Seeing the surveillance screenshot in front of him, Fei Qingshu couldn't hold back anymore, "You guys...... You even found this kind of thing?"

"Not only that, but we also found out that the villa you have in Nanwan is not written in your own name, but bought in the name of this female student named Yan Xiuying!"

Lin Can said coldly: "It seems that you are really good enough to this female student, and her name is written directly in such an expensive villa?" The main reason is that I am afraid of being found by Zheng Xueling, so I don't dare to write my name!"

Fei Guoqing looked at the screenshot in front of him in a daze, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"There is also a note to Yan Xiuying on your mobile phone - Xiuying baby, this is not the name of the note that the general relationship will make. "

Lin Can opened his mouth and said: "You and Yan Xiuying are no longer an ordinary teacher-student relationship, but an extramarital affair!"

Because he was worried that his cheating with Yan Xiuying would be exposed, his reputation would be ruined, and he had to leave the house at the same time. "

Lin Can's tone was as cold as ice, "So you designed to kill Zheng Xueling, so you used that bottle of special medicine that was found from you." "

"You know that Zheng Xueling has always had a bad heart, although she has improved after recuperation in the past few years, as long as she drinks that bottle of medicine, it will induce myocardial infarction and lead to death. "

"And it can also reasonably create the illusion of accidental death, because even if an autopsy is done, it is difficult to find any clues on the body of the deceased!"

"But just in case, you still joined Zheng Xueling's family and refused to sign Zheng Xueling's autopsy consent form. "

"Because as long as you can delay a certain amount of time, even if the police apply for an autopsy execution certificate, the medicinal ingredients in the corpse will fade over time, and it will be difficult to be identified. "

Lin Can tapped the table with his fingers, "Now this evidence is enough to suspect that you have a great motive for committing the crime, and you can't escape." "

Hearing this, Fei Qingshu's whole face became a little depressed.

He looked up at Lin Can in front of him, and the other party was right, relying on these evidences, the police could already apply for his detention and carry out the corresponding criminal investigation and interrogation.

"Fei Qingshu, you are a smart person, you should know that since we have investigated to this point, it will definitely not be difficult to continue. "

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and said: "So your best choice is to take the initiative to explain everything, so that you can fight for the possibility of a light hair." "

Fei Qingshu glanced up at Lin Can and Ma Guozhen, and the expression on his face was cloudy.

"You ...... It was only found that I was in and out of the South Bay...... So what?"

Fei Qingshu suddenly stabilized his mood, changed his previous panic, and thought about his words, "The house was originally Yan Xiuying, I just accompanied her there to see the house, and it was inconvenient for my legs and feet, so I just helped her, what's the problem?"

"After all, she is my student, she is lively and cheerful, and she likes to communicate with me, and I can't help it. "

Fei Qingshu said: "As for the mobile phone, I just think she is a very cute girl, so I will give her a note of Cheng Xiuying baby, if the two police officers like it, I can also note the word baby under the mobile phone number of the two digits." "

"To sum up, you can only suspect that I and Yan Xiuying may have an extramarital relationship, but you can't directly characterize me as cheating!"

"Haven't you police always been rigorous in handling cases, why did you label me as cheating and murder so easily today?"

The expression on Fei Qingshu's face became more and more calm, "I understand that your police are eager to solve the case, but everything still has to be meticulous and serious, and you can't wronged a good person like me......"

"Good guys?"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, couldn't help but sneer: "What kind of good person would carry that kind of poison that inhibits the central nervous system?"

"Even if I brought the medicine, does that mean I killed someone with it?"

Fei Qingshu retorted: "Then according to Captain Ma's logic, if I take a fruit knife to cut fruit here, wouldn't there be a high probability that I will commit murder to you?"

Ma Guozhen just wanted to say something, the office door opened, and Lu Jiatao walked in with a USB flash drive.

"As soon as we went to the toilet, the police brought us good news. "

Lu Jiatao said with a smile: "They learned that Zheng Xueling had hired private detectives to investigate Mr. Fei before her death, and those detectives had already investigated a lot of evidence. "

"It's just that before she could hand it over to Zheng Xueling, she was already killed. "

Lu Jiatao said: "This U contains a large amount of evidence investigated by those private detectives, all of which are ironclad evidence of Mr. Fei's cheating. "

Hearing this news, Ma Guozhen's face suddenly became happy, "Old captain, you are really timely!"


Fei Qingshu's face suddenly darkened when he had just calmed down, and he said in an excited tone: "This is impossible!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, let's just look at the contents of the USB flash drive. "

Lu Jiatao smiled while plugging the USB flash drive in his hand into the computer on the table next to him.

He opened the U-room document, which contained some photographs and some audio materials.

"So much evidence...... Which ones should you look at first?"

Lu Jiatao looked at Fei Qingshu on the side and chuckled: "Let's look at the photos first." "

After speaking, Lu Jiatao directly opened a few photos in his Chinese file, and several hidden photos appeared on the screen.

In the photo, there are some intimate photos of Fei Qingshu and Yan Xiuying, as Lu Jiatao turns over the photos one by one, the two of them hold hands and hug each other.

Among them, there are even chuang photos of the two of them, and the scale is very large!

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