Seeing these photos, Fei Qingshu, who had been forcibly calming, completely collapsed.

"How is this possible!"

Fei Qingshu shouted a little hysterically, "I am very careful when I am with Xiuying...... How could anyone be photographed!"

After saying this, Fei Qingshu suddenly realized that he was about to say the wrong thing, and he immediately stopped talking, but it was completely useless.

"Okay, don't quibble, it's those few sentences over and over again, and we're tired of listening to them. "

Ma Guozhen said to Fei Qingshu: "You can still defend yourself a few words before, but now that these photos are bright, what else do you have to say?"

"You can't say that our photos are photoshopped, right?"

Ma Guozhen said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about it, we will conduct a technical appraisal of these photos first, and it will be clear whether they are synthesized or not." "

"The photos are just appetizers, and here's the highlight. "

Looking at Fei Qingshu's extremely frustrated look, the smile on Lu Jiatao's face became even bigger, and he opened the remaining audio file in U, and a familiar voice sounded in the office.

"Everything is ready...... Xue Ling is on vacation today, so will come back to rest with me, and I will have a glass of her favorite red wine ready for her at this time of the week. "

Hearing his voice ringing in the office, Fei Qingshu's eyes suddenly widened to the extreme.

"This ...... How the hell is this done......"

Fei Qingshu listened to the audio of the computer in disbelief, he had completely disregarded to hide himself, and said excitedly: "Who recorded the audio! I watched the decoration of the whole house with my own eyes, and I will supervise the cleaning of the hourly workers, this is impossible to do!"

However, the voice in the computer was still playing.

In the computer audio, Fei Qingshu's voice was full of pride, "According to the custom, she will also drink this glass of red wine I prepared for him tonight." "

"I took great pains to make sure that she could drink this wine without suspicion, otherwise I wouldn't have had the leisure to prepare her a good wine every week. "

"I put a drop in the wine with the company's latest anesthetic, which has strong side effects on people with heart disease, as long as even 0.5 ml is absorbed, there will be a significant paralyzing reaction. "

Fei Qingshu's tone in the current seemed to be a little crazy, "With her physique, she will definitely have a heart attack after drinking, and I will deliberately delay her to be sent to the hospital for rescue, and she will die after losing consciousness." "

"But isn't that medicine a banned drug in your group?"

A female voice rang from the phone, and the voice was impressive, "Hasn't your group stopped producing this anesthetic and destroyed all the drugs in one place?"

"Why are you so stupid...... This head of R&D ...... That's me. "

Fei Qingshu said, "Although those medicines have been destroyed, it is not easy if I want to get a few bottles and keep them on my body?"

"I'm still a little worried...... What if something happens......"

Yan Xiu's tone was full of worry, "I've been watching the news recently...... The police have cracked several important cases one after another......"

"You don't have to worry, of course those J Cha pick good cases and report them, how many unjust cases are squeezed in the archives every year, and those murderers are still at large?"

Fei Qingshu said: "As long as I can be with you, I am willing to do anything!" As soon as Zheng Xueqin dies, I will be able to be with you justifiably, and the Centec Group will also be under my control, I will give you everything you want in life!"

"Then let's hope everything goes well. "

Yan Xiu's English was deep.

Hearing this, the audio ends completely.

Fei Qingshu's whole person seemed to be drained, and he collapsed weakly on the seat.

In the face of such ironclad evidence, he simply couldn't think of any way to fight it.

The audio was at noon the day before yesterday, a few hours before Zheng Xueling was killed. "

Lu Jiatao looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him, "Now do you want to continue to quibble about the fact that you designed to kill Zheng Xueling?"

"I want to hide from the world...... It's not that easy. "

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, said coldly: "Since you designed to kill Zheng Xueling, why did you steal her body?"

"It can't be just to stop us from performing autopsies?"

Ma Guozhen said: "This is not good for you at all, don't you know that this is tantamount to three hundred taels of silver here, and it will only put you in a more suspicious situation?"

"No...... I didn't steal Xue Ling's body!"

Fei Qingshu seemed to have thought of something, "By the way, Zheng Xueling, she is not dead at all!"

"What are you talking nonsense again?"

Ma Guozhen said coldly: "You yourself said in the recording, Zheng Xueling will soon die of illness with her physique after drinking the anesthetic you instilled to inhibit the central nervous system!"

"At first I thought she was dead, but now I understand that she is not dead at all!"

Fei Qingshu hurriedly said: "I admit that I have the intention of murdering her, but she is not dead at all, so I do not have the so-called murder!"

"Why are you so sure that Zheng Xueling is not dead?"

Lin Can on the side suddenly spoke.

"Because of that bottle of medicine!"

Fei Qingshu hurriedly explained: "I really didn't take that bottle of medicine, so it can only be put there by Xue Ling, because this anesthetic is only known to me, Xue Ling and the company's senior management!"

"And this anesthetic may not work in one case, that is, before taking the drug, the psychostimulant DU was taken!"

Fei Qingshu said: "Only Xue Ling and I know this, she must have learned through those private detectives that I was going to harm her, so she took DU in advance, so the anesthetic did not fully take effect!"

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