"Horse team, we found a lot of women's footprints on this side of the back mountain. "

The voice of the police officer immediately came from the phone.

"Found footprints?"

Ma Guozhen's face was a little surprised, "In addition to the footprints of the woman, are there any other people's footprints?"

"Not yet. "

The officer responded, and through the subtle ticking sound coming from his mobile phone, he could still hear that it was raining very heavily outside.

"Protect those footprints, and we'll go over and see them right away. "

After speaking, Ma Guozhen immediately hung up the phone.

Ma Guozhen greeted Lin Can and Lu Jiatao, and then left the office together.

Coming to the back door of the funeral home, Fei Qingshu was holding out his mobile phone and making a call, but no one seemed to be connected on the other side of the phone.

After seeing Ma Guozhen and the others coming out of it, his face was a little surprised.

"We have something to do and need to go out. "

Ma Guozhen instructed the police officer not far away: "You take good care of Mr. Zhufei, and after he makes a phone call, let him go back to the office and stay, we will come back at any time." "


The officer immediately replied.

Seeing Ma Guozhen and the others leaving with umbrellas, Fei Qingshu's eyes couldn't help but become a little strange.

He looked at the quiet and deep mountain forest behind him, and Fei Qingshu suddenly seemed to remember something, and his face turned a little pale.

"I knew it was ......"

Fei Qingshu continued to dial the phone in his hand while his eyes glanced around.

The voice broadcast that the other party's mobile phone was turned off kept coming from the mobile phone, but Fei Qingshu still kept trying to dial.

His eyes swept and when he saw an electronic clock in the funeral home, Fei Qingshu's face trembled again.

The electronic clock was apparently malfunctioning, and it was stuck on June 28, five years ago

Fei Qingshu stared at the time in front of him, as if he had seen something terrifying, and his lips trembled slightly.

At the same time, the mobile phone in his hand was finally connected, and Yan Xiuying's voice came from the phone, "Teacher Fei......"

"Why did you turn on the phone to answer the phone, I have called you several times!"

Fei Qingshu's tone was a little anxious, "Didn't I tell you to keep your phone open at all times?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fei, a strange person has been calling me just now......"

Yan Xiuying said: "After I answered the phone, the other side refused to speak. "

"After I hung up, the man immediately gave the phone again, and over and over again, until I stopped answering the phone from him, and he kept calling me, so I simply turned off the phone for a while. "

Yan Xiuying lowered her voice and said, "You're over there...... J Cha didn't find any problems, did he?"

"They've already investigated the situation...... Just waiting for me to voluntarily surrender to them and admit the details of the crime. "

Fei Qingshu said dejectedly: "I don't know what to do now." "

"How so?"

Yan Xiuying's voice was a little anxious, "Then isn't your current situation very dangerous?"

"It's not the most dangerous ......"

Fei Qingshu said: "The most terrifying thing is...... I found out that Zheng Xueling may still be alive!"

"What did you say? She's still alive?"

Yan Xiuying's tone was full of disbelief, "Didn't you watch her drink the red wine with the potion, and then you personally sent her to the hospital?"

"That's true, right...... But I suspect that Zheng Xueling noticed my actions in advance, so she knocked Du in advance!"

Fei Qingshu said with a sad face: "I can feel that her revenge against me has begun! I can see all kinds of details, all of which are hints she gave me!"

"How can such a thing ......?"

Yan Xiu's anger became more and more anxious, "Where are you, I want to find you!"


Fei Qingshu said: "I am in the hands of the police now, if you come over, the police may suspect you." "

"Then I can't just stay at home and wait......"

Yan Xiuying said: "I'm also scared when I'm alone here, just now there was someone who didn't know what identity suddenly knocked on the door, and I never dared to open the door." "

"There's a knock on the door, you can, don't open the door!"

Fei Qingshu's face was shocked, and he hurriedly asked: "By the way, you said that someone has been making harassing calls to you, you can report that mobile phone number to me." "

"Okay, you wait a minute. "

After a few seconds, Yan Xiuying read out a few numbers, "XXXXXXXXXXX"

After hearing these numbers, Fei Qingshu's face was extremely dark, "This is Yan Xiuying's mobile phone!"

Yan Xiuying on the other side of the mobile phone was obviously a little frightened, "...... who was knocking on the door before"

"It's probably her!"

Fei Qingshu said in an accentuated tone: "You must pay attention, you must lock the door, and all the windows in the house must also be closed and locked, and then the curtains must be closed!"

"I ...... I got it!"

Yan Xiuying's tone was a little panicked, "There is a window on the second floor that I opened...... I'm going to close it now!"


Fei Qingshu seemed to think of something, "She may have climbed up from the second floor, you bring a fruit knife before you go up...... If she does come in, you can defend yourself with a knife......"

Hearing Fei Qingshu's serious tone, Yan Xiuying became more and more scared, "Then I'll go to the kitchen now......"


The mobile phone in his hand suddenly rang, and Yan Xiuying's voice suddenly stopped.

Fei Qingshu looked at his mobile phone with a confused expression.

It turned off at this time when there was no power!

He hurriedly pressed and held the power button of his mobile phone, and after the mobile phone screen lit up for a few seconds, a display frame with insufficient power popped up, and then the black screen automatically shut down again!

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