There was still no response on the phone.

After a few seconds, the phone was hung up by the other party, leaving only a busy beep tone.

"This ......"

Fei Qingshu glanced at the phone that was hung up, and then said to Lin Can and Ma Guozhen with an ugly face: "Xue Ling may really be alive...... Just like what you said about your speculation before, Professor Lin......"

"Maybe Xue Ling is really just stiff and suspended animation...... He was mistakenly judged dead by doctors. "

Fei Qingshu thought of the medicine bottle, and then suddenly realized something, and said with some trepidation: "She left the funeral home by herself, and she took the mobile phone by herself......!

"Zheng Xueling may still be alive...... Shouldn't it be good news for you?"

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him, "Why are you acting so scared?"

"I ......"

Fei Qingshu immediately laughed embarrassedly twice, and deliberately said in a haha: "I was just too surprised, so I didn't react, and I forgot that it might be my wife who was alive......"

"After all...... Normal people are scared when they hear the news that the dead are still alive......"

Fei Qingshu began to pretend to be happy, "Of course I'm no exception, but if Xue Ling is really alive, I'm naturally very happy." "

"That's ......"

Lin Can looked at Fei Qingshu with a smile, and did not choose to interrogate Fei Qingshu too much on this issue.

He knew that in the absence of conclusive evidence, Fei Qingshu would not absolutely admit his crime.

"Then you just mentioned, that bottle of medicine was deliberately left there by Zheng Xueling. "

Lin Can squinted at Fei Qingshu and asked, "What does this sentence mean?"

"Nothing ......"

Fei Qingshu's face suddenly froze, and he continued to say haha: "Because that bottle of medicine is Xueling's, I ...... I've seen her bring it back to her body before, so I think she left it there on purpose to remind me that she's still alive. "

"Let's assume that your guess is correct, what do you think...... Why didn't she wake up and tell you that she was safe?"

Lin Can asked, "According to common sense, after she is resurrected, she should contact your relatives as soon as possible and express her joy to you!"

"This kind of thing...... I don't know. "

Fei Qingshu was forced to be a little nervous by Lin Can's question, "I'm not a roundworm in her alone, how do I know what she's trying to write......"

There was a knock on the door.

The office door was pushed open, and a man walked out of the office with a printed copy.

The stiff atmosphere broke slightly, and Fei Guoqing took a few big breaths.

Lin Can's successive questions before almost made him unable to breathe!

The police officer saluted Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, and then handed them the materials in their hands, "Professor Lin, Ma Team, this is some of the information I obtained when I visited Zheng Xueling's sister Zheng Xueqin just now, and I printed it out immediately after receiving the information." "

"There's another task force behind the results of the investigation on the South Bay side, and I've put it all together. "

The officer said.

Hearing this, Fei Guoqing, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, almost suffocated again.

Lin Can took this information, and then checked it with Ma Guozhen on the side.

After carefully browsing this information, after seeing the key content in the information, Lin Can and Ma Guozhen's faces became a little subtle.

They looked up at Fei Qingshu in front of them, and then showed the information in their hands to Fei Guoqing in front of them.

"Your wife's sister Zheng Xueqin is a lawyer, she is indeed not an ordinary person, and she is probably entrusted by your wife Zheng Xueling, and she is even ready for this thing. "

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him, and then pushed the information in his hand to Fei Qingshu, "This is an agreement drafted by Zheng Xueqin when you got married, and there is a formal contract behind it, and you and Zheng Xueling have signed it." "

Seeing the marriage agreement in front of him, Fei Qingshu's face couldn't help but tremble a few times.

"This ...... What does this mean......"

Fei Qingshu still pretended not to know anything.

"We skip the tedious parts and look straight here. "

Lin Can flipped through the contract in front of him, stayed on one of the pages, and circled a few points with his hand.

The contract states that when Party B, that is, you, has an improper relationship with Party A, that is, the opposite sex other than Zheng Xueling, Party A can file for divorce, and Party B must leave the house. "

Lin Can looked directly at Fei Qingshu in front of him, his eyes sharp, "That is to say...... If you cheat, Zheng Xueling can file for divorce from you, and you won't get a penny of her property. "

"That'...... So what?"

Fei Qingshu still said with a look of resistance, "Does this mean that I killed my wife?"

"Look at this again. "

Lin Can handed a woman's identity information in front of Fei Qingshu, "Is this person familiar?"

After seeing the information content on the information, especially the photo of the woman on it, Fei Qingshu's body trembled.

"Yan Xiuying. "

Lin Can looked at Fei Qingshu and said with a chuckle: "A senior female student who is currently studying, she often goes to your elective classes, you should be familiar with it, Dr. Fei?"

"Because of my work at Centec, I don't have a lot of time to take care of at the school, and I have very few classes in a semester, so I can basically count them on both hands. "

Fei Qingshu said: "And there are too many students taking my elective courses, how can I remember clearly." "

"Really, it's come to this point, why do you still have to choose to lie stubbornly? "

Lin Can's tone suddenly became cold, and he pulled out a few photos from under the data, which were surveillance screenshots of Fei Qingshu and Yan Xiuying holding hands and intimately entering and leaving Nanwan.

"Then please tell me who this woman in the photo is!"

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