more than a simple myocardial infarction!"

Ma Guozhen felt that he had discovered something extraordinary, and his whole expression was a little shocked, "Since Fei Qingshu came to talk to us, the whole person has been dodging and dodging, and his actions are suspicious. "

"If the loss of Zheng Xueling's body has nothing to do with him, then Zheng Xueling's death may have nothing to do with him!"

Ma Guozhen frowned and said: "But at present, Zheng Xueling's body is missing, and we can't do further autopsy on Zheng Xueling's body to find out the real cause of her death, which may be what Fei Qingshu wants to see the most." "

"Can you show me the detailed appraisal report?"

Lin Can on the side asked Chen Lingyue.

"I just did a preliminary evaluation, and I'll come and tell you as soon as I'm done. "

Chen Lingyue said: "If the specific appraisal report is concerned, it will take a little time to come out. "

"Thank you. "

Lin Can said: "If the appraisal report comes out, please show us as soon as possible." "


Chen Lingyue nodded, then shook her fist at me, and said with a smile on her face: "Come on, I'll continue to work." "

Lin Can nodded, and then Chen Lingyue left the monitoring room.

"Fei Qingshu was carrying this nerve poison on his body, and it is likely that he also stole the deceased's mobile phone, and all his movements are too suspicious. "

"If we can find out exactly what his motive is, then we can detain him for interrogation, otherwise we will have to let him go soon," Ma said. "

"Fei Qingshu married Zheng Xueling more or less because of Zheng Xueling's family property, if Zheng Xueling dies unexpectedly, the direct beneficiary is Fei Qingshu. "

Lu Jiatao, who was on the side, said: "It is very important to focus on finding out whether he signed an agreement on property issues when he married Zheng Xueling!"


Ma Guozhen nodded.

Jingle bell, a cell phone rings.

Ma Guozhen took out his mobile phone and took the call.

A few minutes later, Ma Guozhen hung up his phone, and then beckoned a police officer to bring a laptop.

He sat in front of the computer and logged into his account and sent several files from his phone to the computer.

"I just received a call from my police officers, and they have already intercepted the corresponding surveillance records, and I have uploaded them to the computer port. "

Ma Guozhen said as he opened several video files on the computer.

As the video screen opened, what caught my eye was the surveillance footage of the road in front of the funeral home.

Due to the location of the funeral home, it was relatively remote, so there were no vehicles passing by for a long time.

"Turn the video up to eight times speed. "

Lin Can said to Ma Guozhen.

Considering that Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao's video viewing speed may not be able to keep up with him, Lin Can compromised and chose eight times the speed.

But even at this speed, it still takes a certain amount of time to see the day's monitoring.

In the hours from the time the body was transported to the funeral home in the evening to the time when the body was lost, there was no trace of any other vehicles passing by in the video, except for the police car and ambulance transporting the body and the vehicle of the deceased's family.

After watching the whole before and after the crime, none of the three people saw any suspicious vehicles from the video.

"Except for the vehicle accident of Fei Qingshu, who is a family member of the deceased, there are no other suspicious vehicle ......"

Ma Guozhen couldn't help frowning and said, "So, the murderer didn't drive?"

"If that's the case...... The murderer had to come from the hill behind the funeral home. "

Lin Can's mind suddenly simulated a detailed map of the vicinity of the funeral home in Z City, and all the road conditions were immediately clear.

When Ma Guozhen on the side heard this, he immediately took out this map and quickly found the location of the funeral home.

He swiped his fingers on the map a few times, and then found that the situation was indeed the same as Lin Can said.

"Now, Professor Lin, you don't even need a map to be able to analyze so accurately......"

Ma Guozhen said in great surprise: "Professor Lin, have you memorized all the maps of this area? I, who have worked in Z City for so many years, can't do it......"

"If you are handling a case, if you are familiar with the map, it will be of great help to the process of handling the case. "

Lin Can said: "I have a good memory, and I have memorized the map of this area on the way before I came. "

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