Looking at Lin Can's breezy appearance, Ma Guozhen couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Cow Pie!

Such a difficult thing seemed to be an extremely ordinary thing in Lin Can's mouth.

But the most important thing is that Lin Can did all this with ease!

That's genius......

"Definitely. "

Lu Jiatao also looked at the road conditions on the map and said: "If you want to avoid the surveillance on the road, the murderer can't drive, so he can only choose to cross the back mountain to the funeral home." "

"But the mountain behind the funeral home is very large, and it takes a lot of time just to walk a person to get there. "

Lin Can analyzed: "If you want to carry a corpse back to the mountains and forests, it is almost difficult to do, and the physical strength of ordinary people is simply not enough to do it." "

"What do you mean......"

A bright light flashed in Lu Jiatao's eyes, "The murderer didn't take the body away through the mountains and forests?"

"That's right!"

Lin Can nodded and said, "It is very likely that the murderer buried the body somewhere in the back mountain. "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen couldn't help but be shocked and said: "Buried in the back mountain, but that mountain is very large, even if a large number of police forces are dispatched to search and arrest, and it is still raining outside, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to act......

"The murderer does not carry the body over very long distances. "

Lin Can said: "You let your police officers search within a relatively close range from the funeral home, it has been raining for the past two days, and if the murderer passes through the mountain road, he will inevitably leave footprints, so it is not as difficult to find as imagined." "

Hearing Lin Can's words, Ma Guozhen thought for a moment, and then also expressed his affirmation, "Okay, I understand, I'll go and order the police to act immediately." "

Lin Can also nodded.


Z City.

Funeral home, in the office.

Fei Qingshu sat in his seat, fiddling with the cigarette in his hand a little distraught.

He took one out of the cigarette case and just wanted to light it, and when he saw the eyes of the two police officers next to him, he shook his head, and then stuffed the cigarette back in.

There was a thud.

The door of the office opened, and Lin Can and Ma Guozhen returned to the office together.

Lu Jiatao went to the toilet and did not come directly to the office.

"Mr. Fei, we just tested the composition of the bottle of medicine on your body. "

Ma Guozhen looked at Fei Qingshu and said, "I want to hear the results of the appraisal."

"I said it...... The bottle was ours, but I didn't bring it. "

Fei Qingshu's eyes flashed a little: "If you want to say it, just say it." "

"That bottle is a poison that paralyzes the nerve center. "

Ma Guozhen said: "After the human body takes it, it will have the same effect as nerve center inhibitors, and cause paralysis of the whole body, if the person who eats it has heart disease such as myocardial infarction, the disease is likely to be suddenly induced and die." "

"You...... What do you mean by looking at me like that?"

Fei Qingshu's face began to change slightly, "Not only do you suspect that I stole the corpse...... Now even my wife's death is suspected to have something to do with me?"

"This bottle of medicine suddenly appeared on you, but you can't explain it, of course we can characterize you as suspicious. "

Ma Guozhen said.

"Can't you guys be more serious and meticulous in your work?"

Fei Qingshu's face was full of anger, "How many times do you have to say it, I didn't bring that medicine with me, just like you wronged me for taking Xue Ling's mobile phone before, did you find the mobile phone on me in the end?"

As soon as the words fell, the bell rang, and the mobile phone rang.

Fei Qingshu touched his trouser pocket and took out the mobile phone inside.

After seeing the number on the mobile phone screen, Fei Qingshu suddenly shook his face in horror, and almost threw the mobile phone on the ground with a trembling hand.

"What's wrong?"

Ma Guozhen and Lin Can both looked at Fei Qingshu's strange appearance and frowned.

"How could it be ......"

Fei Qingshu looked at the phone screen in disbelief, then he turned the phone around, turned the screen to Lin Can and Ma Guozhen and said, "Xue Ling...... Xue Ling just called me!"

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen and Lin Can also frowned.

After seeing that the remarks on it and the caller number were indeed Zheng Xueling, the two couldn't help but ponder for a moment.

How could Zheng Xueling's number suddenly call Fei Qingshu......

Fei Qingshu really didn't steal the phone?

Whose hand is Zheng Xueling's mobile phone in at this moment?

"Xueling ......"

Fei Qingshu seemed to think of something, and his eyes widened, "Could it be ...... Xue Ling isn't dead yet!"

"You get the phone on first. "

Lin Can said to Fei Qingshu.

Fei Qingshu nodded, and then directly crossed the connect button, and the phone immediately entered the answering state.

"Hey...... Xue Ling...... Is that you?"

Fei Qingshu's voice was unconfident, the hand holding the mobile phone was constantly trembling slightly, and his expression was a little frightened.

Seeing Fei Qingshu's appearance, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen became more and more convinced that Zheng Xueling's murder was related to Fei Qingshu.

Otherwise, any normal person will show a state of excitement and happiness when he realizes that his wife may not be dead.

But Fei Qingshu's appearance is obviously extremely afraid that Zheng Xueling is not dead!

If Zheng Xueling hadn't died, it was very likely that he would have exposed some of Fei Qingshu's crimes, which is why he felt so afraid!

Thinking of this, Lin Can's gaze at Fei Qingshu became sharper and sharper.

He was still on the phone, but there was no response on the phone.

Fei Qingshu swallowed his saliva and continued to ask on the phone, "Xue Ling, why don't you speak?"

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