"It is precisely because anesthetics and drugs are mutually exclusive, one is a drug that inhibits the central nervous system, and the other is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system, so it leads to the phenomenon of suspended animation. "

Fei Qingshu said to Lin Can in front of him: "Professor Lin, didn't you also say that there have been similar cases of fake death before!"

"But if Zheng Xueling learns of your murder plan, she only needs to call the police to deal with it, and there is no need to risk her life to play a game of fake death with you. "

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and said: "As a vice president of a pharmaceutical group company, she shouldn't treat her life as child's play." "

"You don't know her, this woman...... It's a lunatic!"

Fei Qingshu said: "She has always regarded me as her plaything, she thinks that it is impossible for me to get out of her control, and I have been married to her for so many years, I am like a dog in her captivity, and I have no dignity at all!"

"So I know very well that once I anger her, she can do anything, including what I just said!"

"Because she will feel that her plaything is resisting or even murdering her, which is absolutely not allowed for her, so she will not let me go easily, and must torture me!"

"The reason why she did this was to make me feel terrified, to make me feel that I was still under her control, being manipulated by her, and at the same time saddling me with the crime of murder!"

The more Fei Qingshu spoke, the more frightened he became, "This woman is terrible...... She...... She's a devil!"

Seeing Fei Qingshu's appearance, Lin Can and the others couldn't help but glance at each other.

Fei Qingshu is a person who is not good at hiding his emotions and inner thoughts, and judging from his performance just now, it doesn't look like he is acting.

Could it be that all this is really as Fei Qingshu said, this is everything Zheng Xueling's plan, Zheng Xueling arranged for good people to sneak into the funeral home, rescue her from the refrigerator, and then attack Zhang Fengsan and leave the funeral home?

It all sounds a little ridiculous, but there's still a glimmer of possibility.

Lin Can rubbed his temples and quickly went through the whole case in his mind.

The case felt very messy to him, with all sorts of details exposed, but it was difficult to find an accurate answer.

Could it be that you have missed something and neglected?

Thinking of this, Lin Can's eyes became a little deeper, and all the case information began to be like lines, connecting them in his mind one by one.

"It's all your guessing, and until Zheng Xueling shows signs of survival, or until her body is found, you'll be interrogated as a murderer. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Even Zheng Xue, you are suspected of attempted murder, even if Zheng Xueling reaches a settlement with you and does not hold you accountable, you may not be able to be innocent."

"But if you can now account for all your crimes, and Zheng Xueling is really alive as you say, then the punishment for your crimes will be lower. "

Ma Guozhen's tone was serious, "This is the best choice, you can weigh it yourself." "

"I ...... I need to calm down. "

Fei Qingshu's eyes were full of fear, and he got up and said, "I want to go out and make a call......

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen glanced at Lin Can and Lu Jiatao on the side, and after getting their nods, Ma Guozhen greeted the police officers on the side.

Then the police officer followed Fei Qingshu out of the office.

"It looks like the case is almost over. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Fei Qingshu's defense line has completely collapsed, as long as he takes the initiative to admit all the crimes, after getting his testimony, it will be much easier to carry out follow-up evidence collection work." "

"Zheng Xueling's body or herself will be found again, and then the truth of this case will be revealed. "

Ma Guozhen lay back on his chair a little comfortably, and said happily: "This case can be solved in less than half a day...... Professor Lin and the old captain went out together, and the efficiency was extraordinary!"

Lu Jiatao on the side also smiled and didn't say anything.

"It's not that simple. "

Lin Can suddenly spoke: "I think there are still some doubts in this case. "


Ma Guozhen said with some surprise: "Do you think Fei Qingshu lied somewhere before?"

He has already admitted that he killed someone, Fei Qingshu can be with Zheng Xueling for money, and he can kill Zheng Xueling for money and Xiaosan's design, people like him will not be stupid enough to deliberately lie without killing people to take the blame for someone. "

Lin Can said: "He may not be lying...... But there may be some problems with his cognition. "

"What does that mean?"

Ma Guozhen's face became more and more confused, and he looked at Lin Can in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

In other words...... He may have been deceived. "

Lin Can said slowly.


Lu Jiatao on the side also said with a surprised face: "Which aspect do you mean?"

Lin Can said: "There is no conclusive evidence at present, and it is difficult for me to explain it to you, but one thing is certain, that is, this case will never end so soon." "

Looking at Lin Can's unfathomable appearance, Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao both showed some uncertain looks.

However, Ma Guozhen has always trusted Lin Can very much, since Lin Can said that there are still problems with the case, it means that this case will not end so simply!

Jingle bells.

A loud cell phone rang abruptly in the office.

Ma Guozhen immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after glancing at the number on the mobile phone screen, he answered the call directly.

PS: Ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_

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